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DLA Piper Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Culture at DLA Piper Australia

7.8 rating for Culture, based on 24 reviews
Please describe your company's culture both in the office and after hours. Let us know about the structure and hierarchy, cooperation and teamwork, and socialising amongst colleagues.
Some partners are interactive with their team, some partners are very absent from their juniors - Overall, the culture is a bit affected due to the lack of juniors in teams creating a knowledge gap and cultural gap between SAs and graduates
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Aug 2024
Very flexible structure/hierarchy - there are plenty of opportunities for junior lawyers. Socialising is lacking - only a specific group of people who socialise regularly. There are not enough opportunities for mixing between level 21 and level 22.
Graduate, Perth - 16 Jul 2024
From senior members of the firm, there is not much of an emphasis on taking the time to develop or train juniors (compared to other firms I've worked at). There is at times an expectation that a task you've never done before (and never been taught how to do) will be done perfectly the first time and in an incredibly short period of time. I've had to work public holidays and weekends and any gratitude expressed for that hasn't felt genuine. Some partners expect your personality to fit a particular type of mold, or they won't invest in you or try to understand you. You raise feedback at your own peril. At best it won't be actioned at all or financial/budgetary difficulties will be blamed for inaction. Other times you will be actively blamed for the problem My team specifically is not very social or collaborative and I'm expected to come into the office but often no one speaks to me for days at a time. I have a distinct feeling that no one cares whether I'm having (at least) an okay time or not.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Jul 2024
I think when we have time, colleagues are happy to interact and catch up after work.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Jul 2024
Best culture in terms of the firms I've worked for, great people, partners and seniors are welcoming with an open door policy, always have time for us - colleagues are also always very sociable
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Jul 2024
DLA Piper has a very positive culture in terms of the socialization between employees and an array of outside work events to allow staff to mingle during after office hours.
Graduate, Sydney - 19 Apr 2021
There is a strong team culture at DLA Piper. People are approachable and friendly, and this is apparent both inside and outside of the office.
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Apr 2021
Company culture as a whole is very friendly, welcoming, and encouraging. The real 'company culture' a staff member will be moulded by, however, is that of their individual team. My team's culture does achieve a 'work-life balance', with the hours being reasonable. There is a good degree of flexibility as well, with team members are understanding if someone has personal commitments that they need to work around. The structure of the organisation is a much 'flatter' hierarchy, which encourages cooperation, teamwork, and collaboration with other team members of varying seniority. As far as the team's culture outside of work hours, the team aims to host social events on occasion, which in turn makes working with each other much more enjoyable on a daily basis.
Graduate, Brisbane - 14 Apr 2021
Very collaborative team with friendly colleagues.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Apr 2021
There is a great culture at the firm both in and outside the office. Whether it be our firm trivia night or daily coffee expeditions with members from your team there is a genuinely friendly atmosphere from the minute you step foot in the firm. Many of the teams work across borders and practice groups so there are always opportunities to meet and work with new people.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Apr 2021
The office culture is great. Everyone is really friendly and supportive. Outside of work, the office is very social. Many of the junior to mid-level solicitors will often catch up in social settings after work.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Apr 2021
DLA Piper has a great culture but the way the culture is expressed depends heavily on the team. The office is open plan and encourages cooperation among lawyers; however, sometimes work requires a solitary moment so certain people may not engage so much with each other. Generally, each team is led by a partner who manages the teams matters and delegate work. Depending on the size of the team, this can mean that there is a lot of interaction with very senior members of the firm who collaborate with the more junior members on certain matters. The firm also has a very active social life at a team and firmwide levels. You can often find groups of colleagues from within and across teams enjoying a wine at a nearby bar on a Thursday or Friday night. There has also been a tradition in the past of firm drinks where people who may not otherwise talk often can mingle and networks can be built across the firm.
Graduate, Brisbane - 07 Apr 2021
Teamwork is a large focus and cooperation between those you are working on a matter with really important. Socialising tends to happen more between those at your level, but wider team/firm events still occur.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Apr 2021
Supportive and kind amongst the juniors, most of the seniors and partners are friendly and good to work with. There is little hierarchical divide. My team is very social and there is emphasis on teamwork and helping each other.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Apr 2021
The office is all open plan which allows for greater communication with all levels of management. It is very co-operative, especially for a graduate.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Apr 2021
Within office hours - although there is a hierarchy within the firm my experience is that most of the time superiors are willing to take the time to discuss matters, proposed strategies and provide feedback. The difficulty is being able to identify the appropriate time to have those discussions when the team is under a high workload (or more recently, when working remotely). There is an atmosphere of cooperation and teamwork, within each team and across different teams. After hours socialising is team dependent. I believe that some teams are better (e.g. make time during, or at the end of, the week to socialise for drinks, weekend activities) than others.
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Apr 2021
The company has a warm and welcoming culture, everyone says hi in the kitchen and it is comfortable place to be. I think post-covid there is less happening socially in the office and hopefully this will change and there will be more activities soon.
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Apr 2021
The culture is fantastic. Hierarchy can often be very evident in law firms, but at DLA Piper you will often be working side-by-side with a partner on matters where you feel completely comfortable to discuss ideas, ask questions or receive feedback. The open floor plan working space make for an entirely collaborative workplace.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Apr 2021