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Application Process & Interviews at Stockland

8.9 rating for Recruitment, based on 44 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
I found the recruitment process very good. I had two interviews where the first one was more behavioural and the second one more technical. Compared to other companies that I interviewed for, I found that my interviewers in both the interviews were very open. They asked questions but gave me more opportunity to ask questions. They facilitated the interviews well. Going into my first interview, I was nervous, but I came out very calm. They were very open when answering my questions. It was a great display of the company culture right then and there.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
As a Graduate I most likely had a unusual hiring process... 1. Applied and filled in basic information about myself and the degree I studied. 2. Answered some situational questions that tested how I would handle the different environments (both in & out of the workplace). This also included some video responses. 3. In person interview where they got to know me & I found out a little more about Stockland.
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Aug 2024
I went through 2 rounds of interviews - online and in person, plus a round of psychometric assessments and background checks. It was extensive but reasonable especially because there were only 37 graduate spots in total that were available, out of the hundreds that applied.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Aug 2024
The hiring process followed a standard procedure: I initially submitted my resume, followed by completing a personality assessment and a general critical thinking test. This was followed by a recorded online interview and, subsequently, an in-person interview with two managers.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Aug 2024
Interview process was great, very smooth
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Aug 2024
Interview process was easy, the assessments were difficult and stressful but I gather they were like that for a reason
Other (Please specify) - Assistant Development Manager, Brisbane - 02 Aug 2024
Interview process was long and a little bit drawn out, but all other applications were the same. The process was thorough and covered all bases.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Aug 2024
Depending on the role, the interview process may be more comprehensive. I believe the hiring process for roles are suitable for the level of experience sought after.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Jun 2024
1 online interview and a load of tests
Graduate, Sydney - 25 Jun 2024
After submitting an initial application, I was invited to complete various online psychometric tests. The next stage was a online interview where I was asked pre-set questions and my responses were recorded. The last interview was in-person where I was interviewed by two people. After a verbal offer of employment, the final step was a reference check.
Graduate, Sydney - 24 Jun 2024
Generally quite good, although a slow process for internal transfers - took quite a bit of time and self-led prodding of the HR team.
Other (Please specify) - Consultant, Sydney - 24 Jun 2024
The interview process is very similar to most hiring processes. Consisted of applying to the Stockland website for the position that I was most interested in. After that there were two assessments. One being a one way video interview where about 5 questions are asked. The questions consisted of some generic interview questions but also more industry specific questions that required one the spot thinking rather than the possibility to have a prepared answer for it. Additionally, there was a psychometric type assessment as well which was generally similar to other assessments you may get when applying to jobs. Followed by that you're most likely going to be contacted by someone in the careers team reaching out to set you up with an interview which is most likely going to be in person. However, should your circumstances not allow you to have an interview in person. Then there is the chance that it can be done online as well. Once the interview is completed, about two to three weeks later you are informed of the outcome of your interview.
Graduate, Sydney - 24 Jun 2024
Psychometric testing, phone call to verify information, interview
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Jul 2023
Video interview, online assessment, in person interview, background checks and offer
Graduate, Brisbane - 10 Jul 2023
Online assessments before progressing to online interview.
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Jul 2023
The interview process was thorough. Psychometrics assessment was extremely challenging, however this is the general consensus of the majority who complete this. hiring managers made me feel welcome and allowed me to express my experiences and opinions within interviews.
Graduate, BRISBANE - 05 Jul 2023
I wore a jacket that cost me $30 and I had pants that I had to remove the lint from the night before my interview. I was afraid they would not select me at first based on how I looked. I had two interviews. The interviewers (Hayden, Niamh, Andrew, and David) were amazing. When I answered, they replied, "Good Answer". When I asked them a question, they would say "Good Question". Any amount of nervousness that I had before going into the interview dissipated almost as soon as the conversation began. It did not feel like an interview at all but a genuine conversation. When I told my friends about how friendly the interviewers were, they were amazed. They were respectful and genuine. They answered my questions about the company very honestly, and my experience at the company now has beaten my expectations by a great deal.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Jul 2023
I was impressed with complexity of the hiring process: skills test, video interview, in person interview. Because it means Stockland is putting in the effort to make sure they hire the right people.
Graduate, Melbourne - 04 Jul 2023
I submitted my CV online and filled out an application. Then, I completed a psychometric test which included personality questions and puzzle-type problem solving questions. Then, there was an online interview where we had to submit a video of our response to questions. Next, there was an in-person interview with 2 finance managers. Finally, I went through the reference check process and received my outcome.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Jul 2023
Multiple stages including online assessments, one-way interview and in person interview
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Jul 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
The behavioural questions included some of the basic questions such as how I approach a problem or how I handle a difficult situation. I did not get asked many questions. Then there were some technical questions. Since I applied for a tech role, I had some questions for Linux, followed by some questions for Python and SQL. The questions for Linux were about the use of Command Line and for Python I was given some code and asked what the output would be. I did get some questions wrong, and then the interviewers explained the right answers to me too.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
Variety of different questions - more so surrounding getting to know me & how I would handle certain situations rather than my academic abilities.
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Aug 2024
Just the usual - about myself, what led me to the industry, the value I can add and how Stockland can support me with my goals if I was to be hired.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Aug 2024
During the interview, I was asked questions regarding how I addressed challenges, instances where I voiced concerns about issues, and my strengths and weaknesses.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Aug 2024
Basic tell us about yourself questions and then a few scenario based questions (what would you do if ... happened).
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Aug 2024
Don't remember
Other (Please specify) - Assistant Development Manager, Brisbane - 02 Aug 2024
Most of the standard get to know you questions followed by PM specific questions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Aug 2024
Typical questions usually asked at interviews. And more questions which try to learn about critical thinking, scenarios and personality.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Jun 2024
cant remember
Graduate, Sydney - 25 Jun 2024
In the online interview, the questions I was asked was more related to the property sector. There were questions that asked about industry trends, challenges and opportunities for Stockland, and why I was interested in working for the company. The in-person interview was more focused on my behavioural traits. The types of questions involved problem-solving, my ability to work in teams, and how I aligned to Stockland's values and behaviours.
Graduate, Sydney - 24 Jun 2024
My general experience and interests - really enjoyed how personal the interviews were. Was clear that my interviewers had read my CV.
Other (Please specify) - Consultant, Sydney - 24 Jun 2024
The interview was more a personality fit interview with the company rather than your ability to answer more technical based questions. However, this may depend on the department that you're hiring for. The interview could still be considered to be a normal type of interview where they may ask some generic interview based questions, so it is good to be prepared in that regards. Additionally, I believe that it is good to ask good questions relating to the people interviewing you and also the position that you're applying for.
Graduate, Sydney - 24 Jun 2024
General information about me Give me a time when.. Skills, weakness, why I would be good for the role etc..
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Jul 2023
Why you chose to apply and lots of name a time when you were had to overcome a challenge type questions
Graduate, Brisbane - 10 Jul 2023
I do remember there were behavioural questions followed by questions about my technical knowledge. I got asked questions relating to Linux and IT problem diagnosis in my first interview and Python and SQL questions in my second interview.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Jul 2023
Questions about my studies, previous corporate job and behavioural questions
Graduate, Melbourne - 04 Jul 2023
Previous experiences, work attitudes, ambitions
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Jul 2023
Mostly getting to know me as a person and as a professional, not so much technical questions. I feel like they were really trying to see if I fit into the company and vice versa.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Jul 2023
Why Stockland, tell us abit about yourself, why people and culture
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Jun 2023
The questions were generally behavioural focused; e.g. Tell us how in your previous role you dealt with conflicting stakeholders. There were also the usual questions of background education, experience, why I am applying for the role, etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Jun 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
I would recommend to be yourself. Sure, it is a great idea to practice some behavioural questions to be prepared to give an appropriate answer and to be able to answer questions for the role that you are applying for. However, in my case and some of my fellow grads, we were able to find positions that were not originally what we had studied. Being yourself means that even if you do not make it to the team that you are applying for, but if the interviewers find that you are a good fit, they can recommend you for a different team that would suit your skills. That way you will not be limiting yourself. I have had great opportunities to learn a great deal in the teams that I have been a part of.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
Just be yourself & go into the process with an open mind. Do your research about Stockland & make sure that Stockland's values align with yours.
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Aug 2024
Watch lots of YouTube videos on how to be successful in your job interviews. Write possible questions and outline your responses. Practice a lot.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Aug 2024
It would be good to understand what the company does, how your values align with Stockland's CARE values and prepare responses for general interview questions.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Aug 2024
Think more about your skills and work style and less about the history of Stockland etc. (know why you want to work in property but that's about it)
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Aug 2024
Study the company and particularly your interviewers, but be yourself and be confident
Other (Please specify) - Assistant Development Manager, Brisbane - 02 Aug 2024
Be open and honest. Being yourself is the best possible way to sell yourself without seeming fake and non-genuine.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Aug 2024
Show your commercial acumen but what is also important is your personality and ability to work well with others
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Jun 2024
prepare well
Graduate, Sydney - 25 Jun 2024
My advice for anyone applying to Stockland would be to research the property industry and understand what the current trends are, who Stockland's key stakeholders are (whether it be customers, regulators, government), and the opportunities and challenges that Stockland is and will likely face in the next 3-5 years. I would also do some research into Stockland's strategy to understand where the business priorities are, and how your role will fit into the bigger picture and what value you can add. For interviews, the advice I would give is to give yourself plenty of time to practice answering questions based on the job description. AI tools can come in really handy here to help translate the job description into possible questions you may be asked. It is also important to be succinct in your answers and that comes from preparation and practice. Make sure that your answers show the interviewer/s how you demonstrate Stockland's behaviours. Lastly, make sure to show your personality throughout the whole process! It is likely that there will be many applicants with similar backgrounds so find the things that make you different and use it to your advantage.
Graduate, Sydney - 24 Jun 2024
Bring personal experience to the table. Stockland genuinely values diversity in terms of experience - bit of a melting pot.
Other (Please specify) - Consultant, Sydney - 24 Jun 2024
Know key information about the company so you can hold a conversation. Ask questions to show interest in the role, but this also allows you more understanding from current workers on first hand experiences.
Graduate, Sydney - 24 Jun 2024
I think that Stockland is one of the better companies in regards to the application process as the careers consultant/people are very helpful. Best way to prepare is to complete some generic interview based questions online, get used to the environment of the one way interview, psychometric assessment and a normal face to face/online interview. Furthermore, I believe that researching the company is always a great way to start, not only does it allow you to understand more about what the company does, but also if it aligns with what you would potentially want to do in the future.
Graduate, Sydney - 24 Jun 2024
Be authentic
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Jul 2023
Know the company and know why you want to work for them and why you would be a good fit
Graduate, Brisbane - 10 Jul 2023
Have the right attitude, know why you want to work here.
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Jul 2023
Be genuine. People here respect you. I come from a weak financial background. I was honest to the interviewers about everything. Despite the fact that I had not done relevant internships before joining, they gave me chance to join this amazing company. Tell your story :) The company's CARE values are reflected in everyone's work and behaviour here at Stockland. So definitely demonstrate you have an interest in these values.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Jul 2023
Be friendly and confident in yourself and what you can bring to the company
Graduate, Melbourne - 04 Jul 2023
I would recommend that they search up typical graduate program interview questions online and draft up their responses with clear examples, using their past work experience or even uni assignments. Ask friends who are also applying for graduate programs about the kinds of questions they get asked. Practise by asking friends to interview you so that you learn to think and apply your relevant experiences to answer the question on the spot. Research about the company and have questions ready to ask your interviewers.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Jul 2023
Just be yourself and be honest about what you want to achieve personally and professionally, and how the company will help you get there. And be humble.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Jul 2023