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Babcock Australia & New Zealand

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Diversity at Babcock Australia & New Zealand

8.3 rating for Diversity, based on 37 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
A strong focus on women in the defence force is being placed. Quite a multicultural workplace. Everyone is friendly with everyone.
Graduate, Perth - 19 Jul 2024
There are not many women in the Engineering space but plenty of women are involved in other areas of the business.
Graduate, Adelaide - 19 Jul 2024
There are far more females here that I thought there would be in such a company. I also note that we have such a strong diversity with a wide variety of cultures.
Graduate, Adelaide - 19 Jul 2024
There's certainly diversity.
Graduate, Adelaide - 16 Jul 2024
Babcock realise that a workforce of diverse backgrounds and ways of thinking is a strength. They have set short- and long-term goals pertaining to more balanced gender representation.
Graduate, Adelaide - 15 Jul 2024
Not many females.
Graduate, Auckland - 10 Jul 2024
I'm aware that Babcock provides maternity leave and has a drive to recruit women to reach a certain percentage which is higher than other companies, I don't remember the exact percentage.
Graduate, Adelaide - 09 Jul 2024
Very Inclusive based that when at work, you don't feel set apart from others
Graduate, Auckland - 09 Jul 2024
I come from a diverse background and feel very comfortable and everyone is lovely
Graduate, Adelaide - 09 Jul 2024
I came into Babcock hiding being LGBT at first. As a result, a lot of people were quite confused about me, so my manager stepped up and asked in an indirect way to ensure I was comfortable at work. I told him about myself and my life, and he turned out to be accepting, as with everyone in his team. Other LGBT people in the firm are treated by everyone from the dockyard to office with the same respect, and valued for their work rather than who they are. In terms of women, there are very few women on base compared to men. I found this change quite significant having come from a female dominated industry. The company makes an effort to recognise women, particularly in engineering. There is also an effort to build community among women with there being a Wahine/female collective on base.
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Jun 2024
The company does an excellent job in addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion. Retention continues to be a challenge and seems to be related to the workload.
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Jun 2024
We are more committed than most of the defence industry but do not hold it in as high regard as some other companies. We support women in STEM roles and have higher percentages than the rest of the defence industry in this respect. However, we have a long way to go to reach our targets.
Graduate, Adelaide - 24 Jun 2024
We have a great array of Females in STEM leadership positions alongside supporting leave types to the individual without hesitation which is great to see
Graduate, Melbourne - 24 Jun 2024
Range of individuals from all walks of life , gender equality is quite prevalent
Graduate, Auckland - 24 Jun 2024
Cant speak to it
Midlevel, Auckland - 19 Apr 2023
Babcock has gender neutral maternity leave. I've never seen or experienced prejudice for any difference, be it race, sexuality, ethnic origin or personality. Babcock employs people of all sexes, ethnicity and sexual preferences.
Graduate, Adelaide - 13 Apr 2023
I think the working environment is very inclusive, and definitely diverse. I think the number of women in the company is growing, and I am hoping to see more if this growth as time passes. In terms of retention, I have not been in the company long enough to comment on it, but I think that the company is starting to change things to make the retention rate better. As a young professional with no children, it seems like the childcare and maternity leave are quite flexible as the company has both maternity and paternity leave available as an option to employees, and as the workday is flexible, childcare seems possible.
Graduate, Auckland - 13 Apr 2023
Great diversity within the company across all areas.
Graduate, Auckland - 13 Apr 2023
They have a good push for diversity within the company with policies in place to have a certain number of women in the company before a certain time.
Graduate, Adelaide - 12 Apr 2023
General company employment seems to be quite diverse in regard to employing both genders. Inductions also help educate on diversity which is good. (This is just from viewing people in the office and company policies, I don't have enough information on general company hiring processes to make broad remarks).
Graduate, perth - 11 Apr 2023
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?
Nothing that i know of
Midlevel, Auckland - 19 Apr 2023
Babcock donates and sponsors to events supporting STEM in less privileged backgrounds.
Graduate, Adelaide - 13 Apr 2023