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BAE Systems Australia

  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees


I like to try and get one task finished around this time and get started on another. I find this workflow works well so it’s easier to get going in the morning if I’ve already half completed a task.

7.00 AM

In the office: Wake up, get ready for work, have some breakfast and pack my bag for the day.

WFH: Sleep.

8.00 AM

In the office: Leave for work, catch the train into the CBD.

WFH: Sleep.

8.30 AM

In the office: Arrive at work at a good time to get a desk by the window; good views for the day are a must! Get set up and make myself a coffee, start checking emails and what work is unfinished from day before

WFH: Start my day with breakfast and put on some comfy clothes (trackies in winter are ideal).

9.00 AM

WFH: Log into work network from home and get started, finishing off any tasks from day before.

9.30 AM

Daily stand up meeting. Within our team (roughly 6 people) we talk about what we did the day before and what we will be doing today. Great chance to ensure everyone is at the same point within our project and chance to ask questions to my team.

9.45 AM

Work on tasks for the day. Tasks usually include modelling (Simulink), coding (MATLAB), simulation, testing, and a little bit of report writing.

11.00 AM

Algorithms team meeting (once every two weeks). We get together all the algorithm engineers in the department to talk about the different work across the teams. Also usually have 2 people give a presentation, great chance to learn more about someone’s work and how they’ve gone about it. Can get quite informative and highly detailed.

12.00 PM

Lunch time! 

At the office location there’s a plethora of food options next door like burritos, sushi, rolls, dumplings, etc. If I’m at home I’ll make myself up a nice sandwich.

1.00 PM

Back to work. I like to try and get one task finished around this time and get started on another. I find this workflow works well so it’s easier to get going in the morning if I’ve already half completed a task.

2.00 PM

Department wide meeting (once a week). Similar to our algorithm meetings but includes software and systems team too. Gives more clear overview on how the current project is tracking and where we heading next.

2.30 PM

Continue work for rest of the day. Usually involves calling up different people and working together. Collaborative work is not only encouraged but is really the only way to actually get work done when you’re working with such complex material.

5.00 PM

Finish half an hour earlier if in the office and catch the tram home. At home will work through till 5:30.

6.30 PM

Depending on the day I’ll either head off to sports training (hockey in winter, cricket in summer) or hit up the gym for some exercise. I may also have to umpire a game for hockey

8.30 PM

Dinner time! Bit later than I’d like but eating before sport doesn’t end well. Sometimes I’ll go to a local quiz night with friends after dinner, or just sit and watch some Netflix with my housemates. Video games are also highly likely.

11.00 PM

Back to bed ready for the day tomorrow. 

If it’s a Friday may (read: definitely will) be over at a friend's place for a gathering or have headed down to the local for a bev.