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Amarlie Rostirolla

I enjoy writing job advertisements as it allows me to express my creativity whilst learning more about the manufacturing industry.

6.30 AM

It’s wake-up time! As I don’t have a car in Brisbane, I usually wake up at 6.00 am to take the train and two buses to work. However, today I’ve decided to treat myself to a 30-minute sleep-in and instead take an Uber to the office. I don’t think this is a very smart idea for the bank account, but sleep is important, right?

7.50 AM

After showering, having an Up & Go for breakfast, and getting dressed, I order an Uber. Off to the office I go!

8.30 AM

I arrive at the office and am greeted by a bunch of friendly faces. I sit down at my computer and have a brief catch-up with my team. I log on and am ready to start the day!

day in the life Amarlie Rostirolla Fuse Recruitment arrived at the office

8.45 AM

I had a progress meeting with my supervisor to check in and talk about how I’ve been going with the internship over the past month. My supervisor is very supportive and accommodating when it comes to being flexible around my other work and university commitments. 

9.00 AM

To help one of the Senior Recruitment Consultants, I completed two reference checks. I moved from my desk to one of the small meeting rooms and set up my laptop. I was able to complete both reference checks, which took approximately 10 minutes each. I enjoy conducting reference checks as it allows me to gain confidence talking to industry professionals, and gain insight into the manufacturing industry. 

After completing the two reference checks, I finalized the reference check reports and emailed them to the Senior Recruitment Consultant. 

9.30 AM

Like most days, today is another busy day at the office. I am given several tasks to help the team. Firstly, there are two more reference checks to complete for a different candidate. I contacted one of the two referees and completed the reference check. However, the second referee is at work and would like me to call him back after 4.00 pm. I finalize the reference report and send it to the Account Manager.

day in the life Amarlie Rostirolla Fuse Recruitment at work station

10.15 AM

Now it’s time to complete some candidate profiles. To complete these profiles, I use the candidates’ resumes to obtain information regarding their relevant employment history and key strengths. I enjoy completing the profiles, as I find it somewhat therapeutic. I enjoy formatting documents and making sure everything looks professional. I manage to complete four candidate profiles. 

12.15 PM

Next, it’s time to write up a job advertisement. This task consists of using the position description to write an advertisement that would effectively attract potential candidates to apply for the job. I enjoy writing job advertisements as it allows me to express my creativity whilst learning more about the manufacturing industry. 

1.00 PM

It’s lunchtime! Today I brought my own lunch and sat in the lunch area whilst I sent an email to one of my university lecturers. As a final year Master of Business student, I often spend my lunchtime at Fuse on my laptop either sending emails to group members, finishing assignments, or completing the weekly course readings. If I’ve been too lazy to prepare my own lunch, there is a small shopping village 5 minutes down the road where I also buy lunch on odd occasions.

day in the life Amarlie Rostirolla Fuse Recruitment lunch at office pantry

2.00 PM

After lunch, I move on to searching for potential candidates using Seek Talent Search. My supervisor has asked me to search for candidates to fill a ‘Mill Operator’s role. I scroll through pages of candidates online to ensure I pick out candidates with relevant experience. I download these candidates’ resumes and update the database with their information. 

3.00 PM

Once I have finished searching for candidates, I begin conducting some pre-screening. To do this, I call the candidates I have just found online. I ask them a few simple questions to get to know them better and determine whether they are looking for work. A lot of the time, I do not get an answer, so I end up leaving a voice message. At first, I did not feel confident pre-screening candidates as I was unfamiliar with the industry and felt nervous talking on the phone. However, I have come to enjoy talking to people, learning about their past work experiences, and building relationships.

day in the life Amarlie Rostirolla Fuse Recruitment in the office

4.05 PM

I decided to call back the referee from this morning. I call twice, but still no answer. It looks like that will be a job for next week. 

4.15 PM

It’s Friday, and this can only mean one thing: It’s time to celebrate! The whole office gets together to celebrate the end of the work week with drinks, food, and music in the lunch area. It’s a great way to socialize and chat about topics other than work. 

5.00 PM

The party is over and now it’s time to make my journey back home. I get two buses and a train back home. Even though the commute is approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes long, I don’t mind it. I spend the travel time catching up on my favorite podcasts or listening to music. 

6.30 PM

I am home at last! I shower, make myself some dinner, and chill out in the lounge with my partner. I attempt to study or finish my university assessments but usually end up either watching trashy reality TV or our latest Netflix TV show. 

10.00 PM 

Finally, it’s time for bed.

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