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L'Oréal Australia and New Zealand

  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Culture at L'Oréal Australia and New Zealand

8.6 rating for Culture, based on 32 reviews
Please describe your company's culture both in the office and after hours. Let us know about the structure and hierarchy, cooperation and teamwork, and socialising amongst colleagues.
My current team and most of the teams I have worked in at L'Oreal are extremely lovely and supportive. The environment they create makes me feel confident and in turn makes me perform better. They respect my work life balance.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Sep 2024
Fun, people focused and driven. also chaotic. management is prevalent, but roles aren't so limited by level of seniority.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Sep 2024
The teamwork and socialising amongst colleagues is amazing, there are always events and get togethers on. Work life balance is great with managers always encouraging you to only work the general office hours allowing for flexibility.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Sep 2024
Lots of socialising, mentorship encouraged, people want to see you succeed
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Sep 2024
The company is positive and strict in enforcing workplace balance. I have been told by multiple 'high up' employees to go home, get offline, not work late etc. The company values hustle and hard work but sets company wide boundaries that are respected on a smaller scale. Socialising is encouraged across all ages across the corporate hierarchy. I have got coffee and had elevator chats with senior people.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Sep 2024
Fantastic, very flat structure in that a graduate may be able to lead projects you would think would be for a higher manager. Everyone is very kind and answers any questions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Sep 2024
In the office - in the two teams I have worked in across my time at L'Oreal, I have never felt there to be hierarchical divide. Managers work with their team and foster a good working environment where contribution and development are encouraged. It feels as though the team works more laterally rather than from the top down. After hours - my particular cohort is very social and inclusive. Being friends and interacting outside of work makes coming to work far more enjoyable.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Great culture, many social events outside of work hours and within! Good teamwork and feedback culture, senior team members give junior team members opportunities and listen to their ideas which is really great.
Graduate, Melbourne - 25 Oct 2023
The company is very people oriented - people are always willing to help. It is easy to talk to everyone regardless of structure/hierarchy. There are socialisation Oppurtunites after work, but they are not mandatory which means there is room for work/life balance flexibility.
Graduate, Melbourne - 24 Oct 2023
The culture at L'Oreal is the bet I have seen in a company. having worked in many companies and industries, L'Oreal's culture is by far the best I have seen. It is more easier than ever to meet and catch up with anyone, everyone is so supportive and is willing to spend time with you for no matter the reason. After hours, many love to go out to near by bars and have a few drinks and socialise. This also include drinks for people birthdays, people leaving the company and company achievements. There are also many events and opportunities to socialise with colleagues. Additionally, our cohort of grads also love to go out after work for drinks to regularly catch up.
Graduate, Melbourne - 24 Oct 2023
The cross functional collaboration so far has been really pleasant to work with. On a social level, there is significant socialising between colleagues at both work in the office and after hours.
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Oct 2023
Culture is fantastic, everyone is extremely welcoming and collaborative. It is more of a culture for extroverts, if you are introverted you have to be prepared to be surrounded by big personalities. Management seems to really value the employees and supporting them, you don't necessarily feel that there is a gap between the management committee and employees. Outside of work hours colleagues are often catching up, it is a very social company.
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Oct 2023
Very social company. People connections are valued
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Oct 2023
Lots of socialisation, everyone is very extroverted. It can be cliquey on occasion and you are expected to fit in with your team, but if you find the right fit you can make a lot of friends that you will be friends with outside of work, too.
Graduate, Melbourne - 18 Oct 2023
The Culture is great amongst divisions, however it could be improved between divisions (even though it is tough as most people are close with the people they work with). Amongst the MT's, the after house catch ups have been great and would highly recommend this to future cohorts for this to be organised after each Friday for the first 4 weeks so that they can get to know each other well.
Graduate, Melbourne - 18 Oct 2023
L'Oreal is a very fun and vibrant place to work, especially in Marketing, with close-knit teams that usually enjoy socialising outside of work too. In all the teams I've been in, there has always been a strong sense of camaraderie, and a lack of finger-pointing and the blame game when things go wrong, with teams generally jumping into collaborative problem-solving rather than seeking punitive action on people who may have made an error. The MT cohort in particular is extremely close knit, socialising outside of work regularly, including organising multiple weekends away regionally to bond even further. I enjoy coming into the office 5 days a week simply to see people that I consider friends before I consider them colleagues.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Oct 2023
Extremely social and collaborative workplace. Lots of opportunity and expectations to create a network.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Oct 2023
L'Oreal cannot be defined as one single culture. There are 4 different divisions at L'Oreal that most graduates work in and many brands and different teams within each of those divisions as well. Overall I would say the culture is great - not as toxic as other bigger corporations and I feel very comfortable as a woman. My first rotation on one of the brands was great - I learned so much and gained so much experience. Everyone was very kind however I did not feel like I fit into the team culture. They were very extroverted and loud and being the only introvert made me feel like an outsider the majority of the time. They were lovely people individually but not as welcoming as a team. This rotation was very touch - I was stressed out and worked late nights but when looking back, I'm glad to have had that experience and it prepared me for my next role in the company. My second rotation was in a different division and brand and team. The people were a lot kinder and I felt a lot more comfortable around them (both at work and after-work events), but the work was a lot more bland.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Oct 2023
In the office, everyone is super friendly, lively, kind and generous with their time. Outside of work it is lovely to catch up with people, but you are not expected to be in contact with people after hours.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Oct 2023
Very social, work hard play hard type of vibe. Socialising is encouraged Time outside of work is prioritized
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Oct 2023