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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Corporate Social Responsibility at CSIRO

8.3 rating for Corporate Social Responsibility, based on 52 reviews
What projects/initiatives does your employer run and what have you worked on personally?
CSIRO does plenty of things to be socially responsible and ensure positive impact Australia wide as well as international communities worldwide. I have not worked on any projects specifically but one that stands out is v2 foods and their work to introduce plant-based whoppers at Hungry Jacks which has been a success.
Graduate, Melbourne - 31 Aug 2024
CSIRO is not only touting recycling, they are inventing new ways to do it.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Aug 2024
I think it is built into the organisation.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Newcastle - 29 Aug 2024
no opinion
Graduate, Darwin - 28 Aug 2024
the projects they work on are often for the good of all Australians/ people
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Aug 2024
Very focused on CSR in most projects (usually a requirement or at least aspect to investigate)
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Aug 2024
There is a Sustainability Team that is moving towards increased mindfulness of waste and the environment.
Graduate, Brisbane - 19 Aug 2024
Bring a mug into work day Plastic free July
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Jul 2024
CSIRO is too large to comment in detail on this matter. I am aware that CSIRO provides funding for First Nation and community innovation. CSIRO also provides educational resources.
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Jul 2024
CSIRO takes their ethical responsibility very seriously from what I have seen. I hope the company continues to work on their suitable responsibility as that is something that I think should be continuously developed.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Townsville - 10 Jul 2024
I don't have any information on this
Graduate, Adelaide - 09 Jul 2024
My team and others are very proactive in improving out CSR e.g. participating in green challenges, buying ethically sourced materials.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Jul 2024
no comment
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Jul 2024
I'm honestly not sure and it is something I will investigate.
Intern, Brisbane - 08 Jan 2022
CSIRO often runs research aimed at benefiting humanity as much as possible so have great corporate social responsibility.
Intern, Canberra - 23 Dec 2021
I have not been at the company long enough to comment.
Intern, Melbourne - 20 Dec 2021
All research projects aim to have a positive impact on the world. We also have ethics review processes for research that impacts humans or uses private data.
Intern, Sydney - 17 Dec 2021
I have not worked on any personally and I'm not aware of any. I answer 5 because I don't know of any.
Graduate, Hobart - 17 Dec 2021
I don't know what CSR is but I am assume they are pretty good at addressing it
Intern, Hobart - 17 Dec 2021
CSIRO as a government organisation has a strong emphasis on the public good, with many works aimed at reducing climate impact and improving people's lives. Much of my work has been on trying to improve energy efficiency/reduce environmental impact, particularly in the mining and metal refining industries
Intern, Melbourne - 10 Dec 2021