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Grant Thornton

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Management at Grant Thornton

8.2 rating for Management, based on 38 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
Everyone is very approachable - their busy schedules can make it quite hard to access help when needed but all extremely knowledgeable about the work happening
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Jul 2024
All managers are respectful of the people that work form them, and are genuinely interested in developing associates into better accountants without putting undue stress on anyone.
Graduate, Adelaide - 01 Jul 2024
My manager is very accessible and he is a good mentor. He has patience and he knows what he is doing so its easy to communicate and approach him when I have questions or I need to change a work hour/apply for leave etc.... They approach internal communication well and provide good insight at performance feedback
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2024
They are always reachable in person or online. We have easy access to them, and in instances they come to teach me new things and help me out. They are competent, committed, and knowledgeable people. They give feedback for work done well. So far I have not received any bad feedback, so still do not know how the process for that would be.
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2024
The managers are happy to answer questions that I have. Communication appears to be effective.
Graduate, Melbourne - 26 Jun 2024
Some managers are difficult to reach and often unavailable. You are designated a manager coach when you start, who you work primarily with, but you will also branch off and work with other managers. Mangers often have to take a lot of meetings, so when you are stuck on an internal question on a job, there can be a decent wait. My manager coach in particular gives frequent feedback and recognition, but colleagues have suggested they are not as fortunate with praise and recognition.
Graduate, Perth - 26 Jun 2024
They are awesome, so approachable and happy to talk
Graduate, Melbourne - 26 Jun 2024
My direct manager is great and always has time for me. The only issue that not all managers are the same.
Graduate, Melbourne - 26 Jun 2024
At GT, managers are generally accessible and many serve as excellent mentors. They vary in their styles, but those I've worked with have been supportive in teaching and providing feedback when requested.
Graduate, Melbourne - 26 Jun 2024
All the managers that I have worked with have been fantastic they are all more than willing to go out of their way to help me understand and complete my work. They are good at providing feedback that helps me improve my work for the future.
Graduate, Melbourne - 26 Jun 2024
The Managers at GT all bring their own unique style, but they all work. I have received performance feedback on most projects I have done, and always feel like I am contributing.
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Aug 2023
I adore and love my managers. They are very understandings and patient towards my never-ending questions. They have monthly catch up with the associates to give feedbacks and to tackle problems together. They made me feel I'm not alone and there is always a solution despite their busy schedules. They are amazing human beings that deserves more
Graduate, Adelaide - 31 Aug 2023
I am satisfied with my managers, both mentor wise and on a day-to-day working basis. The managers I work directly with are usually always in the office, making them easily accessible. I have regular catch ups with my people manager to discuss performance and any guidance / advice. I receive both on-the-job feedback and formal feedback for work which allows me to grow in my role.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Aug 2023
They all accessible. Very busy but always make time for others
Graduate, Brisbane - 23 Aug 2023
First manager was great but he was stretched across different teams so he wasn't very accessible (and he left for another company). Now I primarily get mentored by a partner in the team which is really good as he has a wealth of experience to share and draw from. Nevertheless I would appreciate a mentor that has the modern "grunt work" experience.
Graduate, Perth - 23 Aug 2023
Managers I have met are quite responsive and willing to help out. They are also accessible.
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Aug 2023
Managers are great mentors and very honest. They are very accessible via teams, and even a call if required. Performance feedback every 6 months, and no shocking comments, all things that have been spoken about before.
Graduate, Sydney - 23 Aug 2023
It is easy to talk to the management.
Graduate, Sydney - 23 Aug 2023
Not very satisfied
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Aug 2023
Very satisfied, managers always providing valuable feedback and work.
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Aug 2023