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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Lachlan Hines

Hi, I’m Lachie and I have recently started at Pitcher Partners in the Technology Stream of the Graduate Experience Program. I am currently working in the Digital and Data Solutions team where we help our clients get the most out of their technology and systems. Join me for an outline of what a day in life of a Technology Graduate looks like!

6.40 AM

My day always starts with a couple hits of the snooze button on my alarm. After some failed attempts at trying to get back to sleep my secondary alarm clock (my dog, Ellie) will then get sick of me trying to sleep and I'll be forced up to entertain her. A quick shower and coffee gets me ready for the day, I’ll then feed Ellie, say goodbye and start heading into the office.

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8.30 AM

I enjoy getting into the office a little early as it allows me to take 10 minutes to plan my daily tasks, check my emails and MS Teams notifications. Also being a creature of habit, I can sit at the same desk each morning.

I'll also start prioritizing tasks, starting with any that I didn't get to from the day before or any urgent tasks that come through.

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8.40 AM

It's now time for my Projects daily stand-up meeting, On this project, we spend 5-10 minutes each morning

Going over the previous days tasks and laying out what we are all planning on achieving for the day.

Over the last two weeks I've been asked to create a PowerBI report detailing some payroll data for the last five years, so during the meeting I update everyone on my progress and add new items to my to-dos for the day.

9.00 AM

Around this time the DDS team will go up for a morning coffee, this is a good chance to chat with everyone and get the rundown of everyone's weekend adventures.

9.10 AM

After a morning chat and coffee with the team, I'll start getting stuck into the tasks that I set out and need to get done for the day.

My main work focus for today is finishing off this financial report in PowerBI. The project I'm on is a good chance to improve on my skills in PowerBI. The DDS team has a wide range of projects they work on and a wide array of skills and as a graduate, I'm keen to work in as many areas as I can.

 11.30 AM

Every Monday the DDS team has a meeting where we go through our weekly workload and try to ensure everyone has a manageable capacity, if someone's got too much on their plate, we could find them help or if someone's looking for work, this is a good opportunity to stick their hand up and offer assistance.

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 12.00 PM

I end up chatting to another member of the team about the work we have been doing, this is often helpful because as I'm detailing the work I'm doing, they can offer advice or ways they would approach the work.

In this case, we get distracted and end up talking about the NBA.

 12.30 PM

It's now time for lunch!

Being someone that never brings their own lunch in (an expensive habit), I'll go buy lunch with the other members of the team. This is also a nice excuse to go for a walk and get out of the office for a bit. The choice often comes down to GYG, Sergey Boy or Rumbas. On this occasion, GYG is the winner!

Lunch with the DDS always leads to some very interesting topics of conversations, from how playing 5D chess would work to a discussion on if carpets are conscious.

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1.30 PM

After failing to wrap my head around 5D chess and fighting off the urge for a post lunch nap and wanting to finish off this report today, I put my headphones in and power through what is my main task for today.

 I'm adding in the final page of the report to display the clients average change in salary of the last five years and deciding on the best way to display this information.

 2.30 PM

Around this time a couple of members of the team will start gauging interest in an afternoon visit to the Hub. After our afternoon caffeine recharge, it’s back to work to try to smash through my remaining tasks.

 2.45 PM

I double check my work from this morning and make sure it's ready for review. I let my manager know of my progress and we set up a time for me to demo my work and to get feedback.

 I've also been asked to look over the data we have stored for this project and identify if we are keeping any personal information and flag this for the next stage of the project. As my other tasks are lower priorities, I start on this right away.

 5.00 PM

Around 5:00, I'll start wrapping up my day, fill in any missed timecard entries, do a final check of my emails and tick off my to-dos and tasks. Any tasks that I didn't manage to get to today or any late tasks that came in, I'll add to the top of my list and aim to get done first thing tomorrow. Today I managed to complete everything I set out to do and get to start fresh tomorrow!

 5.15 PM

Home Time! Say goodbye to the team members who are in the office today and start heading home.

 6.00 PM

Trying to get back into a good exercise routine, after work I'll head to my climbing gym and even if not a lot of productive exercise is done, it's always nice to socialize.

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8.00 PM

On days like today, where I managed to convince myself to go climbing, I'll get home around 8:00–8:30,  have some dinner, say hello to Ellie and take her for a quick walk to our local park.

After dinner and the walk, I'll hop into bed for either an episode of Succession (my latest bingeing show) or a couple of chapters of my current book, ‘The Magician’ by Raymond E Fiest.

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