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Pitcher Partners

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Jordan Kadish

As a recent graduate in the Business Recovery and Insolvency group at Pitcher Partners, each day is a thrilling and diverse experience. From helping struggling individuals with their debts to dealing with daring corporate cases, there's never a dull moment. I might track substantial funds, handle high-profile receiverships, attend court hearings, or meet with directors for new appointments. Despite the challenges, the supportive team makes the learning experience exhilarating.

7:00 AM 

Entrepreneur Mornings 

I am awakened by my alarm playing the theme song of Rocky, ‘Gonna Fly Now’. I strategically place my phone out of reach, as the snooze button can be quite tempting in the morning. Next, I pick out my outfit for the day, pack my lunch and pat my dog. By the time I'm done with all this, it's 8.00 am, and I'm on my skateboard, cruising to the train station.

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8.30 AM 

Office Greetings 

I smoothly glide into the office, effortlessly executing a few kickflips before stowing my skateboard away. After setting up my computer and launching the necessary applications, I head to the communal 'Hub,' where my coffee-loving colleagues gather. There, I enjoy a refreshing Yakult and berry yogurt. Soon enough, it's 8.45, and I return to my desk, ready to dive into the day's tasks.

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8.45 AM


In insolvency, juggling multiple ongoing jobs is common and joining files midway can quickly lead to confusion, thus making a running task list essential. Diarizing has become my ultimate ally in this process. Each task I receive comes with a due date or requires follow-up, sometimes both. Consequently, I promptly set these dates in my calendar as I receive each assignment. This practice helps streamline the entire process, ensuring a structured and organized approach.

9.00 AM

Crunch Time

Without fail, every day, the insolvency administration team (INSAD) sends out a transaction listing. Each administration we handle has its own dedicated post-appointment bank account, and the listing details all the funds moved in or out of these accounts for the day. Within this listing, I look for transactions that pertain to my jobs.

For instance, one of my bankrupts made a compulsory income contribution today. In response, I am required to prepare a 'receipt voucher'. This enables our system to recognize, process and account for the receipt of funds paid towards the bankrupt estate.

9.30 AM

Detective Mode

By this time, I have fully embraced my inner Sherlock Holmes, complete with a tall hat and a monocle (for the sake of storytelling). In front of me, I have four spreadsheets open; my task is to reverse engineer and trace a significant pool of post-appointment funds transferred into our administration.

Once I've made progress, I gather my findings and craft an in-depth email for the job's manager. I outline my discoveries, presenting a detailed account of my investigation. Additionally, I raise any questions or observations that may require further exploration. 

11.00 AM

Where is my Typewriter?

I begin drafting two affidavits for ASIC's review concerning two company directors who have failed to provide a complete set of books and records to the liquidator or provide truthful answers regarding the company's affairs.

The remarkable part is that just a week ago, I was unfamiliar with what an affidavit was, and now I find myself drafting two of them. This speaks to the dynamic and fast-paced nature of the work in insolvency, always presenting new challenges and opportunities for growth.

It's important to highlight the safety nets the insolvency team has thoughtfully put in place. Every piece of work, regardless of size, undergoes thorough review and approval by a graduate like me, all the way up to the liquidator. This ensures accuracy, accountability, and compliance with the highest standards.

12.30 PM


We’re a social bunch at Pitchers, and during lunch, you'll find most of us on level 12 gathered in big groups around the lunch tables. I start lunch by marveling at everyone's amazing spreads. There's an incredible variety of cuisines on display—the aroma is amazing.

Now, here's my lunch secret: I crush up crackers and sprinkle them on my tuna and rice. It might sound unusual, but trust me, it's delicious!

1.30 PM

How Are You?

After lunch, I have my weekly check-in meeting with my manager. It's a valuable hour where I have full immunity to ask questions, seek feedback, and discuss anything on my mind. It's truly remarkable how much time our managers dedicate to us.

Today's meeting focused on a significant task: drafting a statutory report to creditors. It was no small undertaking, but my manager and I broke down the report and devised the best plan of attack to have it completed accurately and on time.

2.30 PM

Call Me Maybe

It's time to call the ATO to follow up on various lodgements, which is a regular part of my job. I prefer addressing all these follow-ups in one long and enjoyable phone call. Today's call included following up on proof of debts, incapacitated entity lodgements, and tax clearances.

When dealing with external parties like the ATO, it's crucial to take detailed file notes. These notes provide a comprehensive account of events and can be essential even years down the line, especially in situations involving subpoenas or other legal matters.

3.30 PM

All Rise

An invitation is extended to all junior staff to attend a court hearing in which we have filed an application in the Supreme Court to urgently remove a caveat from a property. In insolvency, opportunities like these come up quite frequently, and if capacity permits, it's great to take advantage of them. 

4.30 PM

Border Patrol

Following my return from court, I get to work on drafting a report addressed to the ABF (Australian Border Force). The report pertains to one of our bankrupts who has travelled overseas without the trustee's consent, which is an offence under the Bankruptcy Act.

5.15 PM

At 5:15, the day finds peace,

Our worries wane, and our spirits release

Pens laid down, the papers rest,

The workstation is clear; we're feeling blessed.

The office hum starts to fade away,

As colleagues bid farewell and stray.

Gathered now, we venture on,

Co-workers, comrades, united, strong.

To a comedy show, we make our way,

Laughter and joy to end the day.

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