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Grant Thornton

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Lucinda Rofe

I've been working on a Work Health and Safety review for the past few weeks. First on my list is to tidy up the Risk Control Matrix (RCM) and work papers.

7.30 AM

I wake up at 7.30 am to my dog Millie licking my face. I get ready for work and do a bit of dog training with Millie. It's tough saying goodbye as I leave.

day in the life Grant Thornton  Lucinda Rofe with dog

9.00 AM

I get to the office and set up at a random desk. We hot-desk at Grant Thornton to mix things up a bit. I check my emails and what's on my calendar for the day. I pass the Consulting Wall – an infamous wall in the office where we write up all our achievements, whether work-related or personal. I say hello to my co-workers, make a coffee, and settle in for the day.

day in the life Grant Thornton  Lucinda Rofe photo op

9.30 AM

The coffee has hit my bloodstream by now. It's time to follow on from the 'To Do' list I made yesterday. I've been working on a Work Health and Safety review for the past few weeks. First on my list is to tidy up the Risk Control Matrix (RCM) and work papers.

10.30 AM

It’s time for the Wordle. I manage to get it in three guesses, which are not bad at all.

day in the life Grant Thornton  Lucinda Rofe work laptop

The work papers are looking better now, so I resume writing the report. I've worked on a few Work Health and Safety reviews before, so it makes it a bit easier to write up the Executive Summary and Findings of the report.

12.30 PM

I didn't pack my lunch today, so I grabbed something from across the road. I join the Consulting team at the table in the kitchen, where we all like to sit together. Today's lunch topic was ‘the worst airlines’. I think Philippines Airlines won.

1.00 PM

After lunch, it’s back to report writing. I use the Risk Control Matrix (RCM) and work papers as the basis of evidence to help me write the report. One of the best parts of report writing is choosing the pictures. Every time I finish writing a section, I choose a picture to go with a slide. It's like a reward.

3.00 PM

I usually don't have more than one coffee in a day, but I indulged myself today. It's Friday, so I do my timesheet for the week. I bill my chargeable time to clients and enter the rest of the time that is nonchargeable (such as the time it takes to do my timesheet)!

day in the life Grant Thornton  Lucinda Rofe at coffee station

3.30 PM

I collate all the documents we have received so far on the review and make a list of the documents that are still outstanding. I send an email to the client with the list of outstanding documents and thank them for their help on the review. After that, it’s back to report writing once more. I like to listen to fast-paced music when I write to help keep momentum.

5.00 PM

It's home time now, but the day isn't over. Upstairs in reception, we are having the Social Club Calendar Launch.

day in the life Grant Thornton  Lucinda Rofe social club calendar

It's a two-and-a-half-hour movie-themed event with food and drinks to celebrate the launch of the Social Club Calendar. Social Club is a club that has fun events and activities for members. To become a member, you pay $10 a month, and get to enjoy events like making cocktails and dumplings, trivia night, movie night, brewery tour, arcade bars, etc.

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