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Commonwealth Bank

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Commonwealth Bank

8.1 rating for Recruitment, based on 45 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Standard large corporate recruitment process, with 2 interview rounds, a fairly approachable group assessment, psychometric testing.
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Sep 2024
1. Submit application 2. Virtual assessment centre (testing) 3. Video interviews 4. Group assessment centre 5. 2:1 interviews 6. Line manager interview
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Sep 2024
I started with a video interview, and then received an invitation to a 1:1 interview and Assessment centre. A brief was sent prior to the assessment centre so that I had time to prepare. The assessment centre involved me working with a group to answer a brief and present, all in the space of 30 minutes. The entire process went smoothly, and I received a call about my acceptance a few days after completing the interview process.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
- Very straight forward and comfortable. - Quick response. - Streamlined process with only 4 stages: Application, Psychometric assessment, Digital interview & Assessment centre.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
Online pre-screening, individual and group assessment centre.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
Pretty good process, timeline was quite slow tho. The assessments were pretty standard, but the group activity felt quite relevant and also very interesting
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Sep 2024
Interview process begins with the application, followed by a psychometric test. After this came a digital interview and then the assessment centre day. In the assessment centre day, we had a virtual interview with two staff members before a group activity with other candidates in which we were given a problem to solve in 30 minutes.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
There was 4 stages to the interview; online assessment (pattern recognition and behavioural), Online pre recorded interview, 2:1 interview and a group interview/ activity. This is standard/ comparable to others I did.
Insights Analyst (previous Graduate), Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
It was pretty smooth you have a rapid fire rotating forum interview where 5 people from the bank come in and out of the teams meeting and ask questions to get to know you how you fit with the bank it was a really good experience. The group assessment is after this is where you are put into a team with 5 other candidates and you have to work together through the problem they will give you a brief before hand so you can prepare but in the assessment 5 mins to go they switch the prompt just to see how you react as a team as thats what the bank is Ultimately built on team work
Graduate, Melbourne - 12 Sep 2024
One aspect of the interviews were a "speed interviewing" process where you would spend 15 minutes between 4 assessors and they would be able to ask you questions which keeps yours responses short and concise. There is also a group work process where you will be gathered as a group with other candidates to help answer a problem statement
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
The interview process involves a psychometric exam, digital interview, virtual interview, and assessment centre to complete. Although the entire interview process is online, there are many points of contact throughout the process to contact recruitment for any questions I had. The assessments were good in assessing behavioural and teamwork abilities, but did lack technical questions.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
As a grad the process is quite standard across the industry. You submit your application which then prompts you to do an online aptitude test or some kind of assessment online. From there you do a video interview and then a face to face interview and then a group activity which is followed by a written activity. The process is quite rigorous.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
Virtual Interview is a challenging obstacle as it is powered by AI and could miss a lot of high potential individuals.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
The interview process was relatively straight forward. It consisted of an online assessment, a digital interview, and an assessment centre (which consisted of a group activity and written activity). I found their interviewers very warm and insightful. I didn't once feel uncomfortable or unwelcomed.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Sep 2024
I was given an offer for the grad programme after my internship, however, they did not hold my offer as i was unable to finish my uni courses due to covid. They were still able to fast track me through to the last round interviews though. It was stressful but i understand that it was fair that way.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
I personally enjoyed the interview process to enter the grad program. It was clearly tailored in a way to attract certain individuals that complemented the roles. Having the mix of 1:1 and group interviews is really important in selecting quality candidates as well as giving people the opportunity to succeed in different environments as not everyone has the opportunity to demonstrate their skill in group setting for example.
Accounts Manager (previous Grad), Brisbane - 11 Sep 2024
Interview process was smooth, however I remember it taking a while between some rounds
Associate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
Written application + video interviews (8-10 questions which was quite alot) 2-1 interview with senior leaders & assessment centre for group activity.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
The hiring process was a little lengthy but there was solid communication throughout. Firstly there was an aptitude test, followed by a virtual interview. Then the assessment centre involved a group activity and 4 x 15 minute interviews.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Sep 2024
Smooth process but daunting through the group interview
Graduate, Adelaide - 11 Sep 2024
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Standard questions.
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Sep 2024
The virtual video interviews are about getting to know who you are as a person and what your personality is like, how you present and explanation of some prior experiences. The Group assessment centre you are given a problem statement with a select amount of time to solve it as a group. With the 2:1 interviews, there are two Leaders from the area you will be going into who ask questions relating to task specific circumstances and how you would handle yourself in certain scenarios. The last line manager interview is the last tick of approval before being successful; it is a good opportunity to meet each other face to face and ask any questions you might have.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Sep 2024
I was asked quite a few questions, most notably about how I help others in a team, challenges I have overcome, my passions and reasons for wanting to join the bank.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
Why CommBank? - Why did you apply for The chose stream? - Behavioural questions relating to team work, team communication, adaptability and project management. - Extra curricular commitment related questions
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
I can't remember - it was 2 years ago.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
Generic behavioural questions, questions about technical background, interests, how you apply tech/programming skills to interests
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Sep 2024
What type of person I am and what type of person I want to become
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
I do not remember the questions I was specifically asked.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
Mix of questions about me, previous experience and situational questions.
Insights Analyst (previous Graduate), Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
The main questions where more about yourself and why you want to be a part of the bank and the program they did ask a bit about your technical background but they were looking for mainly to see if your fit well into the program and were going to take full advantage of the oppertunity given
Graduate, Melbourne - 12 Sep 2024
Questions based on experience, past work, duties in technical work at uni
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
Primarily behavioural questions, with some scenario based questioning on times when you have worked with a difficult colleague, received feedback, or had improved on a process in previous work experiences.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
Behavioural questions. Those relating to times I have worked in a group or faced difficulties and how I overcame them. Also questions involving why I want to work at CBA over other places.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
Quite a few boilerplate questions as you would expect. The more interesting questions I was asked were centred around the customer and my own personal experience.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Sep 2024
I dont remember
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
I recall being asked some behaviour-based questions and why I was applying for the role. I was also asked if I was interviewing at other firms as well. I don't recall being asked anything that took be my surprise. Mind you, my background of study is Human Resources (company culture) and Data Science so my opinion may be biased as I am probably more educated in the hiring space than a candidate without that study.
Accounts Manager (previous Grad), Brisbane - 11 Sep 2024
General questions about my degree, why I wanted to pursue Analytics, different projects I've worked on, "tell me about a time when" type of questions.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
Tell me a about a time where you went above and beyond for a customer? Describe a time when you identified a risk and how you mitigated it? Talk about a new technology that fascinates you. Tell me a time where you worked in a group and what role you played.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Sep 2024
Cannot remember as I interviewed back in 2022 for the 2022/23 Internship
Graduate, Adelaide - 11 Sep 2024
I interned in bank's internal property and facility mgmt team so my questions were not related to finance at all. I was asked questions about Building Information Modelling software and also on what steps I would use to determine whether a location was suitable for the bank to open up a new branch in.
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Aug 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Be well researched, let your personality shine through, don't just say what you think they want to hear.
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Sep 2024
1. Have a personality, and dont be afraid to show it, assessors love interesting people with new perspectives on problems. 2. Be very prepared to articulate why you are applying, you are likely to be far more successful if you can clearly answer the simple question "so why CommBank?". 3. Research research and more research - have some interesting economic stories/trends to talk about and know what CommBank (the company) is going in the economy/community.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Sep 2024
I would recommend candidates practice the 'STAR' method (situation, task, action, result) when answering questions, and to have an answers prepared. When receiving the brief, candidates should research the company values and current trends to help them bring value to the assessment centre and assist in presenting a strong idea. I would also say to be yourself! Personality shining through will help assessors understand the culture fit, and how they will best work in a team and at the company.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
- During interviews, express how you demonstrated our core values (care, courage, commitment) in past experiences. - Echo what you're seeking from CBA, what value you can bring, and how CBA can help you grow.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
Research the company, related markets and be YOU.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
Make sure you research CBA initiatives and be prepared to talk about the intersection between tech and your interests
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Sep 2024
Be very genuine in who you are. Interviews are also for you to see if the company is a good fit for your personality at the time. Use it as an opportunity to see if it is the place for you
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
Speak from experience, use the SMART methodology to answer questions, be as honest and genuine as you can be, do not memorise answers
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
To best prepare I would recommend researching the company, understand their values and any recent initiatives they have launched that interest you and try to tie this into your answers.
Insights Analyst (previous Graduate), Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
Read the brief document provided to you by the talent team and learn about some initiatives the bank are involved with at the time. My biggest tip is to just be yourself enjoy the process by doing that you will be able to show your talents the interviewers
Graduate, Melbourne - 12 Sep 2024
Ensure you try your best to show great behavioural skills along with your technical skills. As such, the most important characteristic for a grad would be their attitude, rather than their aptitude.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
I would recommend studying CBA's suite of products and knowing how each of them 'build a brighter future for all' as our main slogan. Brush up on behavioural based questioning and using the STAR method with memorised examples
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
Knowing our core values of Care, Courage & Commitment and embodying them through the individual interview is a must. But also, be yourself and make sure you have great examples of when you have displayed our values.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
Gain an understanding of the company's values and upcoming objectives and also the external banking/finance environment. Keep a customer-centric and risk mindset.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
Be yourself! Get involved in group conversations. Preparation can be tough but if you get familiar with CBA's values and projects, you'll find it gives you a lens through which certain questions can be answered.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Sep 2024
I would recommend that they reach out to someone who has worked for the company in a role they are applying for and ask them for feedback on the role. I do think some people get surprised by what banking actually entails when they start here if they are coming straight from uni. It's important to attend events and speak to people in the industry to fully understand what you are getting yourself into.
Accounts Manager (previous Grad), Brisbane - 11 Sep 2024
I think the biggest thing is to be passionate and show that you are willing to learn.
Associate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
By yourself and know your experiences/past projects well because they'll ask you alot to draw from the past.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
I think one of the best things you can do is review the company values and initiatives. If you can think of examples for each value, or intertwine them within your answers you will be setting yourself up for success. Be your authentic self and don't be afraid to show some personality. Don't stress too much about the technical side of things, that can all be taught. It's important to demonstrate you can work in a team and have a growth mindset.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Sep 2024
Everyone in the group interview is just as nervous and is just as stressed out as you. Put the nerves aside and have fun with it
Graduate, Adelaide - 11 Sep 2024