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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Culture at Santos

6.3 rating for Culture, based on 53 reviews
Please describe your company's culture both in the office and after hours. Let us know about the structure and hierarchy, cooperation and teamwork, and socialising amongst colleagues.
My immediate team has a very good culture however that is directly a reflection of my manager/s not a function of the company treatment of employees overall. I do not understand the companies adversement of paying shift work or on-call allowance. If I am listed to be "on-call" over a weekend in an officially distributed document during my registered weekend and I am expected to be near my computer or answer work calls, I should be getting some form of allowance for this. I am sure this goes against the right to disconnect laws which passed parliament a few weeks ago. Further to this, if I am working constant 12 hour shifts plus handover to my back to back (one person on days, one person on nights), I seriously wonder why I don't get paid the same allowances as the likes of the plant or production operators who get a 30% night shift allowance while they work nights Instead, as a site SSM, they give you an extra 5-10% for an acting up allowance due to the additional stress and responsibility this carries. This "substitution" does not align with what is standardised across the industry. If you are working a "worse" shift (namely nights or constantly rotating shift), you get an extra allowance for the toll that takes on your body. If you also work higher duties as part of that, you also get an allowance for that too. This does not align with what should happen to keep employees happy
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Sep 2024
Among my immediate team mates, work culture is excellent. Everyone is polite, friendly and willing to support via collaboration and mentoring. Our TL is very understanding and aside from the TL-team relationship, there's no hierarchy of power. My team mates social and talk often and seem comfortable with each other. Outside of my team I hear rumours of office-politics and disagreements, but I have yet to have seen them myself.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Sep 2024
Respectful yet able to feel comfortable to have meaningful conversations without feeling judged.
Graduate, Adelaide - 03 Sep 2024
Frequent socialising with other graduates at self funded events, at routine coffee catch ups and sporadic team drinks. Less frequent team socialising at Santos events.
Graduate, Perth - 02 Sep 2024
Culture has been suffering given the number of permanent forced relocations. The company will decide to move people intestate for seemingly no reason. You either move or risk losing your job.
Other (Please specify) - Early career, Brisbane - 15 Jul 2024
Any social aspect is driven primarily by individuals. Lack of company/team offerings to drive social aspect. Office provisions are poor driving the need to exit the office for refreshments. Some townhall events bring people together. Promises of improvements to offerings slowly becoming apparent. Structure and hierarchy regularly changes in writing, which can cause disruption, however now embedded and familiar with the people that can be worked around.
Other (Please specify) - Post Grad, Brisbane - 15 Jul 2024
There is a good culture within my team, however it is slightly disconnected as half the team is located overseas. There are many layers of management within the organization. The culture of the company as a whole has improved in the last 2 years with a greater focus on employee wellbeing. Introduction of a nine day working fortnight has significantly boosted morale.
Other (Please specify) - , Brisbane - 15 Jul 2024
The structure in my office team is quite good, the restrictions placed on field crews is a little harsh and significantly reduces the viability of good culture from developing
Graduate, Brisbane - 15 Jul 2024
Culture with social groups is good. Culture in the office could be better.
Graduate, Brisbane - 15 Jul 2024
My team has created an amazing culture from middle management down to vac student. After work drinks on a Friday help with team bonding.
Graduate, Brisbane - 15 Jul 2024
I think generally the culture is alright and people are welcoming to new team members but there is definitely quite a noticeable transition period I guess from being a newbie to feeling like you are fully part of the team. The layout of the office on my floor is fine for socialising amongst your immediate team but as we in our own pods it can sometimes be difficult to extend the socialising to members of the extended team, during work hours at least. The quarterly team days seem to be the only time can fully socialise with the extended team as a whole. The team members who are keen will sometimes catch up after work on a Friday which is good and the culture is very good then, but it is then generally only the younger team members or more junior people who actually come and attend these rather than leaders etc.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Jul 2024
Good social life, I feel supported in my team. The graduate program where some grad candidates host regular social events really helps with bonding.
Graduate, Adelaide - 28 Jun 2024
The team culture is excellent and there is high collaboration and communication. There is however a huge disconnect after that. We have function leaders and managers that are based in other cities and it can feel like sometime decisions are made without any sort of collaboration.
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2024
Amazing team members to work with, learn from and socialize with. Lack of broader company culture.
Graduate, Perth - 26 Jun 2024
The office vibe is very bad. After the recent redundancies everyone seems to be quite resentful. Everyone gets along at face value, however no one has anything positive to say. The social groups are a bit cliquey.
Graduate, Perth - 26 Jun 2024
Culture amongst graduate cohort is good - everyone gets along well and socialises often both at work and outside. Culture within my old team is similarly decent, although high workloads often lead to people working unrewarded overtime and it is difficult to get time from senior engineers for reviews/assistance. Culture on site with current team however is very good as everyone cooperates well and offers assistance.
Graduate, Adelaide - 26 Jun 2024
The company's culture is not great. This comes from the poor communication from all levels.
Graduate, Brisbane - 25 Jun 2024
The collective view of Santos as a company is extremely negative, which rubs off on the graduates regardless of personal experience. This creates a general lack of motivation/enthusiasm for the job. On a personal level, Santos staff and contractors in the Perth office are generally kind, friendly and approachable people who work cooperatively as a team.
Graduate, Perth - 24 Jun 2024
I think the culture is pretty decent but it varies a lot between different departments. Some areas are more social than others. My team has about 18 people under a singular team leader.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Jun 2024
Strong culture, but can be vey hierarchical and difficult to find the right person to speak to.
Graduate, Adelaide - 24 Jun 2024