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Application Process & Interviews at Optus

7.8 rating for Recruitment, based on 60 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
The hiring team is excellent. Jasmine was responding very quickly and explained everything clear. Vidhi helped me with my access problem professionally. The overall experience was amazing.
Graduate, Sydney - 16 Sep 2024
Interviews were done with the employees who work in the business unit that I've applied for a role in.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
As part of the grad interviews, the hiring managers at Optus were more interested in who you are as a person as opposed to what you know. It was a fun and relaxed environment.
Graduate, Sydney - 10 Sep 2024
online assessment and interview, phone interview, in person assessment centre, final phone interview
Intern, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
Assessment Centre was excellent. Best I have been to.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
We had a four hour assessment centre where we had a group exercise and then four individual 5 min interviews.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
HR is well known to be slow and drawn out process. Takes months to backfill positions
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Nov 2023
Application > psychometric testing > video interview > assessment centre (group work + solo interview)
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Nov 2023
Started with the initial application followed by a one-way interview where you answered some questions to a camera. I always hate these. Then this was followed by a coding test for technical roles which was very reasonable and not too high pressured at all. Finally, there was an assessment centre with a group interview activity in the morning and solo interview with a senior leader later in the day. The experience in these interviews was quite relaxed. The best part of the recruitment process was the very speedy turnaround. Interview was on Wednesday and was offered the position on Friday. The whole thing was very efficient compared to some companies which took months with no progress (Deloitte).
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Nov 2023
The assessment centre was brilliant and the hiring staff were incredibly polite & professional. Major kudos to our HR team.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Nov 2023
A little lengthy but means they get good applicants so can't complain
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Nov 2023
Did an initial application, moved on to an online interview, I did an assessment centre, and a final interview. The assessment centre in particular was a huge factor in choosing Optus, because the general vibe of the acquisition team was cheerful and lighthearted, and showed the general culture that Optus has, whereas in other assessment centres, the acquisition team would only speak to each other when discussing the assessment and seemed very intense.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Nov 2023
My experience was 100% online, took away some of the stress of meeting in person but also had added stress of relying on technology for what was very important to me. there was online testing, group assessment and to finish an individual interview.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Nov 2023
The recruitment process was long but fair.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
Definitely could been improved with the timing, would rather have had responses back within the week on regards to the next stage.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
The Assessment Day consisted of an individual assessment. A group assessment and individual interview. Multiple stakeholders from across the business participated in the assessment day. Everyone who was running the assessment was actively engaged and went to great lengths to describe the orgganisation, the culture and what the Grad program would offer. You could tell that grads were really valued by the business.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
For the graduate program, it was quite simple. I did an aptitude assessment, video assessment and then assessment centre. The questions were quite standard and communication with hiring managers and grad co-ordinators were good.
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2023
The hiring process was very professional and well handled however had very long windows of uncertainty between interview and the contract.
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2023
Group interview and then solo interview. Interview process was pretty standard and quite smooth. Some lack of transparency regarding placements in business units - i.e. some people interviewing for different roles than they were placed in (Applied for marketing got put into a different business unit)
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2023
I remember it being overall quite good for my intake but I know for others in the most recent intake there were some issues with hearing back. But I think that was for one particular space/team that had issues and the others were fine.
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Some tech questions regarding networks. I was asked the tech stack I am using. Some behaviour questions.
Graduate, Sydney - 16 Sep 2024
Why do you want to work for Optus - What is your career goal and how Optus can help you achieve that
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
about my previous experience, diversity and inclusion questions, problem solving and moral dilemma type questions
Intern, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
Hireview video interview initially. Asked a number of behavioural style questions. Next gamified assessment activities to test EQ and IQ. After this there was an assessment centre we completed group and individual case studies as well as a 1 on 1 interview.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
There was a case study about where Optus should invest money into the network, and then general behavioural questions such as "describe a difficult task you had to overcome at work/uni and what was the outcome"
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
My experience, describe a time you were under pressure etc. standard interview questions.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Nov 2023
Lots of questions about customer service and customer experience during the one-on-one interviews. I think there was one about a way you think technology can change the world. For the one-on-one it was more of a discussion with my interviewer going through my resume and asking some questions about uni projects and any past experience (including my non-technical experience at coles).
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Nov 2023
Behavioural questions e.g. "Outline a time when you had to pivot halfway through a project. Outline the situation, the actions you took and the result"
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Nov 2023
Why Optus? What are your key strengths? What are you passionate about?
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Nov 2023
Asked about myself, asked what experiences I had been in that contained diversity, asked about times that I took initiative, times that I practiced leadership etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Nov 2023
I don't recall.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Nov 2023
If i could solve one problem in the world what would it be?
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Nov 2023
Can't remember.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
They where behavioural style questions that were aligned to the company values. They essentially gave you an opportunity to demonstrate how you would be a cultural fit. There were also a number of questions around why you wanted to join the company and why you wanted to join the particular business unit that you had applied for.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
Usual interview questions, how have you gone above and beyond. What are your key interests etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
What would you bring to the company? How do you hand x situation at work? What are you strengths and weaknesses? Are you willing to learn, if so what would you like to learn?
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2023
Standard interview questions
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2023
It was a while ago now but just your general interview questions as well as how we show the Optus behaviour of Take Ownership and Follow Up.
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2023
We were mainly asked questions geared to the STAR format: Such as: Tell me about a time when you had to manage a project... Tell me about a time when you failed... etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2023
Questions regarding difficult situations and how they were dealt with, times I worked in a group, times I had to find the answer/s to issues I hadn't experienced before, times where dealing with a customer/person that was being difficult.
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
I would like to advise to prepare for some tech questions and behaviour questions. The interview has no hands on coding questions.
Graduate, Sydney - 16 Sep 2024
Know Why they want to apply for Optus and how does that relate to their career goals
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
Be yourself and focus on your strengths. Think about your strongest traits that you can leverage to allow you to be a good leader/team member.
Graduate, Sydney - 10 Sep 2024
If you come from a diverse background, make it known, there is a push to bring in more diversity to the Optus crew
Intern, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
Make an effort to understand the company values and culture. This is really important aspect of working here. You need to live an breath the values.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
Research the telco industry to understand the current trends/challenges.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
Prepare all the generic interview questions and have solid examples. Ensure you know your technical knowledge. Remember that attitude is more important than the actual knowledge you have.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Sep 2024
Find the company values and link every answer back to those values.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Nov 2023
Collate as many examples to questions like the above as possible from a range of scenarios e.g. university, work, social, extracurricular. Try not to have all your examples be "impressive" rather than real
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Nov 2023
Probably think of your answers to questions with a customer-focussed approach. That was a big part of the interviews. Even in technical roles, maybe be thinking about how your role could help the customer experience by providing better service and limiting outages.
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Nov 2023
Bring your most authentic self to the interview.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Nov 2023
Just be yourself and don't focus so much on what your university degree is. In a corporate role you are hired as a person not a student of XYZ. be personable and show the interviewer the best. most driven side of you.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Nov 2023
Be yourself!
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Nov 2023
Be ready to learn as much as you can, I encourage them to try to get a little bit of retail experience so that they can have prior understanding of the products.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Nov 2023
Prepare by knowing what you want to do and how you are going to get there.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
Understand our values and be prepared to present what you can contribute to the company.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
Take some time to learn about the history of the company, any big projects/releases that they are currently working on. It is also good to ensure that you review the company values and think about how they align to your values, and how you might be able to demonstrate this.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
Know about the company, know what you can bring
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2023
Show genuine interest in the company and the area you are applying for. Note the values and behaviours so that you can use these in the interview process.
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2023
Really get to know the history of the company and study on our values. Our values are critical in how we operate and understanding these will really determine the success of the candidate.
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2023