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  • 100 - 500 employees

Salary at McGrathNicol

7.4 rating for Salary, based on 28 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
Pay is as expected for my role - did receive a decent bonus at the end of the previous performance cycle :)
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Sep 2024
Pay could be higher as the hours can be long, but it also is flexible.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Sep 2024
Fair for the industry.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
Our pay is at the market level and is reviewed regularly.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Sep 2024
The pay is different depending on the service line you work in.
Graduate, Brisbane - 30 Aug 2024
I know some of my friends are on more at a similar level, ultimately it's hard not to compare it in this way, however I appreciate my firm for other reasons, and I think they make up for it. Additionally, I appreciate that the firm has a framework for promotion so there's transparency that my pay will increase in time.
Graduate, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
Pay is competitive and the bonus scheme is both competitive and transparent
Graduate, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
The pay is generous and after only working for the firm for 4 months, I received a pay increase and bonus.
Graduate, Canberra - 29 Aug 2024
Pay is about at the market rate for professional services. Bonuses are a good incentive, but not too relevant for a graduate in their first year.
Graduate, Brisbane - 29 Aug 2024
It is fair at a graduate level.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Aug 2024
Our compensation is extremely competitive compared to other consulting firms in the city, and our bonuses are calculated in a very transparent way which ensures that we are appropriately compensated for our work. So far I have received a 10%+ raise every six months.
Graduate, Canberra - 10 Nov 2023
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Nov 2023
I have no real comment on this as I have not had a full performance cycle yet. I was quite surprised and happy that I got a bonus at all after only just starting at the firm.
Graduate, Perth - 08 Nov 2023
Pay should be higher
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Nov 2023
I think in a similar role at another firm I would be getting paid a bit more. I've done a fair bit of overtime too and think I would've liked to see some reward from that.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Nov 2023
Pay and bonus is fair in the industry we work in if not above our competitors. That is made clear to staff and bonuses further reflect the goal of the firm to be a leader in the industry.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
Free dinner and ride home if you work late :)
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Sep 2024
Generous leave policies.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Sep 2024
Standard, coverage for transport from events.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
We get opportunities to participate in activities such as Pilates, the comedy show and exhibits as part of our firm social and wellbeing events.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Sep 2024
Ubers home from events.
Graduate, Brisbane - 30 Aug 2024
I think my favourite perks are: the ability to have dynamic work (this keeps it engaging and is really important), Business Development (means that every now and then we'll get a free meal and it's also a good chance to get out of the o_ce), and the ability to travel for work (while I'm young I enjoy that).
Graduate, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
Ubers and dinner if working late, study leave, graduation leave
Graduate, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
Opportunities to buy leave.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Aug 2024
Reimbursements for after-hours expenses are generous and provided with minimal pushback (if any).
Graduate, Brisbane - 29 Aug 2024
The firm pays for us to undertake the CAANZ program should we wish, which is extremely useful in this line of work, and offer several weeks of paid study leave which can be used while undertaking this program.
Graduate, Canberra - 10 Nov 2023
Flexible working, very generous parental leave policies and regular leave policies, Ubers and dinners when we are working longer hours, lots of opportunities to go to unique client events and very nice end of trip facilities.
Graduate, Perth - 08 Nov 2023
Corporate cards/coverage for rides to/from events. Quarterly events.
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Nov 2023
All pretty standard
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Nov 2023
We get free Ubers home from social events to encourage attendance, free food and drinks at events too! The leave policies are standard I think but the firm are pretty relaxed in allowing people to take leave.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Nov 2023
Generous leave policy, I've never seen leave turned down, CA paid for with a generous leave policy for study.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023