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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Kye Beaven

In Acquisitions, some of our most valuable relationships are with agents and consultants so the mornings are usually filled with meetings to discuss any new opportunities or updates on active projects.

6.00 AM

After squeezing in as much sleep as possible I get out of bed, get ready for work and head straight to the train station for my commute to the Stockland head office. I normally try to catch the train with a couple friends who work in Sydney also to make the trip go faster!

8.00 AM

As part of the Acquisitions team, my role focuses on bringing new business to Stockland by identifying and acquiring landholdings in New South Wales that are considered strategic and allow us to do what we do best: developing sustainable, thriving communities where people live, shop and work.

I like to get into the office early when it's quiet to go through my emails, set tasks for the day and work on any administrative tasks such as raising budgets and paying any outstanding invoices for consultants who are assisting with our investigations of new opportunities.

Stockland - Kye Beaven - office station

9.00 AM

After setting up my day, it’s a good opportunity for a casual catch up with members of the wider team for our daily dose of caffeine at our favourite café.

9.30 AM

To kick the day off right, we have a team WIP; a round table discussion of current acquisition opportunities. From this, we will understand the status of current projects in which the team can define and delegate key tasks required for the day.

Stockland - Kye Beaven - roundtable discussion

10.30 AM

Market Research / prospecting

In Acquisitions, some of our most valuable relationships are with agents and consultants so the mornings are usually filled with meetings to discuss any new opportunities or updates on active projects. On a quiet morning, I’ll take this time to do some market research, looking at any recent sales in areas of interest and prospect for any new sites.

1.00 PM

By around 1.00 pm, the conversation around the office generally turns to “what’s for lunch?” I’m normally disciplined and bring my own lunch, although I’m not impartial to leveraging the endless amounts of great food options surrounding our office in the CBD, particularly a chicken sandwich from the Stockland Piccadilly retail centre below us. Lunches are a good opportunity for the team to get together as we often spend the day working within our respective teams.

2.00 PM

After lunch I feel rejuvenated, which is a great time to jump into some numbers and create financial feasibility models for opportunities currently under investigation. These will guide the inputs into our investment proposal papers which inform senior management on key decision-making criteria for new acquisitions.

Stockland - Kye Beaven - working

5.00 PM

To close out the day, I’ll do a final check of my emails and review the daily check list I prepared from the morning. Most days, I will hop on the train and head straight to boxing or soccer training. I find this to be a tough but enjoyable way to finish the day, keeping active while socialising with friends.

8.00 PM

I love to finish the day by catching up with my family over a late dinner before winding down with a bit of social media or some Youtube videos before bed.

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