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Layne Hurst

Layne studied Bachelor of Digital Media at Central Queensland University and is now working as Multi-Cloud Product Specialist at Fujitsu.

5:30 AM

Morning. My phone alarm goes off, I get up and am somewhat awake, I get my water bottle and towel and start walking to the gym.

7:00 AM

Day in the Life Layne Fujitsu

On the way back, I grab a quick coffee to keep me going! I’ve arrived back home, have a shower, eat breakfast, and chill for a bit before getting ready to start my workday. I find the morning workout gets me motivated and in the right headspace to smash the day and accomplish everything I set out to do.

8:00 AM

Day in the Life Layne Fujitsu

My workday starts… I’ve been working remotely at home since March 2020 and visiting the office occasionally when there are work events. I find the remote working experience has both positives and negatives. There’s a lot more time to focus and get things done, but working from home means missing the small interactions around the office that help build relationships with the people I work with every day. Whilst we’re easing back into the office, Fujitsu will keep our flexible workplace policy. 

My days are usually quite jam-packed, so I always begin with a ‘to-do' list to capture things I want to achieve in the day which helps me dictate what I do rather than getting caught up in the moment.  It’s also a good reminder if I happen to get some spare time to not let it go to waste.

Day in the Life Layne Fujitsu

9:00 AM

In the morning I have a quick catch-up with my team where we check in to see how each other are doing, and what they’re up to for the day. Afterwards, I check my emails and respond to anything that has come through overnight. Then, I often spend a bit of time reading the news to keep informed of any movements in the market, anything that could impact the IT industry, and general information about what’s happening in the world.

From here until lunchtime, is generally spent in meetings for different projects, to check progress, and plan next steps. One of today’s project meetings is about implementing improvements to one of our government customer’s cloud environments. We regularly find ways to better the service we’re providing to customers, this time we’ve developed an increase to the automation for some Azure cloud services. Between meetings, I attempt to go out onto my apartment balcony to get some air and take some time to quickly refresh.

Day in the Life Layne Fujitsu

1:00 PM

Lunch! Before I eat, I spend some time playing with my dog, Jax. For lunch, I always prepare it the night before so it’s ready to go straight away the next day. I sit on the couch and watch some Netflix or YouTube while I eat for 30 minutes or so – then jump straight back into work.

Day in the Life Layne Fujitsu

3:00 PM

After lunch, my day is generally the same as the morning, filled with meetings to discuss a variety of topics and initiatives. This afternoon has mainly been focused on discussing our approach to a sales opportunity. Afternoons are generally the time where I have less meetings, so I can spend it doing things that are a bit more time-consuming. Today I’m creating a few presentations for customers and our sales teams about some of our new Multi-Cloud Offerings.

5:00 PM

After my day is finished, I spend the last 30 minutes responding to emails I’ve received that afternoon to make sure I don’t leave anything too late or so people have a response from me first thing in the morning.

5:30 PM

Day in the Life Layne Fujitsu

I take my dog for a 30-minute run every day and listen to either music or a podcast, depending on my mood.

6:30 PM

Dinner! I cook most nights of the week – it helps take my mind off things and relax a bit. When I finish cooking, I spend some time with my partner and play some Nintendo switch or watch TV.

9:00 PM

I sometimes feel like an old man going to bed at 9 pm, but it helps to wake up earlier and get the next day starting on the right note!