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Application Process & Interviews at CSIRO

8.5 rating for Recruitment, based on 56 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
It all started with an online application resume and cover letter attached Next was an online assessment (verbal, numerical logical reasoning) and personality/working style test. This was followed by a short prerecorded video interview answering a few basic interview questions The final step was the assessment centre that involved three parts: 1. A question and answer with current staff. 2. Breakout room interview where you get a case study and discuss it in a group. 3. Individual interview where you got asked 4 simple interview questions with the opportunity to ask 2 questions yourself at the end to the interview panel.
Graduate, Melbourne - 31 Aug 2024
The process involved talking to the main recruitment officer, passing on my CV, 2 interviews and picking a project.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Aug 2024
Very respectful and efficient, as opposed to NSW State Government roles I have applied for.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Newcastle - 29 Aug 2024
Both a written application and person to person interview took place. There were security requirements (police check) that needed to be completed. The process was mostly online and was easy to complete.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Townsville - 29 Aug 2024
excellent promised me everything I needed to come to CSIRO for my PhD research and to work there
Graduate, Darwin - 28 Aug 2024
simple two rounds of interviews
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Aug 2024
Formal interview process - questions asked and general 'get to know' conversation.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Aug 2024
The interview process and assessments were extensive. The actual interview process involved an individual interview, group interview and an ongoing Q&A session. This took multiple hours (approx. 3) which required me to take leave from my job at the time. The interview process was all completely online. The involvement of Fusion (external consultants) seemed odd. The group interview session was interesting.
Graduate, Brisbane - 19 Aug 2024
An online assessment centre with a group activity.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Jul 2024
fairly rounded assessments but somewhat vague on details of the role and responsibilities
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Jul 2024
The recruitment process was involved and quite long. This did mean that the other graduates are all really good fits for their team. There was a limited understanding of the time commitment required, particularly as a lot of graduates had full time jobs (one of the interview sessions required half a day). The interview process was so far in advance that the company changed so much in the meantime that not all grads are getting the teams/work they applied for.
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Jul 2024
The interview was quite relaxed; however, I acknowledge that interviews in CSIRO are different depending on Business unit, Team leader and role. For myself I felt relatively relaxed compared to previous interviews. Additionally, I was given potential questions beforehand which helped with the preparation process. The people conducting the interview were very welcoming and friendly as well.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Townsville - 10 Jul 2024
I went through a different hiring process than normal as I came into the graduate program. It was a really long process that started with an application. Afterwards I got an email asking me to complete some online assessments. I think there were 4 assessments all together, those ones that rate your reasoning and personality skills. After that I was asked to complete a video interview. The next step was a brief phone interview with the recruitment company (not CSIRO). I was then invited to attend a 3-hour assessment lab and asked to complete some pre-work. At the lab we were split into groups to complete a group assessment and then we also did one-on-one interviews.
Graduate, Melbourne - 10 Jul 2024
The application process started with an online written application and submission of a resume. Then I had to complete an online abstract / verbal reasoning assessment, then a one-way interview. After that there was a group interview process immediately followed by and individual interview. After that I received a phone call offering me a position which was later followed up by a video call with staff (who would later be mentors) about what I was expecting and hoping to get out of the role before I was finally sent a contract.
Graduate, Adelaide - 09 Jul 2024
The hiring processes were no better or worse than the usual.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Jul 2024
They were online interviews where I was communicating with the team.
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Jul 2024
In order to work here at CSIRO, I had to submit an application and attend 2 interviews. The process was fairly straightforward, but I did face some confusion around how long I would need to wait till I got a result.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Jul 2024
Recruitment, interview to being successful in the role was great.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Townsville - 08 Jul 2024
smooth and communicative
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Jul 2024
I feel that the interview process was very relaxed, and was more conversational than other interviews I have had previously which had tests or similar. It made it easier for me to talk to the people conducting the interview.
Intern, Brisbane - 08 Jan 2022
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Some questions such as: What were your motivations to apply to work at CSIRO and what skills and attributes will you bring with you? Tell us about a time when you needed to change your approach to a task to achieve a successful outcome? Tell us a time how you managed multiple deadlines. How did you tackle them to achieve a successful outcome? Tell us about a time when you have self improved and grown. What was the situation, what did it entail and what was the result?
Graduate, Melbourne - 31 Aug 2024
I was asked about my education, my thoughts of CSIRO values and why I wanted to work there.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Aug 2024
I can't remember exactly but Why did you apply for the role? What skills will you bring to the role? The role may require different forms of travel and fieldwork, how do you feel about that?
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Newcastle - 29 Aug 2024
I was asked about why I wanted to work for CSIRO. What CSIRO priorities and focus did I most relate to and which ones were most important to me. What I could contribute to the company.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Townsville - 29 Aug 2024
cant remember exact, there was some around what I needed for my research, I was promised they would deliver, this was false.
Graduate, Darwin - 28 Aug 2024
Why do I want to work for CSIRO What I would require working for this organisation Would I be happy relocating (Many offices around Aus)
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Aug 2024
The group interview required us to develop a different possible solution to a problem CSIRO had been working on. This was an interesting task. In individual interviews, one of the questions we were asked was to explain something I had done recently to improve and develop myself.
Graduate, Brisbane - 19 Aug 2024
Why do you want to work at CSIRO? Something you experienced that was challenging and have overcome?
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Jul 2024
In the interview we were asked what we hoped this program will look like, what we hope to get out of the program, what our strengths are and what CSIRTO value resonates with us the most.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Townsville - 10 Jul 2024
Don't really remember. One was about why I chose to apply to CSIRO and how my values align with theirs.
Graduate, Melbourne - 10 Jul 2024
In the group interview we were asked to come up with a new way/material to recycle and what we would turn it into, then had to discuss as a group what option we would choose and why. In the other interviews I was asked fairly common interview questions like, describe a time you have dealt with disagreement in the workplace, describe a way in which you increased efficiency / productivity, describe how you manage different priorities and multiple pieces of work, explain what you have to for personal development recently etc.
Graduate, Adelaide - 09 Jul 2024
Questions about my experience, interests, problem solving etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Jul 2024
What occurs in *the department I was looking at*
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Jul 2024
I was asked why I would like to work as CSIRO and about CSIRO's values. I was also asked to discuss my background and experience.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Jul 2024
1. Why did you apply for the graduate program? 2. Where do you see yourself in the program?
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Townsville - 08 Jul 2024
Experience my values future plans and contributions
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Jul 2024
My interest in the role and the field, what I wanted to do in the future. A question on thought process and the weight of skim milk vs full cream.
Intern, Brisbane - 08 Jan 2022
Asked about my previous experience with applications specific to the project. What research I've done in the past.
Intern, Brisbane - 20 Dec 2021
Talk about a challenging project you worked on. What your role was and how you achieved outcomes.
Intern, Melbourne - 20 Dec 2021
What interested me about the project, what I liked to do outside of work, and a technical question about the content of the project.
Intern, Melbourne - 20 Dec 2021
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
To best prepare for answering interview questions, I recommend candidates follow the STAR method and practice lots of interview questions so that you feel comfortable, prepared, familiar with the format and potential questions you might be asked. This will help to reduce any nerves and losing your thoughts when in the moment. If you get stuck on a question where you haven't been in that particular situation, think rationally of how you would approach the situation and step them through your thinking of how you would tackle it. Make sure you be yourself, showcase your unique strengths, experiences and talent. When doing the group interview, be sure to show that you can work well in a team environment. Show that you can lead a discussion, be respectful, polite and inclusive of others in the conversation and showcase your ideas. Do some research on the role, the values, the skills and attributes they are looking for and tie them in with your answers.
Graduate, Melbourne - 31 Aug 2024
I recommend they research (via the CSIRO website) the area they are most interested in, the organisation's values and ring ahead to the recruiter to show their interest.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Aug 2024
I encourage anyone to apply for CSIRO roles because it is a brilliant organisation to work for and it has much respect in the community.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Newcastle - 29 Aug 2024
Researching the company and understanding what their focus is on is a very important part of the interview process.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Townsville - 29 Aug 2024
If the recruitment team state they will get you what you need, get it explicitly in writing for the exact funding and resources you need.
Graduate, Darwin - 28 Aug 2024
Based on my experience in the program I would say it helps to have a science/engineering background - A lot of the work I deal with comprises of projects across various industries involving technology and scientific advancements.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Aug 2024
Be yourself, be open and friendly. CSIRO values critical thinking and problem solving but with a heavy focus on teamwork and the ability to engage people.
Graduate, Brisbane - 19 Aug 2024
Be yourself - they are after individual people not robots!
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Jul 2024
Bring authenticity and good attitude to the interviews and you will do well.
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Jul 2024
Research the company and teams, talk to the people working in those teams. Be yourself, approachable and genuine in your interactions - CSIRO values individuals, casualness and friendliness.
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Jul 2024
I would recommend that the candidate has a clear idea of how they think they can use their science to create a better tomorrow. If you are applying for the Indigenous Graduate program, then I would also reflect on ways that I can use my strengths to help mob as this program is helping us become leaders for our people, so I believe it is also important that we give back. It is also very important that if you are wanting to pursue honours or a HDR with the program that you have a relatively clear idea of what that might be. This is so they can understand how they can support you in your journey.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Townsville - 10 Jul 2024
The process can be really long so hang in there. Definitely have a look at the CSIRO website and the values because interviewers love when you bring them up. I would also suggest having a solid reason as to why you want to work at CSIRO, look at current projects or past research to see how it aligns with your passions and interests.
Graduate, Melbourne - 10 Jul 2024
Definitely read up on the CSIRO website about their mission and goals, it helped me to get a sense of what they were working towards. Think up some examples you can provide if asked during interviews to a range of common interview questions - nothing I was asked was unexpected. And most importantly just be yourself, I believe genuineness was something important during the process so don't try to be someone you are not!
Graduate, Adelaide - 09 Jul 2024
Make sure you understand the work of CSIRO and how you can contribute to it.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Jul 2024
being a scientific organisation, CSIRO positions require a certain type of knowledge and experience. So study up on what the interviewers are looking for in the role your going for.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Jul 2024
1. Go to website. 2. Read public articles about CSIRO and your own area of interest.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Townsville - 08 Jul 2024
be confident and be yourself
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Jul 2024
This is more one for successful candidates. Don't be too worried about what your specific project will be and getting started before your first day.
Intern, Brisbane - 08 Jan 2022
Have a good resume which relates to the topic you are applying for.
Intern, Canberra - 23 Dec 2021
Select a project you're really interested in. Because if you really want to do it, you'll articulate well in your cover letter why you want to do that particular project.
Intern, Brisbane - 20 Dec 2021