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Commonwealth Bank

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Management at Commonwealth Bank

8.5 rating for Management, based on 45 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
Managers are always available, very responsive and approachable. They stay on top of feedback and recognising the work that I do.
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Sep 2024
Managers are extremely approachable, again reinforcing the idea of everyone is there to help one another and grow with each other; sometimes managers can get bogged down with workload, so if it is important, remind them it is and they are always willing to help or point you in the right direction, dont be afraid to ask questions. As with all organisations some people do and dont make good mentors, those who do are excellent. Internal performance feedback is interesting, if a manager is proactive, which most of them are they are very open about giving both positive and constructive feedback, all with the aim of seeing you grow. Gaining this feedback for growth can be sometime tricky again because of the managers workload, so if you are clear with expectations around what you want from your leader and how you like to receive your feedback manager will make time for you and work together with you. Praise and recognition is highly championed, especially within individual teams. Managers, peers and others are always on the look out for opportunities to call out excellent outcomes. These are highly celebrated.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Sep 2024
Managers are very accessible, and mostly always happy to help a graduate. They make great mentors due to their years of experience. Some of them have mentored grads before, making them well-practiced in how to develop a graduate to their full potential. Internal communication depends on a managers preference, but mostly done through MS Teams chats and meetings.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
- Great support networks. There are multiple avenues of support from different managers as a grad. - Working in product, you're assigned a Chapter Lead for personal/career development & a Product Owner for managing your work load. - High visibility to impact - Praise and recognitions is quite active especially from business leaders.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
I've had great mentors over my 8 months here.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
Good managers so far - some managers are extremely busy, so it becomes difficult to schedule a lot of time with them. Resource managers genuinely seem to have your best interests at heart and want you to develop
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Sep 2024
My second rotation manager is excellent. I found it hard to communicate with my first manager.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
Managers are great and accessible/helpful. Very supportive with anything we need as analysts. Encourage recognition within the team.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
My manager is super accessible and helpful. They have a great attitude and know when they can help or when someone else may be better depending on the issue. I have consistent opportunities for feedback as well as quarterly formal feedback discussions. However I have been in teams where the manager is regularly unavailable and would not provide feedback unless specifically asked.
Insights Analyst (previous Graduate), Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
All my managers have been nothing but great always giving me great feedback having open conversation and allowing me to be involved in big events such as assistant scrum master of the teams Big room planning. Recognition for great work is provided and you get a sense that we hav more then a worker manager relationship they actually care about your learning want you improve
Graduate, Melbourne - 12 Sep 2024
Managers I've had are great mentors and I have found that they are easy to speak to and excited about the work that they will have you involved in
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
All my managers that I have had at CBA have been great mentors and a source of information to receive information on where to go for solutions and how to further my own development. They are great at coordinating teams and send appropriate praises and recognitions for their members work
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
They are accessible to some extent but I think that they also have a lot of work and sometimes as a grad you do think that you are hassling them or that you are some level of a burden.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
My managers have been highly accessible. My resource manager is an excellent mentor who has been beyond helpful throughout the whole program thus far. I feel I can go to her whenever I have issues, and she has been great at providing in-depth, detailed feedback on my performance.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Sep 2024
My previous manager at the bank was accessible but i found them very unapproachable. I am not confident that they make a good mentor. I dont think i want to be like them. I dont look up to them for much other than policy and technical skills. as a leader, they are unremarkable due to their lack of empathy and compassion. I found some of their feedback to be unfounded, as in not based in facts. but other times, their feedback has been genuine. I dont often see them praise or recognise others. My current manager is really well liked within the team and bank. She is really busy but i think she makes a good mentor. It has only been a few weeks so i cant comment on feedback etc
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
I would say that the managers are accessible if they want to be. Just as much as they can be good mentors if they want to be. It's the job of the company to ensure they are promoting individuals that do have that desire to be accessible and mentor those who have potential within the business. Every manager's style is different, and it's important to find a team that has the right style for you.
Accounts Manager (previous Grad), Brisbane - 11 Sep 2024
My direct manager is great and very available. I can have very open conversations and feel recognised for my work.
Associate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
Managers and mentors are generally very good, not too strict and foster development.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
The managers that I have had so far have been great. They have been super supportive and have ensured that I know who to go to for help when they are busy. They have been proactive with feedback and always happy to give recognition when you accomplish something.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Sep 2024
In my current role, very accessible and great at providing feedback and help.
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Aug 2023