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TAL Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Isabella Sheman

As a graduate part of your job is to meet, network with new people and learn about the business.

7.30 AM

The alarm goes off while I am still half asleep, but I know I have a big day ahead. The night before, I prepare my bag ready for the next day to ensure nothing is left behind. I usually eat breakfast at work as it is convenient, and I am usually not hungry till later in the day.

8.00 AM

I head to the bus stop and make my way into the city for work.

8.30 AM

I head straight to the office, where I have my pre-booked desk ready for the day.


8.45 AM

I go through my emails and create a list of any actions I need to complete or follow up on. I will read the ‘TALagraph’ (the TAL internal newsletter) to find out about any opportunities I can get involved in or any upcoming notices. I will then check my calendar to prepare for any meetings I have coming up.

9.00 AM

This morning a few grads are in the office, so we all grab a drink from the café downstairs. It’s great to see them and hear what they’re working on. I’ll then come back upstairs and make myself some breakfast. Tal has some great fruit options each day which makes the choice easier.


9.30 AM

I have a meeting with my people leader to discuss any outstanding items for review and any key meetings I have for the week. This week I will be speaking to University students in an online session and discussing the TAL graduate program. During this time with my people, I will prepare topics to bring up during the session.

10.00 AM

During this time, I will complete any outstanding tasks and respond to any emails that need attention.


11.00 AM

Once a fortnight, there is a marketing meeting and during this time we discuss the current projects we are working on and each team’s current capacity. This is important as at TAL, the business makes an active effort to ensure employees arent over-committed to projects, especially at this level.

12.00 AM

During lunch, I always try to get out of the office and socialise. Today, I have made plans to catch up with some friends I used to go to university with. I always look forward to seeing people I used to study with. We have all found different paths and are enjoying our work.

 1.00 PM

After lunch, I have a fortnightly catch-up with my buddy. My buddy has just completed the graduate program in my business unit, which is very helpful. Before my catch u,p I make myself a hot beverage on level 16 at the staff café. During this catch up we chat about any issues I am currently facing, opportunities for new rotations and discuss any current work items. these built a great support network for graduates as everyone is very helpful to assist your needs.


3.00 PM

TAL encourages graduates to meet with new people in the business. Today my people leader has set up a session to meet with the business manager for retail sales. As a graduate part of your job is to meet, network with new people and learn about the business.


3.30 PM

In the afternoon, I complete any outstanding tasks for the day and prepare a list of what needs to be completed for tomorrow. I also plan any meetings that need to be scheduled for the next few days.


4.30 PM

In the afternoon I have a committee meeting for TAL Connect. TAL Connect is the social club for TAL where social events are planned. These events include cruises, flower arranging, gym classes and morning teas. This has been a great way to meet new people and be involved in other areas of the business.


5.00 PM

Before I head home, I go to the TAL gym where I complete a workout. We are fortunate this is available to all employees in Sydney!


6.30 PM 

Once I get home, I have a shower, change out of my gym clothes and have dinner with the family. We chat about our day and discuss what we have upcoming for the week.

9.30 PM

I get ready for bed by streaming anything on Disney+ while scrolling through Instagram. I will reply to any messages from friends during this time and plan any catch-ups for the coming weeks.

Thanks for joining me on my day!

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