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Department of the Treasury

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Culture at Department of the Treasury

8.4 rating for Culture, based on 41 reviews
Please describe your company's culture both in the office and after hours. Let us know about the structure and hierarchy, cooperation and teamwork, and socialising amongst colleagues.
There is a formal hierarchy within each team, but graduates are supported to contribute as much as they would like to. Most of my work is a mix of individual and collaborative. Teams collaborate with one another well. Socialising is optional, but there are often lunches when interstate colleagues visit the Melbourne or Canberra office, and the graduate cohort socialising amongst itself.
Graduate, Canberra - 12 Sep 2024
Senior staff are generally interested in the lives of junior staff. Junior staff are given important tasks but work goes through many senior executives before going to ministers, sometimes eliminating most of what the junior staff worked on. Everyone is quite friendly and while it is expected you work hard, your wellbeing is quite important.
Graduate, Canberra - 12 Sep 2024
very social, understanding of out of work needs, approachable SES, trustworthy team
Graduate, Canberra - 27 Aug 2024
The company has a great culture, the structure is very flat in that you can consistently engage across the levels with the same level of respect afforded to you. My team works very well together across the levels and socialising is generally very easy and friendly.
Graduate, Canberra - 27 Aug 2024
SIG has quite a flat hiearchy, and people are very friendly. There's a strong culture of Poker - with an annual poker tournament, and there's always a Poker game on Friday nights. There's a team which also organises events for the office throughout the year, e.g. Going to the zoo, coffee carts and ice cream days, drinks, etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 26 Aug 2024
The structure and hierarchy is as expected in any company, and people are accommodative and respectful towards it. it is not toxic and it is beneficial towards achieving Treasury's results With regards to culture inside and outside office hours, people are caring and supportive in all circumstances. in particular amongst the graduate cohorts, we are very close, friendly and encouraging towards each other. Socialising amongst colleagues is easy and encouraged, especially in my division. It benefits the culture greatly and it seems that as a whole, Treasury is a very social environment
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Aug 2024
A solid organisational culture where effort is recognised and rewarded and collaboration is encouraged.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Aug 2024
My immediate team has a very flat structure where everyone is supportive of one another and leaders with the organisation are committed to developing the skills of junior staff. The culture supports diligence and requires that work is completed professionally and to a high standard. After hours the culture is professional and there are opportunities to enjoy each others company in a more relaxed setting.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Aug 2024
It is a very flat structure fortunately in my unit I still have a lot of engagement with my EL2. I have flexibility to work from other state offices and feel comfortable providing my opinion in policy discussions. The culture is fantastic.
Graduate, Canberra - 08 Aug 2024
my division is not very hierarchical. Even as a graduate i talk to my SES regularly and am encouraged to do so. the branch often works across units meaning i have exposure to multiple streams of work and that helps me socialise within the division
Graduate, Canberra - 05 Aug 2024
There is a culture of everyone's opinion matters, regardless of hierarchy. Whilst obviously someone has to eventually make a decision, they will listen to all perspectives - even a fresh grad. There is a strong social culture, with Friday drinks and grads all getting together on weekends. It is common to grab a coffee with your team, we even have a scheduled 'random coffee catchup' to get to know other people around the division. Regarding cooperation and teamwork, people care about engaging with all internal stakeholders on an issue, in an open and honest way.
Graduate, Canberra - 02 Aug 2024
The culture in Treasury is very collaborative. There is a major effort to make engaging across different teams an easy and smooth process, and this has paid off well. Senior executives are also very willing to engage directly with junior staff and the hierarchy is quite flat as a result. There are also a number of social and networking events run through Treasury including the fortnightly social drinks as well as more major events.
Graduate, Canberra - 01 Aug 2024
I love the culture in my team and division. Across the wider Treasury, I believe that the SES get much too caught up with having to be diverse that they negate people opportunities to do what they really want. Also, amongst the grads, there is such a popularity hunt, and it creates an environment of exclusion.
Graduate, Canberra - 01 Aug 2024
Inauthentic / performative. Compulsory political correctness. Employer forces its values on me. Race-related bullying of white people.
Graduate, Canberra - 01 Aug 2024
Very good culture. Strong values and code of conduct.
Graduate, Canberra - 01 Aug 2024
The Treasury has a flat (non-hierarchical) structure, where staff at all levels are encouraged to contribute to work and activities inside and outside of the office. Work teams and units regularly engage in coffee catchups and lunches for welcoming and farewelling staff.
Midlevel, Canberra - 25 Oct 2022
There is quite a workaholic and presentism culture which is detrimental to flexibility and work/life balance initiatives. There are great policies however the acceptance of flexibility in practice is poor in my opinion. My division has morning teas and opportunities to socialise with colleagues which is great for culture however I think culture is a hard one because it really must be actioned at the top so that expectations are clear down the line. Higher-ups can feel inaccessible, or when you do have a chance to interact with them there is a general vibe that you don't voice concerns openly (in my opinion, especially as a graduate and for more junior staff)
Graduate, Canberra - 18 Oct 2022
The work culture in my branch is great, very flexible re appointments/working from home - everyone is really lovely and chatty, its all very comfortable and informal which I really prefer. The work culture is great, everyone is always ready to lend a hand or explain a concept, its a very cooperative working dynamic. Across the teams the hierarchy is fairly flat, it's a bit more structured when you get to the SES-level.
Graduate, Canberra - 14 Oct 2022
I think there is a good culture, people are generally very nice. I think it is more the covert expectations that you shouldn't be taking time off etc, even though this is never explicitly stated. Generally people work well together but sometimes there can be an arrogance and that sometimes people won't listen to other view points.
Graduate, Canberra - 06 Oct 2022
Treasury has a very welcoming and social culture both in office hours and after hours. SES staff are keen to talk to staff at all levels and often have informal chats and ask about your opinions on important topics. There is an expectation to work hard and work long hours ahead of Budget if you are in these areas. However, the Budget period builds team camaraderie.
Graduate, Canberra - 06 Oct 2022