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Grant Thornton

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Cooper Bird

One of the best parts about working in Restructuring Advisory is being able to go out and attend a site visit. Being able to attend on-site not only keeps my working environment fresh but also is a good opportunity to meet key contacts and get a better sense of what is going on in the business.

6.15 AM

On a day when I am going to the office, I like to get up at 6.15 am. I usually enjoy some time reading my bible before eating breakfast and getting ready for work. I take the bus to the train station and then the train to Southern Cross which is just down the road from the office. On my way to work, I often like to listen to a good podcast to make the most of the time spent on public transport.

8.30 AM

I usually arrive at the office and organize my desk at around 8.30 am. I start the day by making sure my timesheets are up to date and then go through my emails. I usually like to make a list of what I need to achieve that day and spend the day working through the list.

Grant Thornton Cooper Bird at the work station

9.15 AM

On Monday mornings, my team usually have a call to see what everyone has on for their week, what opportunities may be coming in and who has the capacity to assist others. It’s always interesting to hear what people are working on (as well as interesting facts from that file), as well as what new work might be coming through.

10.30 AM

I like to take a break around mid-morning to get the all-important caffeine fix. Luckily the coffee machine is firing on Level 21.

Grant Thornton Cooper Bird drinking coffee

12.30 PM

It’s lunchtime! My team usually meet in the kitchen to have lunch as a group. It’s a good way to catch up with everyone and build good friendships with my colleagues.

Grant Thornton Cooper Bird view from the office window

Today is a nice day, so we’re eating out on the terrace with a view of the Yarra River and Southbank.

1.15 PM

Before heading back to my desk, I also like to go for a quick walk to the park downstairs and across the road from the office. It’s a good opportunity to grab some fresh air before heading back to work.

Grant Thornton Cooper Bird at the park

1.30 PM

One of the best parts about working in Restructuring Advisory is being able to go out and attend a site visit. Being able to attend on-site not only keeps my working environment fresh but also is a good opportunity to meet key contacts and get a better sense of what is going on in the business.  Today I jumped on the tram to ride out to the client site.

Grant Thornton Cooper Bird working on site

3.30 PM

Upon returning to the office, I usually email my Manager a summary of my site observations, including any relevant photos of items that may need action. I try to do this ASAP while everything is still fresh in my memory!

4.00 PM

I usually like to check my to-do list at about this time. I check and see what I have gotten done today and what is most pressing to get done next. At the moment, I am working on a job where there will be a dividend paid to creditors in liquidation and I will need to enter creditor claim information into our system to get started on this.

5.30 PM

Before I leave for the day, I like to make sure my timesheets are up to date so that I don’t have to do it in the morning! I will then head home for the day.

5.45 PM

I am a keen basketball player and still play each Monday night. Otherwise, I might stay back in the office and do some study for my current Chartered Accountants unit.  Today isn’t a game night, so I’ve planned for a study session.

7.00 PM

Having finished work and study, I will look to get some exercise after work and relax for the evening.

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