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BAE Systems Australia

  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees


5.50 AM

The alarm goes off, I let it snooze at least once then get up and go to the gym.

7.00 AM

Back home. I love cooking, so I make sure I make a nice breakfast to have with my coffee while watching a bit of morning TV. Poached eggs on toast are my favourite.

7.30 AM

Start getting ready for work.

8.00 AM

Drive to work and listen to my favourite audiobook.

8.30 AM

Arrive at work, log in to my computer then check my emails and calendar for the day/week. I like to take a few minutes to plan my work for the day and take note of any meetings or deadlines.

8.45 AM

Start working on my tasks. I started configuring a server yesterday by connecting it in our build room and initiating an operating system install. Today, I’m going to ensure that the install completed successfully. After that, I will configure the server according to the user requirements and install any cybersecurity software that is required prior to moving the server to the datacentre.

10.00 AM

Time for the daily stand-up meeting. This meeting allows the team members to inform each other on the progress of our work and collaborate to address any difficulties encountered.

10.30 AM

The team goes out for a walk to grab a coffee. We talk about what we did the night before and sometimes discuss our favourite TV shows.

10.40 AM

My supervisor and I are both happy with the server configuration. It is now ready for transportation to the datacentre. As safety always comes first, I ask a teammate to help transport the server. We go to the datacentre and install the server. I then get back to my desk and ensure all systems are functioning as intended.

12.00 PM

Time to grab some lunch! I sometimes walk to the canteen and have lunch with all the other graduates. Today, I’ll go out with my team and have a Vietnamese roll with extra chilli. That’s a team favourite.

1.00 PM

Weekly meeting with my line manager. We go through the weekly task planning and ensure that I am assigned tasks that are in line with the competencies I would like to develop as per my graduate development plan.

1.30 PM

The virtual reality headset my team ordered has arrived. It needs a software and hardware assessment done but I’ll run through the inbuilt demo first just for fun.

2.30 PM

Say good-bye to my teammate for the day. He has to go pick up the kids from school and will work from home for the rest of the afternoon.

Cybersecurity compliance check. I generate a report and perform routine checks to ensure that our systems are protected against cyber threats.

3.30 PM

Fortnightly meeting with my graduate functional manager. We touch base to update my graduate development plan and discuss future rotation opportunities.

4.00 PM

I’ll review my daily work plan and perform a final check of my emails. I take notes so that I can address anything non-urgent tomorrow.

5.00 PM

Time to head home and relax for a bit.

6.00 PM

This is usually the time I start preparing dinner. I will, however, go out this evening and join some of the graduates for dinner with some of our friends we went to university with. Great way to share our graduate experiences.

7.30 PM

Back home. Turn on the PS4 and play my favourite fighting games online.

8.30 PM

Wind down by either reading a book or watching some TV.

10.00 PM

Turn off all electronics and go to bed. Might take me a bit of time to actually fall asleep but at least I eliminate distractions and aim for a good night’s sleep.