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Management at Optus

8.3 rating for Management, based on 60 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
I have monthly 1 on 1 with my manager and weekly 1 on 1 with my team leader usually in person. In our current team environment, there is a strong focus on identifying and addressing issues, which can sometimes overshadow recognition of achievements. As a result, this culture may lead to a cautious approach where team members might be less inclined to take risks or try new initiatives. Volunteering for new tasks or experimenting with different approaches could potentially impact one’s performance evaluation if the outcomes are not as expected.
Graduate, Sydney - 16 Sep 2024
Some of the managers that I've worked for are really good. But there are also managers who are just managers without demonstrating leadership qualities. The good managers that I've worked for are really good communicators and are willing to back me up no matter what. They also give me feedback regularly. Managers who aren't as good are the ones who just care about their own roles and communication only happens if they also care about that topic. They're not really willing to step in to support unless it is absolutely necessary.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
Amazing managers in the CX space at Optus
Graduate, Sydney - 10 Sep 2024
My management has been very supportive, especially surrounding health requirements.
Intern, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
More formal mentor ship programs would be a build
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
My direct manager is an amazing mentor who really values my work and is very approachable. He always takes the opportunity to provide recognition within the team, and gives me trust to do my job without micromanaging
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
My manager has been my number 1 supporter since I started in this new role. They are always putting me first in terms of making sure I am making the most of the graduate program, having exposure to as many projects as I can, and making sure I am always learning and enjoying my work. She has taught me so many invaluable lessons in the short span I have been in this team.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
Current manager and mentor are very supportive and accessible.
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Nov 2023
All the managers have been very supportive especially my direct manager. They always make time to teach grads new things and to help us skill up. Many of them have had experience in the optus grad program/cadet program so are able to relate. Even more senior managers are willing to get involved with giving a lot of their time to help interns and grads.
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Nov 2023
The managers I have had are excellent. They are readily available and accessible when needed, however do occasionally reschedule recurring 1:1's if they have other, more pressing, demands. They also provide strong feedback and take an interest in my development. I feel & they have demonstrated that they defend & champion me as a graduate within the business and with our external stakeholders.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Nov 2023
Managers are accessible and very supportive. They offer alot of support in the day-to-day activities and provide constant feedback to us.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Nov 2023
Sometimes it can be hard to get 1 on 1 time with my previous manager, however when I did get the chance to meet with him he was always encouraging me to pursue feedback and improve myself, however, even other managers around me frequently share their advice with me and are happy to teach me new skills.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Nov 2023
My manager always makes time and is an excellent mentor. Offer internal recognition platform, performance feedback through regular 1:1 and QPCs
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Nov 2023
Great support, my manager at least is great. Definitely a great mentor, supportive with very soft constructive feedback and always giving me credit and recognition on most tasks I do!
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
My managers are very accessible and make great mentors. I have learnt much from my managers in both technical and leadership skills.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
Managers are all very accessible. Senior leaders within my business unit are very approachable and genuniely want you to succeed. I think sometimes the internal comms can be a bit rose tinted.It would be good if when things are going wrong or need improvement, that management/comms could be a bit more transparent.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
Depends on your rotation and manager at the time, but overall yes, managers are accessible and help mentor you as well. They know you are grads and the grad cohort means they know this too. They help with your development, growth and performance. Sometimes these discussions happen more, sometimes less, but I have rarely found someone not willing to help
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2023
Highly dependant on team as with any other type of role
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2023
My experience with managers have been very good, with lots of communcation, mentorship and development help. Feedback and critical comments are always with good intentions whether positive or negative, and it has never been hard to go to for advice/help. Other experiences may vary.
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2023
My direct line manager is very approachable and helpful, however sometimes hard to get a hold of due to their busy schedules. My team manager, who I approach more is very helpful and is an amazing mentor and provides great support.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Oct 2023