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BAE Systems Australia

  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees


7.00 AM

Alarm goes off and out of bed.

7.10 AM

Time for coffee.  A good engineer is a caffeinated one. Then time to get ready.

8.00 AM

Leave for work after selecting some appropriate music to listen to for the drive. Today is a good day for some pop punk, but then when isn’t it a good day for pop punk? Arrive at BAE Systems Australia at Edinburgh Parks, saying hello to familiar faces while walking to my building.

9.00 AM

Checked emails and made notes of the main things to do today, a few meetings in the mix so prepare for them.

9.15 AM

Daily team stand-up. We are using scrum in my team, so each morning we have a 15 minute meeting to go through what we have done yesterday, what we plan to do today and any issues we are encountering.

9.30 AM

Stand-up has finished so have some prep to do for my 10:00am meeting. I’ll be running a creativity workshop with stakeholders to investigate a new user interface for a system I’m working on, so there are a lot of things to collect such as pens, paper, creativity prompts, sticky notes etc.

9.50 AM

Arrive for 10:00am meeting. I like to be early to make sure the room is suitable and set anything up I need.

10.00 AM

Stakeholders arrive for the meeting. I introduce the problem we are attempting to solve in the meeting and how the meeting is going to be run. I quite like to get participants to do a “crazy eight” idea generation technique, where individuals try to generate eight ideas in eight minutes then results are shared in the group. We discuss many possible options and come up with a way to proceed with the ideas generated in the session.

11.30 AM

Pack up the meeting room and gather any generated ideas which will be scanned. I make sure to capture all the outputs of the creativity session to make sure we can reference them at any time.

11.45 AM

Time to check emails and maybe if I’m lucky, write a few lines of code. ☺

12.15 PM

Might get a bit distracted by code… but lunch time! Pasta is in order today.

1.00 PM

Back to work, now where was I at with this code?

1.45 PM

Finished investigating the bug in the system I was looking into so I prepare it for code review. Code reviews are within the team so all I have to do is ask around to find someone who can spare the time.

2.00 PM

Walk over to the on-site cafeteria to grab a coffee and have a catch-up with my mentor. My mentor is within the company and we catch-up around once a month over coffee to discuss my goals and any other things going on with our lives.

3.00 PM

Need to run a few measurements on some hardware in the lab, so head over there and get the software running up to make the measurements. Sometimes I get to tinker with some of the hardware – software engineer touching hardware?! Shock horror! - which is something I never thought I would do in my career, though I’ve found it fun and learnt a lot more by doing it.

BAE System Michelle Horne

4.00 PM

Meet with the current graduate committee. Though I haven’t been a graduate for a few years now, I still engage with the current graduate committee as a supporting member. We engage with the BAE graduates by providing news, opportunities and events.

5.00 PM

Start heading home, or at least planning too. Chat to work friends while getting ready to go.

7.00 PM

Grab something to eat. A new sushi place opened up so that’s the plan tonight.

8.30 PM

Fit in some time to relax and play some video games. Got to get those last few moons in Super Mario Odyssey!

9.30 PM

Prepare for the next day and off to bed looking forward to all the opportunities to come.

Thinking of experiencing life as a BAE Systems Graduate? Sign up to GradAustralia to receive job alerts for BAE Systems Graduate.