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National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)

7.5 rating for Recruitment, based on 29 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Hiring process was very long which was disengaging, but not unusual or surprising for a graduate role. Onboarding team could have been more prepared with information about moving but they were personable, took on feedback and made any necessary adjustments.
Graduate, Darwin - 13 Sep 2024
It's like any other grad recruitment process in the APS. Long with many steps. It's a shame that there's little in-person interaction during it. Overall it's all to be expected though.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Sep 2024
Stressful at first but that had part to do with my anxiety, I felt a lot more at ease when being interviewed
Graduate, Darwin - 12 Sep 2024
The hiring process was very long. Applications were submitted in April/May and offers were provided in August. It was quite intense but I understand that is necessary, and is the norm, for graduate positions.
Graduate, Canberra - 12 Sep 2024
I've not interviewed for other places so I cannot compare but I do find from being on a selection panel, that the process to when you first submit your application to starting the job takes at least two-three months, if not more. I find the interview process daunting in that depending on who is on the panel will depend on how critical they are of your answers.
Graduate, Canberra - 12 Sep 2024
Your have 4 interviews
Graduate, Darwin - 11 Sep 2024
It's long, but all government processes are. Some creativity in the assessment projects along the way. I chose this workplace because in the virtual one-on-one interview, the interviewers engaged in casual conversation with me and seemed genuinely cheerful.
Graduate, Katherine - 11 Sep 2024
The process is long! To enter the grad program, I submitted an application with a CV and pitch, then completed a written assessment, group interview/activity, and individual interview. Additionally, security clearance is a requirement, which takes a long time for all government departments. However, this can be completed after you have started in a role.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Sep 2024
Submitted the application, online interview, virtual assessment centre which included a group task and individual interview.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Sep 2024
They were fine.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Sep 2024
Many rounds of interviewing and assessments for the graduate program, but felt accessible and felt that with the right preparation you could do well.
Graduate, Perth - 11 Sep 2024
The interview and assessment process was seamless and did not leave long periods before being updated and notified of next steps or offers
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Sep 2024
Interviews a quite formal and focus is on showing experience formally. The onboarding also takes a long time.
Graduate, Canberra - 20 Aug 2024
Government hiring processes are complicated and onerous, even once you've got a foot in the door.
Graduate, Canberra - 30 Jul 2024
Very full on and lengthy.
Graduate, Canberra - 15 Jul 2024
It was long and tedious, with many different stages. In combination with the multiple other grad programs I applied for it was a hard job, often amounting to several hours a day. I felt like I had a part time job in grad applications given the workload.
Graduate, Canberra - 25 Jul 2023
I would like to say it was a long drawn out process, but in retrospect, due to security and the online boarding process, I have learnt a lot about this process as in comparison with face-to-face interviews. As long as the computer and programs work, it is successful. First time been interviewed via teams was a new learning experience.
Graduate, Darwin - 25 Jul 2023
I found the recruitment process really great. I have applied for quite a few graduate roles and have been knocked out in the second or third round, so I was very excited and surprised when I made it through to the final round. I have had some negative experiences with some other graduate programs, and I particularly liked that I didn't need to do any problem solving activities (these are valid for one year so this can impact on if you are able to get through to the third round of a graduate program! I have found this to be really exclusive in the past.) Throughout the whole process, I really felt that the values of the NIAA shone through; it felt like an authentic process, and I felt that my perspective was really valued. I think graduate programs that operate on preferencing people with the highest GPA or the best IQ scores can at times ignore the whole story and undervalues the other important experiences and skills that people might bring to a graduate program. It also ignores other factors maybe someone's GPA isn't as competitive because they needed to work while completing their studies, or raise children, or care for a sick loved one, or manage an ongoing health concern, for example. I felt like the recruitment process of NIAA was designed to be inclusive and to be focused towards acknowledging these differences in people's lives. Throughout the process, I felt that I was able to really put my most authentic self forward, and all of the activities really lent themselves to this. I had some troubleshooting issues with my laptop for one of the rounds, and the recruitment panel were very understanding and made some time for me to have an interview via video phone call instead. I also had some trouble with attachments not uploading, so I was very appreciative that the recruitment panel were able to give me every chance to succeed, all rounds were set up in a way that really tried to minimise any accessibility and usability barriers so I could just focus on what I wanted to say/transfer in the process. I found the interview with the panel particularly encouraging, the questions were very focused and I enjoyed getting a sense of what the agency values through the panel. Throughout the process, I really felt that my experience and what I could bring to the program was valued, and that I was heard and seen.
Graduate, Canberra - 25 Jul 2023
Very long process. I found the panel interview very intimidating.
Graduate, Brisbane - 25 Jul 2023
Long-winded and complicated.
Graduate, Canberra - 15 May 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
What does cultural competency mean to you
Graduate, Darwin - 13 Sep 2024
General questions
Graduate, Darwin - 12 Sep 2024
I was asked how I managed conflicting opinions in a group setting, which Closing the Gap target I connect with most, and a team activity where we discussed the key considerations for an event in a remote community
Graduate, Canberra - 12 Sep 2024
It's been a while now but there is generally a question about the agency and why you want to work there, a question assessing your cultural intelligence, possible strategic question which looks at you ability to look at a situation and pull information to produce a result and a possible question about communication.
Graduate, Canberra - 12 Sep 2024
Cultural competency, leadership, collaboration, problem-solving
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Sep 2024
I can't remember but generally involved the theme of cultural competency
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Sep 2024
I was asked questions around cultural competency, why I applied for the role, where I saw my future, my previous experience and why I thought my skills were a good fit for the agency.
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Sep 2024
Cultural competency. Align to NIAA values. Communication/strategic thinking Leadership.
Graduate, Canberra - 20 Aug 2024
Cultural competency, as well as behavioural skills based questions
Graduate, Canberra - 15 Jul 2024
Capacity/experience in culturally diverse workplaces; handling poor team dynamics; why I want to work at the department; managing competing priorities.
Graduate, Canberra - 25 Jul 2023
General ones.
Graduate, Darwin - 25 Jul 2023
I was asked about cultural competency, workplace inclusion, why I wanted to work at the NIAA and managing deadlines or priorities.
Graduate, Canberra - 25 Jul 2023
I was asked about cultural competency, my ability to manage priorities and competing deadlines, and about why I wanted to work for the Agency.
Graduate, Canberra - 15 May 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Keep in mind it generally isn't your specific knowledge that is being tested, but rather how you may work in a team/in the Agency etc.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Sep 2024
be yourself
Graduate, Darwin - 12 Sep 2024
That they research the Agency's values and behaviours and write down cases in past employment where they have exhibited these values and behaviours.
Graduate, Canberra - 12 Sep 2024
Do you research about the company and use APSC resources to prepare. If you can, find someone in the APS to help you.
Graduate, Canberra - 12 Sep 2024
Please be culturally competent and please do not have racist ideology. It is very important that you have an understanding of Australian history and an understanding of cultural sensitivities.
Graduate, Darwin - 11 Sep 2024
Really read the job specifications and prepare detailed answers based on what the role requires. Think about the context of the agency, and what might be important to them.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Sep 2024
Open your mind, think broadly and compassionately and show that you genuinely care about issues affecting Indigenous Australians, care to listen to different perspectives, and want to improve things. Staff here come from all sorts of backgrounds and they are all useful to the Agency's work.
Graduate, Katherine - 11 Sep 2024
Understand your "why" and embed this into your application process. Whilst I always recommend using the specific words that are in the recruitment pack to make things easy for the assessors to link your experience back to their criteria, I also can't stress enough that it should be YOUR experience - Passion shines through.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Sep 2024
I think be yourself, be aware of the current landscape, make sure you research the Agency.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Sep 2024
Develop cultural competency in advance and plan to develop it once employed.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Sep 2024
Read as much as you can about the NIAA, the work they are doing etc. Read the corporate plan and really understand the strategic direction of the Agency, how you can fit into that direction with your skills/attributes etc.
Graduate, Perth - 11 Sep 2024
Look up the corporate plan and values of the agency. Be culturally intelligent. Practice going through the questions. Use notes.
Graduate, Canberra - 20 Aug 2024
Cultural competency - be able to talk confidently about how you can understand and work on issues that affect First Nations people.
Graduate, Canberra - 15 Jul 2024
Keep front of mind your experience working in culturally diverse workplaces. My impression has been that the department wants people of the right fit - empathetic, open to learning - and so to be open and friendly in the interview.
Graduate, Canberra - 25 Jul 2023
To prepare for the interviews, be sure to have all your documents ready to upload. Keep a record of your conversations and dates, times etc. Keep up with every email sent and reply asap. Be culturally aware of Indigenous issues and learn more before you apply.
Graduate, Darwin - 25 Jul 2023
If my experience is anything to go by think about your values and if these align with the agency's. If they do, think about how the experiences in your life lend themselves to some of the activities you go through, and try to apply some examples. Have a look at the graduate page and look at some of the experiences of other grads to give yourself some idea of what your work might look like if you're offered a position. I felt it was important to bring myself to each round, let this shape the way you respond to each activity, instead of how you think you should respond. Above all, think about the purpose of the NIAA how will you contribute to the agency by working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders, how will you contribute to the aim of enabling the self-determination of First Nations communities and to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a say in the decisions that affect them across government? In what ways does your experience lend itself to this purpose?
Graduate, Canberra - 25 Jul 2023
Know your referee's feedback about you and relate the feedback of people at your previous workplace(s) Make sure security documents organised early as possible
Graduate, Canberra - 18 Jul 2023
Workshop examples to every possible question with the 'STAR' method.
Graduate, Canberra - 15 May 2023
Practice interviews
Graduate, Canberra - 15 May 2023
I would say it is important to prepare by using the STAR method and by thinking about how the organisation's values align with the candidate's experience and values. I would come prepared with a few examples where I have demonstrated working in a team, communicating effectively, managing stakeholder relationships and managing priorities.
Graduate, Canberra - 15 May 2023