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Nova Systems

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Nova Systems

7.8 rating for Recruitment, based on 32 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
The hiring process was very standard. Stage one was a CV and cover letter. This was followed by a phone interview, then a face-to-face video interview. Final stage was a background/police check, then offers.
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Nov 2023
Process was quite long and probably could have been started earlier to allow for clearance delays. Took a long time to hear back regarding role placement after final interview/testing due to ongoing Project management discussions
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - 09 Nov 2023
Submit resume, interview with recruitment team, interview with manager of department (+a senior and a grad), job offer. Very simple, straightforward, and quick process. No assessments.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Nov 2023
A phone interview with a HR rep, then a zoom interview with a current grad and a hiring manager.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Had a few different types of interviews with a few people. Particularly helpful was the interview with a current grad which allowed me to better gauge the company fit as a younger person over a traditional interview with senior team members.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
We had a 'chat with a grad', a phone interview with a manager, then a video interview with a manager and a grad. Each interview progressed from less to more formal, but all felt relaxed. The interview questions were fairly standard and there were no technical assessments. One thing that could be done better is progressing our applications quicker. I was fortunate in that Nova was the company I really wanted to work for, so I didn't apply to any other grad programs, but we didn't receive out outcome until around Oct I believe, so if I had wanted to have back up companies it would have been difficult as it was so late in the year, and many companies required an answer earlier in the year.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
These differ per level, but i like how the panel is selected from a range of candidates.
Graduate, Canberra - 08 Nov 2023
The process itself was fine, but there were very big delays in between each stage of hiring and there was no update while waiting. So just sitting and waiting to know if we've progressed.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Very conversational type of interview which helped my to relax and be myself
Graduate, Adelaide - 08 Nov 2023
Standard interview with a psychometric test. Interview was great, it seemed more like a conversation and not an interview. I learnt a lot about the company and its culture from just talking to the interviewers.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
The interview process was very formal and appropriate despite taking 5 months from application to job offer. I had phone interviews, video interviews and psychological assessments.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Process from what I can recall went something like: - Catch up with a current grad - Interview with a manager and an ex grad - Online assessment
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2023
Virtual interview, and online assessment.
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2023
Interview process really focuses on the individual and the culture fit. Requires written application, a phone interview and virtual interview
Graduate, Brisbane - 07 Nov 2023
One phone call from HR/Early Careers. Two separate video calls from a current graduate and a project lead.
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2023
From memory, we had a 15min phone interview, followed by a 45min-1hr interview. Then was a psychometric assessment before o_ers were sent out.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Nov 2023
Phone interview to start with and then an interview Panel with two experienced members of the company and a graduate. The Testing was interesting but failed to see relevance to role as it was optional to get the results from the physiatrist.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Williamtown - 01 Nov 2023
The hiring process was long, with many stages to pass. I'd like the hiring team to be more responsive with updates on each stage (in terms of wait time).
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Nov 2023
A bit too lengthy between contact. I'm no expert when it comes to security and background checks, and I can understand it does need to be taken seriously when Grads will be attending client site under Nova's banner. But. I can see that the time it takes to get sorted is not from everyone and can put off most people. Job hunting, I had placed my interest in other places during this time and had almost written off Nova during some point.
Graduate, Canberra - 30 Oct 2023
The process was good, however there was a large wait time during the time I got hired.
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Oct 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
I was asked a fairly standard set of questions, what do you know about Nova, what are you passionate about, how have you dealt with a problem or conflict in the past, etc.
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Nov 2023
What are you passionate about in engineering? What are you passionate about outside of your chosen studies? What do you know about our projects and programs? Which one(s) are you most interested in? Why? Tell us about a time you took a risk and it failed. What did you learn from the experience? How did this change your approach in the future? Tell us about a time when you had to manage equally important but conflicting priorities on a project. What did you do, how would you improve? Our customers are central to what we do. Tell us a time where you have gone above and beyond?
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Nov 2023
What I know about the company and what work I would be interest in? How I deal with a situation as a junior on a project.
Graduate, Canberra - 08 Nov 2023
What's a risk I've taken recently, what was the outcome and what did i learn?
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
What is my understanding of a consultant? What is my passion
Graduate, Adelaide - 08 Nov 2023
What are my interests? How I dealt challenging times? Some of my best accomplishments? Where I see myself in the future?
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
I was asked about how I had to deal with issues or situations in a professional manner, expectations regarding pay, my knowledge of the company, projects I had been engaged in during my time at university
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Can't remember exactly but included thoughts such as: what are you passionate about, what do you do in your personal time/hobbies, and what are your weaknesses as an employee.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Standard questions - why do you want to work here, where do you see yourself in 5 years, describe a time where you displayed a certain skill, tell us about your previous experience and projects you have completed.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Asked about previous IT experience, and IT challenges.
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2023
Previous work experience. Life outside of work (volunteering etc.), hobbies, "what do you do with your time outside of work". "Describe an achievement you have inside work and outside of work"
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2023
Tell us about yourself and what did you study? Why Nova? Tell us about a time where you had to overcome conflict when working in a team. Etc.
Graduate, Brisbane - 07 Nov 2023
I can't remember specific questions but I remember getting asked a good range of topics. It covered my past experience and who I am as a person. It also allowed me to discuss many elements of my life: personal, university, and internship. I remember time going so fast as I relaxed into the conversation.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Nov 2023
Pay expectations. Experience. Degree relevance. Conflict resolution skills. consulting skills.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Williamtown - 01 Nov 2023
Why do you want to work for Nova, What is an engineering consultant.
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Nov 2023
From memory: Questions about character and interests, then areas where I studied. Then it was "What do you think Nova does? / do you know what consulting is? Do you have any experiences where you made a mistake and learned from it? Do you have any experience with clients? Might have been more about hobbies and work-life balance.
Graduate, Canberra - 30 Oct 2023
Standard set of questions that most companies ask in the Engineering discipline.
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Oct 2023
Mostly the standard fare - questions about successes in the workplace, how challenges were resolved, etc. I appreciated the chance to speak to someone who currently works in the area they were going to put me into. We also had time to get to know each other's interests and have a friendly conversation, which was nice.
Graduate, Canberra - 27 Oct 2023
"Can you tell us a time that you took a risk and it didn't work out? What did you do?" "Can you tell us a time for when you went above and beyond for a customer" (This was tailored to my previous Job) "Tell us a little bit about yourself" (they didn't want to know what I studied or what I did for work, they wanted to know about my passions and interests. "What are some notable projects you did as part of your studies at Uni"
Graduate, Melbourne - 27 Oct 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
There are two key things. Number one is to be yourself, show off your personality, passions, interests, just who you are. Second point is to make sure you research the role and company to show your genuine interest to want to work for them.
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Nov 2023
Prepare 3 or so scenarios that can be adapted to multiple questions. Be yourself, we're not looking for the most amazing answer, we're looking to see if you fit as a person - we're judging how you interact with us more than what you actually say.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Nov 2023
Understand the job description
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Be sincere. A genuine values fit is more important than academic perfection.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
I would say to be yourself and learn how to e_ectively communicate in both conversation and when talking about your skills. Many questions focus on how you respond to questions and whether you seemed like a good fit for the company, while others focused on your background skills. For graduates, previous experience may not be as important as soft skills, as you will learn the required technical skills in the grad program.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Yes just be your true self. try not to be very scripted and please research the company and ask current employees about their experience.
Graduate, Canberra - 08 Nov 2023
Understand that we don't do typical engineering work. it's mostly systems engineering and a little bit of other kinds of engineering.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Understand what nova is, best way to do that is to reach out to multiple people who work at the company. As one persons experience may be different from another.
Graduate, Adelaide - 08 Nov 2023
Be yourself and don't be shy to show yourself off. It's an opportunity to carelessly talk about your achievements and how you tackled hard times. Be confident and if you don't know the answer to something, say you don't know.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
I would strongly recommend candidates to do more than the bare minimum during their studies to separate themselves from the rest of the cohort. That could be taking up co-curricular activities related to their industry, doing an internship, or having personal projects they are keen to share.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Be patient, the recruiting process is long
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2023
Present your best self.
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2023
Id recommend following the companys projects via website or social media - to expose yourself to what we do. As a consulting company, customer relations and stakeholder engagement is really important so make sure to get experience in that area. The company is looking for applicants who are skilled, but willing to learn and are a good culture fit, so dont be afraid to show your personality.
Graduate, Brisbane - 07 Nov 2023
Have some examples of positive things that you have done at work and outside of work.
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2023
Be yourself and relax. Nova are more interested in who you are and how you handle situations more so than your actual experience. So, show them who you are :)
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Nov 2023
Research the company Have an understanding of what their particular type of work is. Money isn't everything focus on the product and the culture.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Williamtown - 01 Nov 2023
Read about Nova Systems and know Novan core value. Who Nova partners with; know about engineering consulting, and how can you apply your skill sets to Nova.
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Nov 2023
I feel like there's no real way to prepare, there were no trick questions or riddles. Mainly general questions and how comfortable you answer them. They take nerves into account but being comfortable with openness and trust would be an underlining reason for these questions. If I had to give a way to prepare, I would say collect well known examples you have been through that either developed your soft-skills or challenged you, and list them in dot points in front of you.
Graduate, Canberra - 30 Oct 2023
Be yourself.
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Oct 2023
My tips would be to represent the values and culture of Nova well - be professional and passionate but being friendly and showing your enthusiasm will go a long way.
Graduate, Canberra - 27 Oct 2023