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RSM Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Alyson Spencer

After dropping off, I head to work. I’m usually in by 8, which means it's time for toast and a cup of tea. While I enjoy this, I chat with our other early birds and set myself up at my desk. I sort through emails and write out an agenda for my day, which helps me stay on track and lets me know if I need to hunt for more work!

6.00 AM

I beat my alarm most mornings with help from my 3-year-old daughter, Eleanor. I’m up, proceed with some wake-up sit-ups and by the time I’ve emerged from a soul-restoring shower my daughter has slid into my grave (warm spot in the bed).

I sort breakfast for her, and then wake my 1-year-old daughter Robyn, up, who is never pleased by that turn of events! Then it's time to get dressed, brush our teeth, pack our bags and head to day-care!

8.00 AM

After dropping off, I head to work. I’m usually in by 8, which means it's time for toast and a cup of tea. While I enjoy this, I chat with our other early birds and set myself up at my desk. I sort through emails and write out an agenda for my day, which helps me stay on track and lets me know if I need to hunt for more work!


I have to admit, the view from my desk isn’t half bad!


8.30 AM

By this time, we usually have a couple of extras in the office, however, the current situation means many of us are taking the opportunity to work from home. This means in my little corner there’s only myself and Emily, who head up our bookkeeping team. We keep each other company and she always has time to answer any of my decidedly less intelligent questions!


9.00 AM

By this time, I have settled into my usual routine, putting together financials for partnerships and companies and completing all relevant returns. Once I have finalised the workpapers I submit for review and stand by for any adjustments or additions that need to be made.

I also closely look at our clients who may be eligible for the State Government Grants, taking a proactive approach to assessing any turnover reductions to help their businesses out.



1.00 PM

During my lunch break, I head outside to take in the sun while I eat and pop my headphones in and listen to my current podcast. I’m in the thick of Greek mythology, which I occasionally break up with a nice serial killer episode!

With so few of us in the office, it’s rare that we are on lunch at the same time, but occasionally our partner Phil engages me in a chat about housing opportunities and my plans for moving onto acreage

2.00 PM

Back to it, I check with our other accountants to see if they have any work I can take on, otherwise, I have a look at business development. This breaks up my day and allows me the opportunity to interact with everyone in the office and find out their experiences and takes on our processes and what is available to help our clients.

I also check for outstanding queries on my current work and contact clients for resolution if they can provide it. I have a call with one of our senior managers, who helps me out with some of the finer details in a client’s file. This then enables me to go in and tidy up their Xero ledgers and reconcile their assets. I reissue their financials and submit the work papers for a final review and binding.

5.15 PM

I’m heading out to pick up my girls from daycare. It’s been a big day for them, so I decide to cheat for dinner and pick up some nuggets and chips. My oldest is stoked, as it’s the highlight of her month! After dinner, we wash, get into pyjamas and snuggle in for some telly and books on the couch.