Updating Results

Department of Transport and Main Roads

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Career Prospects at Department of Transport and Main Roads

7.3 rating for Career Prospects, based on 63 reviews
Please tell us about promotion possibilities and fill us in on what it takes to move up the ranks.
I have only been with TMR for a short period.
Manager, Brisbane - 16 Sep 2024
I wish for a career promotion and salary enhancement. Having 1 and half year experience at TMR I believe I have enough experience and skills to move to step professional officer level. However, it is encouraged that I get more experience for a year more before I apply for a higher position.
Graduate, Gold Coast - 13 Sep 2024
I think it could be hard to promote PO3 since there are lot of competition.
Graduate, Gold Coast - 12 Sep 2024
I have developed as an engineer well, however official opportunities of promotion have been fleeting as an PO3 engineer. I applied for the next progressive step within a team I had been working well with for 6 months (6 months before the end of the program) and unfortunately was unsuccessful. There were 80 applicants so I understand but its hard to progress within the team
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Sep 2024
I work in a pilot/trial team with an uncertain long-term future. Therefore, I have no certainty on any long-term career opportunities or progression in my current role. However, I may be able to move horizontally across different divisions of TMR in order to progress.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Aug 2024
There are some opportunities that I can apply for higher role in temporary and permanent. My manager and team members always recommend me applying when opportunity given
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Aug 2024
Somewhat unclear how I would promoted within my own team. Jobs advertised regularly though, and my supervisor has recommended a very appropriate next role to me, which was great.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Aug 2024
Promotions seems something that no one talk about and give an idea of how we can progress.
Graduate, Brisbane - 31 Jul 2024
Promotions and career progression are very slow, if a progression is desired best possibility is to move away from home, which is a major lifestyle change.
Graduate, Brisbane - 31 Jul 2024
It takes some time before you are able to be promoted to a higher position.
Graduate, Rockhampton - 31 Jul 2024
I think that as a grad, I don't get paid enough
Graduate, Brisbane - 30 Jul 2024
Higher duties provides great opportunities to progress to higher roles temporarily without risking losing the role you own, gaining new and greater experience and making it easier to take short-term opportunities that can become permanent without putting yourself at risk.
Graduate, Brisbane - 15 Jul 2024
I have been pleased to learn of the range of opportunities available within the department. During my onboarding process, I spoke with many directors who told their career stories and it was inspiring to hear that so many had moved between different areas outside of the discipline they studied or started their career.
Graduate, Gold Coast - 10 Jul 2024
Promotion opportunities are advertised openly and occasional through daily internal newsletter emails.
Graduate, Brisbane - 26 Jun 2024
TMR is great as it allows you to move within the company, however promotions can be hard to come by, as TMR doesn't have promotions like private companies do. In order to get a promotion, you need to wait until a job opens up, apply for it, interview for it and hopefully get the job offer. All whilst battling many other internal and external prospective job hunters.
Graduate, Gold Coast - 25 Jun 2024
The grad program promises a permanent AO5 position upon finishing up the program, although there is very little information on how this is actually achieved, as there has to be an AO5 position available to take. There is however lots of opportunity to apply for internal positions and you are encouraged to do so
Graduate, Brisbane - 25 Jun 2024
There is often a lot of movement throughout TMR roles and an established Mentorship program that can provide you with feedback and tips on how to make the most out of your roles (with progression in mind). However it is also difficult to progress if there is interpersonal conflict between you and any leaders with delegation/on a panel.
AO5, Brisbane - 25 Jun 2024
For the P scale (Engineer) it is linear, not too many positions in comparison to senior
Graduate, Cairns - 25 Jun 2024
The chain of career progression for an engineer in explained for new engineers including what is takes from grad (PO2) to PO3 to becoming a register engineer (RPEQ) to PO4 and beyond and the minimum timeframes that is required as well as the level of experience required for career progression. As a grad you are provided with many opportunities to gain experience to help take the next step to PO3 - something I aiming to achieve 18-months into the 2-yr grad program.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Jun 2024
Their are 3 roles in my current team that don't have anyone sitting in them, we can do higher duties which is a temporary opportunity to do some work in a higher job level. We also have secondments which are 6-12 month job offers where you go to another department or branch and do a higher job level role.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Jun 2024