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Nova Systems

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Salary at Nova Systems

7.1 rating for Salary, based on 32 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
Graduate pay increases at a good rate ~10k increase per year. However, graduate program lasting 2 years is ~6months longer than it should, it is easy to get a ~25% pay increase if move to another company during the grad program. Have been told that graduates are eligible for bonuses, but I seriously doubt it. Also doubt many people work for a client would get a bonus as it is hard to see the good work they do. Seems that only internal employees/managers would get bonuses.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Nov 2023
For where Nova Systems fits in the world of engineering, consulting, and overheads, Nova pays well.
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Nov 2023
Pay is reasonable. Bonuses don't appear to be achievable.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - 09 Nov 2023
Pay is quite low for the role and job title. we have been told there are bonuses, but we have also been told they are next to impossible to achieve whilst maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
I appreciate being able to be recognised and rewarded for going beyond your usual duties through giving out bonuses. However, i think this can result in some efforts being missed since the system could be subjective in some cases (taking a guess). Would be nice to be rewarded immediately for overtime through flex leave/toil. Since there is no immediate reward i'm often quite lazy and do not keep track of the overtime hours im spending on administrative work for being a Nova employee, administrative work for being a graduate engineer or work that im putting into studying the systems involved in my role. Instead, ill just mark the week as being a 40 hour week when it reality could be anywhere from 43 - 60 hours. Salary is less than i was hoping for and the reduction in PD budget can make it quite difficult to make a sustainable development plan for the year. Since we are on rotations I've been suggested to take multiple courses when joining a new team which can all be beneficial for my development in that space. But spending PD during one rotation will leave me with no PD on my next rotation since they have been six monthly.
Graduate, Adelaide - 08 Nov 2023
Pay is alright and matches what other companies offer to graduates.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Currently I am content with my pay as this is my first career role.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Poor communication around bonuses
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
I have been very happy with how the company pays us, especially when compared to other graduate roles I looked at. I know some of my colleagues are not happy with our pay, but I think it's very good, especially considering the other benefits we get and the company's care for us and our wellbeing (e.g flexible work arrangements, PPD budget, Engage discounts, free coffee and snacks and monthly morning teas and lunches). Graduates get considerable pay rises which I am happy about (and was not expecting when I signed up). I have heard more senior staff members say they are not happy with the pay, as we are paid less than other companies in the industry. Again, at the moment I appreciate the other benefits more than I would appreciate a slight pay rise.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Pay is below average and this well known. There is no pay scale so it very hard to know how much should be earning depending on their job. Some people might earn less compared to their peers they started with or those who started later. Bonuses are there but not clear how much one gets and the proper process, one can miss out on them depending on situation or management changes.
Graduate, Canberra - 08 Nov 2023
Underwhelming. Unpaid stand-down over Christmas and New Year period forces you to use most of the saved up annual leave from the year, unfortunate to say the least.
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2023
As a grad, I am happy with my current salary however starting salary was quite low. Things have improved, but bonuses seem hard to come by.
Graduate, Brisbane - 07 Nov 2023
No bonus, pay is a little underwhelming.
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2023
As a graduate, I believe my pay is good. My only negative comment would be that despite being a graduate, the work I do for the client is often not graduate work but rather the same as my team members. In those moments, it feels like the pay is only due to the "graduate" title rather than actual ability.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Nov 2023
Good pay for Graduates, the rate is pretty much on industry average. There could be the potential for a Fuel allocation/founding based on travel distance. As the Base is located remotely and requires driving to as there is no reasonable public transport to and from. PD only being $2000 for Graduates, this causes problems for remote locations as most courses are in Captial cities and therefore the PD money doesn't cover the full costs and will require private funding to attend.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Williamtown - 01 Nov 2023
Graduate salary is low compared to other engineering firm. PD allowance is low as well.
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Nov 2023
I know this is a graduate role and the pay is there to match, I wouldn't have applied if I felt like the opportunity didn't compensate for the grad pay rate. I do recognise that the system they have placed does reflect well for just-out-of-university young grads.
Graduate, Canberra - 30 Oct 2023
Pay is fine.
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Oct 2023
The pay is very good for a graduate logistician at Nova Systems. Well above the occupation average. We all get increases throughout the grad program.
Graduate, Melbourne - 27 Oct 2023
Pay is middle tier for the industry, which is a struggle with current costs of living. The structure around bonuses is very vague so I have no idea how that applies to my remuneration.
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Oct 2023
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
The flexible work arrangements and numerous work events/activities are some of the most stand out perks Nova has.
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Nov 2023
Professional development (PD) budget ($5k) to be used for: conferences, courses, office equipment, health and wellbeing expenses (gym, sport etc.). and 5 days PD leave to be used for conferences/courses. Loyalty leave: 1 bonus day of annual leave a year that you work at the company (i.e. employee working for 5 years has 5 bonus days) - only starts after year 3 (with +3 days).
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Nov 2023
My company has personal/professional development budgets I can use to upskill myself in. There is also a rewards/discounts page I can gain discounts from.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Conference, graduate events every quarter, regional, lunch of the month, PD policy
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Lots and lots of office snacks
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Generous leave policies - mainly loyalty leave. As mentioned, snacks and coffee at the office, regular morning teas and lunches, and the Engage discounts.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Free dinners and social events, lunch of the month. Professional development funds. Leave when you ask for it, relocation for a project you get benefits for it.
Graduate, Canberra - 08 Nov 2023
None. They say we have access to this discount website for things, but the discounts are not often of benefit. The discounts are also a hassle to organise.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
The ability to extend a return flight when on a work trip to take annual leave in another location
Graduate, Adelaide - 08 Nov 2023
We get discounts through a program called engage. That's all I'm aware of, I expect there are more.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
PD perk is amazing, discounts through the engage program and graduate dinners are really fun way to bond. One of the best perks is the annual Conference where we all come together in one city for a few days.
Graduate, Brisbane - 07 Nov 2023
Free lunch of the month, if moving for job covering some moving expenses, Engage.
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2023
Travel to conference and training. Engage perks.
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2023
Professional/Personal development allowance is helpful but can be a bit challenging and tedious to use
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Nov 2023
Conference for the entire company completely paid for by the company. Regional gatherings of employees paid for by the company. flexible work life balance. Paid leave policy Rewards market place
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Williamtown - 01 Nov 2023
Nova best perks: social events, monthly lunch.
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Nov 2023
So far would be the out of state training events for grads. I haven't taken advantage of much else at the moment.
Graduate, Canberra - 30 Oct 2023
Perks are fine.
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Oct 2023
Easily the best perk offered is the ANZ Conference. Staff are flown to a major city in Australia to participate in a couple of days of networking, fancy dinners, and workshops
Graduate, Canberra - 27 Oct 2023
Paid parking. Personal Development.
Graduate, Canberra - 27 Oct 2023