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Energy Queensland

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Training & Personal Development at Energy Queensland

8.5 rating for Training, based on 35 reviews
Please describe the training programmes at your company and tell us what skills you've picked up.
The training is approved if it can be shown that it will have a benefit to both you and the company. Some training that is chosen for graduates is not suited for the entire cohort. On the job training is generally pretty good when joining a new team.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Sep 2024
Informal training is great. Training opportunities to attend events and get formal training courses is great. Mandatory EEA course is terrible.
Graduate, Townsville - 13 Sep 2024
I have only done a couple of trainings, but they are very informative and presented by experienced professionals.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Sep 2024
Training was relevant and insightful, but I wish for more opportunities in interactivity rather than a full day lecture.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Sep 2024
As a graduate we had a week long training event which was extremely tiring having to listen to 8 hour long presentations each day for a week. I know from discussions with other grads that this made it nearly impossible to properly focus on the content that was being delivered thus rendering the sessions not as useful as they could've been.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Sep 2024
Lots of training available to suit your needs.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Sep 2024
Training each rotation (specific) and other training opportunities that pop up throughout the year.
Graduate, Brisbane - 20 Aug 2024
Energy Queensland offers in-house training, free access to linkedIn training and covers the cost of external training courses that are related to developing skill directly related to work. There is great support for developing technical training. The Graduate program last 3 years and offers the opportunity to experience different working departments in the company. Mentors and supervisors provide great support, guidance and activities to develop technical and professional skills. While working here, I have gained technical knowledge in High voltage equipment, High voltage protection, planning, negotiating with stakeholders and collaborating with others.
Graduate, Brisbane - 16 Aug 2024
Many different training opportunities are available. Whether this is internal or external. This training ranges from technical training, to soft skills development, network events, conferences and overseas opportunities.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Aug 2024
18-month business and leadership program with EEA. One technical training course per rotation (6mths). One rotation that is field based. New engineering team every 6 months.
Graduate, Toowoomba - 13 Aug 2024
General in-house training for any level of knowledge. Formal training available for knowledge and professional progression Informal training available for team members to share learnings.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Aug 2024
There have been several internal courses recently. Additionally, you can do external courses as well. There is an allocation of two technical courses per FY. There used to be a budget for one business course as well. However, that has been turned into multiple EEA courses.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Aug 2024
There are a lot of opportunities to develop professionally while in the graduate program.
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Aug 2024
so many trainings
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Aug 2024
Initial year of the program was great, and I was aiming training at filling knowledge gaps in area's I would not cover in my day-to-day work or gain from the work being completed. The training opportunities are still fantastic however now aimed at the area you are working in. Training on the job is great with supportive teams around you, and external/formal training has included protection and earthing training, with some more specialised training where beneficial to the role you are in. Similar to when in a permanent position as I have competed the same training as my team typically.
Graduate, Rockhampton - 09 Aug 2024
The training offered during the graduate program is quite good.
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Nov 2023
The graduate program has fantastic training. I have a budget of about 7k every financial year for training I can choose (CPD courses that go toward RPEQ submission). Some grads even use the training to get a graduate diploma or master's degree.
Graduate, Cairns - 06 Nov 2023
The training for graduates is great. Having a budget and the freedom to choose our own training in turn results in more enjoyable training courses. This furthermore had led to more knowledge retain and thus a better skill set being developed and retained.
Graduate, Brisbane - 26 Oct 2023
Colleagues are willing to teach. No fear of knowledge sharing. Allowed three sets of formal training in a year, 2 business, 1 technical, within a set budget. As a regional graduate, we are given paid travel and accommodation when attending training elsewhere, without impacting on our budget thus circumventing associated disadvantages with being regional.
Graduate, Rockhampton - 25 Oct 2023
You get a budget of about $4000 for technical and $2000 for non-technical training per financial year. If you are a regional grad (outside of Brisbane) your travel is excluded from that. I have learnt so many skills on the job that I cannot list them all. Learning on the job is by far the main way I learn. Most people will show you how to do something, you just have to ask. The 6 month rotations are a great way to learn. You move teams just as you are becoming comfortable. Which is GOOD because you aren't learning unless you are uncomfortable. GRINDSET!
Graduate, Brisbane - 19 Oct 2023