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RSM Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Training & Personal Development at RSM Australia

7.8 rating for Training, based on 91 reviews
Please describe the training programmes at your company and tell us what skills you've picked up.
There is formal training, but this doesn't necessarily cover aspects you want to learn and is more around compliance. All training is self-taught, you figure it out as you go and there is a severe lack in understanding and teaching of critical and common processes. Especially for new members to the team that has not performed similar types of work, you either figure it out or get left behind (and scolded).
Intermediate, Perth - 31 Jul 2024
The formal training is long and useless with all the modules which no one remembers anything. it's just a ticking box. An hour spent with a senior would be able to cover everything. I find that trainers have very little understanding of what's on the field, because I would say formal training is 95% of my training for this role. Informal training is good, but again it's offered by senior who are in crazy budget. A lot of seniors who are low on budget would rather give us something easy rather than actually training us to understand the testing.
Graduate, Melbourne - 26 Jul 2024
The on the job training has been a great experience for me, giving me a wide range of skills and understandings despite not being finished my uni degree. The training programs offered by RSM are also quite good, with a monthly tax update mandatory as well as sporatic lunch & learn programs, as well as plenty of opt-in programs
Intern, Albury - 25 Jul 2024
There are several modules and resources on OWL that can be completed. There is also an annual technical training conference that is held over east. Furthermore, the Senior Consultants, Assistant Managers and Managers always provide me feedback after an audit, to help me improve my skills. As of now, the skills I have picked up are quite basic; how to communicate in a professional services environment, the particulars of completing an audit, etc.
Undergraduate, Perth - 22 Jul 2024
I'm very satisfied as there are always recordings I can refer to for refresher. On the job training is quite effective, as those who are giving me the training have also gone through it and have such great insight into how it's like for a new staff especially a new graduate. That way they easily relate to my situation and are very helpful.
Graduate, Port Lincoln - 19 Jul 2024
I've put this at a 5, because I feel like I have received little formal/informal training thus far, in terms of developing my specialized skills. I have for the most part just refined them whilst on the job individually (E.g. Excel), rather than explicitly shown. In terms of the Formal/Informal training I have received, as I am not doing a CA, most training has not been interesting/useful. There are a handful of things I have learned however, from sessions like 'Developing Self', which have provided me mental tools to use in the workplace
Graduate, Melbourne - 18 Jul 2024
At my company, we have a robust training and development program that includes both formal and informal learning opportunities. Formal training sessions cover technical skills relevant to our roles, leadership development, and industry-specific knowledge. I've strengthened my abilities in time management, goal setting, and navigating complex challenges, equipping me to contribute effectively and achieve personal and professional milestones within my team.
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Jul 2024
The formal training is very comprehensive and takes days to complete but only addresses legal, behavioral and cultural issues. Informal training is quite lacking (at least in my department) and meant I had to either work things out for myself, or seek help from other team members
Graduate, Perth - 18 Jul 2024
I've almost finished the graduate program, which has been good. No new skills achieved as I already have extensive work/career experience and am currently in the midst of a mid-life career change.
Graduate, Canberra - 18 Jul 2024
Most of the training is useful, although much of it is on video call which isn't a helpful.
Graduate, Melbourne - 18 Jul 2024
Company formal training has been somewhat underwhelming, the initial grad training provided by the technical leads of my national team were outdated and missing key details. By comparison, the resources and training provided by specific managers from my department were significantly more helpful and valuable.
Graduate, Brisbane - 18 Jul 2024
Managers are always willing to entertain and often encourage training opportunities you would like to participate in. Have training programs running regularly throughout the year specific to my team.
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Jul 2024
The training done online through OWL is ok but on the job, training is how people learn and understand things better. For example, the managers are there with you showing you the process(s) of how a job is done. Which is great. And also, when the managers are reviewing the work you do, there might be instances where something is amiss or you may have forgot to input something. But that is how you learn from the mistakes you do.
Graduate, Geraldton - 18 Jul 2024
The firm is always giving us opportunities to participate in training sessions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 18 Jul 2024
A lot of 1 on 1
Graduate, Ballarat - 18 Jul 2024
Love the in person training as it is a chance to get out of the office and meet new people, go to new places. We have monthly tax training which was boring but has been changed to a new provider so is now great. I think you learn more on the job than through any trainings.
Graduate, Moora - 18 Jul 2024
Differs between departments
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Jul 2024
The company has a really good starting training program, it teaches you the importance of certain procedures and policies. There are lots of courses each year that all employees have access to gain more knowledge about certain concepts across accounting.
Intern, Busselton - 18 Jul 2024
Have developed many skills that now allows me to work independently
Undergraduate, Wagga - 18 Jul 2024
Department training has been great, some of the graduate program training seems to have little use.
Graduate, Perth - 18 Jul 2024