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Application Process & Interviews at McGrathNicol

8.9 rating for Recruitment, based on 28 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
I had a pleasant experience when applying for a vacationer role, the process involved the initial application, pre-recorded video interview and an interview with two of the Cyber Partners. At the conclusion of the Vacationer Program I was o_ered a Graduate role the following week via a phone call.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Sep 2024
Although overall it is smooth, they require psychometric testing which I don't believe should be necessary as it does nothing to determine any requirements or skills of potential hires.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Sep 2024
Interview process is rigorous and a lot of assessments.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Sep 2024
It was a standard interview process you would find at other firms. Application, online Psychometric/Aptitude Test, video submission and an in-person interview with a Partner and Director/Manager.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
The interview process was very fast and smooth. We had a one-day interview session which involved group and individual interviews.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Sep 2024
I went through a series of interviews, both in person and online. Then I completed a psychometric assessment.
Graduate, Brisbane - 30 Aug 2024
The interview process was good. I feel like the cover letter, resume and psychometrics are a little outdated, however once I had passed that point the process was good. I had "interviews" with the team I'd be working with, quotations as they weren't as much interviews as a get to know you over a co_ee. I think this is a good idea however it may have been easier in my scenario because I was only coming in for a short work experience at the time, so potentially less pressure to land a good candidate.
Graduate, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
The interview process was well-structured and e_cient. It included the standard set of psychometric tests and Partner interview and everyone was very communicative throughout. Overall, it was a smooth and organised experience.
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Aug 2024
Psychometric testing and two interviews
Graduate, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
The application process started with two self-recorded videos to apply, plus a group of online assessments (spatial awareness, grammar, writing, mathematics, problem solving etc.). This this was then followed by an online interview (as I was living in a di_erent state to the o_ce), which was approximately an hour long. This interview was quite casual with discussions about my university course, a project I had worked on, general pieces of life conversation, and information about the o_ce and work being provided. I was then shortly after provided with an acceptance call from the Partner who interviewed me and an o_er letter. My only critique would be that the time between online testing and interview could have been shorter as it was over a month of waiting.
Graduate, Canberra - 29 Aug 2024
The process starts in the typical manner of a digital interview alongside a number of assessments. This was followed by two in-person interviews.
Graduate, Brisbane - 29 Aug 2024
Online testing, online interview and an in-person interview.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Aug 2024
Communication was clear and interviews / assessments were based on soft skills / general team fit rather than technical capability.
Graduate, Brisbane - 29 Aug 2024
Several interviews with different managers, directors and partners.
Graduate, Sydney - 10 Nov 2023
I'm pretty sure that there was an online general IQ-type quiz prior to my interview, but I'm not 100% sure on that one. I then had one interview with a Partner and Senior Consultant before being offered the job.
Graduate, Canberra - 10 Nov 2023
Similar to other top firms.
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Nov 2023
I thought they were pretty standard. Nothing out of the ordinary. I was pleased that when the interview process commenced that the two interviews were close together and the offer came shortly after that. It felt like they progressed as a faster than usual rate which did not leave you hanging.
Graduate, Perth - 08 Nov 2023
Through recruiter, one interview, no assessments -> very easy
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Nov 2023
It involved a written application, psychisometric testing, a video submission and then in-person interview. Each step was very accessible and the team were extremely friendly and welcoming along the way.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Nov 2023
The interview process was impacted by COVID for me and involved multiple calls and zoom interviews, in becoming a Grad this was largely through my experience as an intern and there was no formal process following that.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
It's been a while since the interview so I don't exactly recall - But I do recall the interview being pleasant.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Sep 2024
Asked me about where I've worked, how I would describe myself, and why I would fit.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Sep 2024
Questions about the courses, projects or previous employment listed in your CV. Interview questions were about my interests, behavioural questions and' why McGrathNicol' rather than technical questions.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
Standard questions: Why do you want to work in X team, tell me about a time you dealt with a di_cult situation, and tell me about a time you worked in a team.
Graduate, Brisbane - 30 Aug 2024
There were less interview questions and more get to know you questions like 'What aspects of cyber security are you interested in?', 'How are your units/unit going?' and 'What do you do outside of work/study?'
Graduate, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
About why I wanted to work there, what I think the work would be like and general economic outlook questions about the future of Restructuring and Insolvency.
Graduate, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
Questions about my university degree, a project I completed on vaping (and the related work), why I wanted to move to Canberra, how I came across the Graduate Program job advert etc.
Graduate, Canberra - 29 Aug 2024
Questions were structured in a "what would you do if ___" manner.
Graduate, Brisbane - 29 Aug 2024
Work experience, life experience, goals
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Aug 2024
Questions were minimal. Interviews were largely conversational.
Graduate, Brisbane - 29 Aug 2024
No real curve-ball questions (not like an IB interview where you may be expected to answer technical questions). The interviews wanted to know about myself, my studies, interests, why McGrathNicol.
Graduate, Sydney - 10 Nov 2023
I don't remember anything specific but I'm sure there was something about challenges I've overcome in the past. It was generally pretty basic interview questions - no curve balls or specific knowledge-based questions.
Graduate, Canberra - 10 Nov 2023
Knowledge of the industry? Practical questions (scenario based) What are my general hobbies? Why I would like to work in the industry?
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Nov 2023
The questions I was asked in my interviews were appropriate for my job placement. One of my questions was what I thought I would be doing on a day-to-day basis, and asked specifically about my thoughts and now what I could find on the internet. Some questions were definitely thought provoking and allowed me to express myself properly.
Graduate, Perth - 08 Nov 2023
University marks and coding languages I know.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Nov 2023
Standard questions about passions and experience, particularly in a team setting. Also what my ideal workplace would look like which was a refreshing question to hear.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Nov 2023
Can't remember
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Nov 2023
- Interests - Why Restructuring was appealing - Strengths and Weakness,
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Just demonstrate an interest, eagerness to learn and being a nice person will go a long way. Prior to the interview, you will be provided with information which should prepare you :)
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Sep 2024
Research the firm before you attend the interview.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Sep 2024
Understand the firm's business lines especially the one you are applying for! Look through the website, look at the CVs or previous projects of who you will be interviewed by. Ask questions of your own!
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
I recommend researching the firm's work and how it fits into your interests. Most importantly, I would just be your genuine, authentic self as you are also interviewing to see if McGrathNicol is a fit for you.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Sep 2024
Communication and attitude are really important. It's unlikely you'll have all the technical skills coming in, but you will develop these with time. What's more important is that you communicate e_ectively and have an interest in the work and an enthusiasm to learn. These skills cost nothing but will likely be the biggest factor for whether you fit or not.
Graduate, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
I recommend thoroughly reviewing the McGrathNicol website to understand what we do and our firm values. Additionally, take a look at a few case studies to get a sense of our work and have a read of recent articles.
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Aug 2024
Research the firm and the restructuring space, understand who has won recent appointments (even if it isn't the firm you're applying for).
Graduate, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
Be genuine during the interview process as they want to see that you are genuine and would be a good fit in our o_ce environment.
Graduate, Canberra - 29 Aug 2024
To give yourself the best opportunity, go into the interview with a very surface level understanding of insolvency.
Graduate, Brisbane - 29 Aug 2024
Be honest and curious. Working anywhere will be a bad experience if you pretend to be something / someone you're not.
Graduate, Brisbane - 29 Aug 2024
Don't stress - no one expects you to know everything about consulting or the firm before you arrive for the interview so just be confident in yourself and don't overthink it.
Graduate, Canberra - 10 Nov 2023
Understand the firm's different service lines and what we do! Look for any recent engagements the firm has been involved in, particularly any stories in the AFR. You will be told ahead of time who your interviewers are and I recommend doing some research on them so you're familiar. Finally, a bit cliche' but just be yourself- everyone's very friendly and my interview felt less formal and more conversational.
Graduate, Sydney - 10 Nov 2023
Read about the firm, check out past engagements, brush up knowledge on the general department you are seeking to be employed in.
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Nov 2023
Make sure you do your background research and be prepared with some questions of your own for particularly interesting appointments that can be found on our website. The team do like being asked about their work and we are proud of it.
Graduate, Perth - 08 Nov 2023
Be yourself, be friendly and demonstrate that you're up for a challenge and excited to learn new things. It's mostly about enthusiasm and being an effective team member.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Nov 2023
Just talk normally
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Nov 2023
I think being aware of the work that we do is important. Restructuring is a somewhat niche field and having some understanding of Why the work is appealing/engaging to you is important.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023