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RSM Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Management at RSM Australia

8.5 rating for Management, based on 91 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
Managers and Seniors are good mentors. Give realistic feedback for us to improve our next audit.
Graduate, Melbourne - 26 Jul 2024
The managers at RSM all feel approachable and friendly, allowing ease of questions and processing of jobs. My experience is that the internal commmunication has been great, with things always communicated thorughout the office. The quarterly ROADMAPs we do where performance is evaluated always have felt valuable and I felt like my efforts were recognised
Intern, Albury - 25 Jul 2024
Generally, the managers are pretty good. There are just some instances where some managers get so wrapped up in their own stuff that they forget to check in with their team or don't give recognition to the junior team where it is due.
Graduate, Brisbane - 22 Jul 2024
My managers are extremely accessible and helpful. They are good mentors, as they provide me with detailed feedback on my performance. Their approach to internal communication, performance feedback and praising recognition is very similar; to weave discussion of my weaknesses into discussion of my strengths, so I can clearly see what I've done well, and what I need to improve on.
Undergraduate, Perth - 22 Jul 2024
Extremely satisfied. I couldn't ask for better managers! Great Leaders indeed
Graduate, Port Lincoln - 19 Jul 2024
My (mentor) manager is ok. I feel I could be learning more from him, if I asked the right questions, but he has always been welcoming and looking after me. I feel comfortable communicating with any of the other managers, about work or non-work-related stuff. I have received feedback when asked, and some praise/recognition, which I tend to hate
Graduate, Melbourne - 18 Jul 2024
I'm fortunate to work with exceptionally accessible managers who serve as excellent mentors. They prioritize open communication channels, making themselves readily available for guidance and support. In terms of internal communication, they foster a transparent environment where feedback is constructive and frequent, helping me grow professionally. They approach performance feedback and recognition proactively, offering praise for achievements and providing constructive feedback to enhance my progression.
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Jul 2024
My managers are very supportive and approachable. I have no problems in this regard.
Graduate, Perth - 18 Jul 2024
Some managers are great, accessible, provide good leadership and mentoring, and understand the business and what it takes to support staff and drive business forward. Other managers severely lack all of the above competencies and are purely promoted based on technical ability.
Graduate, Canberra - 18 Jul 2024
Managers are approachable and helpful.
Graduate, Melbourne - 18 Jul 2024
Very accessible (in person, hence the WFH policy preference for in-office when starting). Internal communication is almost always in-person feedback to prevent email chains of criticism, recognition is good - partners are all invested in career progression and personal goals, news etc. It's nice to see you aren't a cog in the system
Graduate, Brisbane - 18 Jul 2024
Yes. My managers are all great, their door is always open they provide valuable direction to any question you may have and as well as providing feedback on the jobs you have done
Graduate, Geraldton - 18 Jul 2024
My managers are highly approachable, accessible, and provide phenomenal feedback. However I don't often receive recognition.
Graduate, Melbourne - 18 Jul 2024
As a smaller office we all deal with each other regularly. Praise and recognition was I would say poor but now we have new leaders so we will see how they communicate a job well done.
Graduate, Moora - 18 Jul 2024
Very accessible
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Jul 2024
They always find time for us, and they are great mentors. They tell us if we did a good job at something we did right, and give us constructive feedback when we didn't do something right. They like to sit with us one on one and tell us the feedback.
Intern, Busselton - 18 Jul 2024
Our office partner is the best
Graduate, Northam - 18 Jul 2024
They are extremely accessible and are great mentors. They are great with feedback and praise and are extremely nice
Undergraduate, Brisbane - 18 Jul 2024
Very happy with my managers.
Graduate, Albany - 13 Jul 2023
I am very satisfied with my managers. They provide me with excellent guidance and advice.
Graduate, Brisbane - 28 Jun 2023