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TAL Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at TAL Australia

8.5 rating for Recruitment, based on 43 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
My recruiting started from my application in Feb 2022, as the initial psychometric tests (disguised IQ tests), and a 1 way virtual interview, which I had been notified that I was successful in, then a casual phone chat, then a virtual 1 on 1 interview with one of the people leaders at TAL. After which I was offered the Job. Then... Nothing. I didn't hear a word from TAL for 2-3 months. It was mentioned to me that casual opportunities were available, but the recruiter assigned to me had left the company and left myself and 1 other in limbo with noone else reaching out. I had to reach out to the P&C department to reestablish communications with the company.
Graduate, Sydney - 16 Aug 2024
Interview process was mainly gauging interests, skills and capabilities with behavioural questions.
Graduate, Sydney - 15 Aug 2024
I'm unfamiliar with how the recruitment process is nowadays as I believe they have changed. From my experience, it was a standard process for the graduate program and there were no assessment centres. But I would have liked to see more detail provided in the job advertisement as it was a bit vague what opportunities there were/areas to work in.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Aug 2024
2 interviews, one online and one face to face. Assessments included the psychometrics assessment and a testing centre.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Aug 2024
Stages: - Online application - Psychometric Assessment - Video Interview - Phone Screening - Final interview
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Aug 2024
Applicants will start off with a one-way interview at first where you record yourself answering questions shown on your screen, then the second stage would be a one-on-one interview. A people's leader/manager of a team (respective of your stream) will interview you and ask some behavioral questions. Both the managers and HR staff were extremely friendly and welcoming, making sure we were comfortable during our interview assessments.
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Aug 2024
It was professional and I felt informed at all times of next steps.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
The interview process felt very personal and an opportunity to try and get to know me as a person rather than trying to test me. This kind of environment was very encouraging. The HR coordinator who reached out to guide me on the process was very friendly and helpful and made the experience very unique to what I had experienced elsewhere.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
Hiring process was streamlined and efficient, HR was supportive along all steps of the process and response times were quick. Communication between TAL and myself was also very clear.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
The interview process was very smooth: 1. Phone screen 2. Video interview 3. In person interview 4. Psychometric test
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
video interview -> in person 30 minute interview -> cognitive assessment -> offer
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
It was first a video interview, then formal in person assessment centre and lastly psychometric test. The overall interview process was very smooth and easy to do.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
There were not many stages and it wasn't too hard or nervewracking.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
Very simple and straightforward process. After recruitment, people keep in touch with you until start date.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
For the graduate role specifically, there was a video interview, an in-person interview, and a psychometric test.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
Very quick and fast
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
Multi-stage interview consisting of both video and in-person interview with the opportunity to ask questions.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
It was great, the team were super friendly and kept me informed as to where I was up to along the way.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Aug 2023
Face to face interview.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Aug 2023
The interview process from 1 year ago could have been a little better. The initial stages were quick and easy however there was a breakdown in communications when one of the recruiters had left TAL. After reaching out the onboarding process was extremely quick. The interview itself was enjoyable with my interviewer giving clear space and time for me to give answers.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Aug 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Mainly questions about how I align to TAL's values, and questions to test how passionate I was about my field.
Graduate, Sydney - 16 Aug 2024
Mainly background and behavioural questions.
Graduate, Sydney - 15 Aug 2024
The questions were standard/general such as '"Tell me about yourself", "What do you understand about TAL/what interests you in joining", "How would you describe something technical to someone who does not have a technical background" etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Aug 2024
Mostly behavioral questions such as "Explain a time when you had to be innovative?", it's been almost 2 years so don't really remember that well.
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Aug 2024
About my experience and how I work in a team and when faced with complex situations.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
Personal questions (e.g. tell me a bit about yourself), questions related to the industry to assess background knowledge, questions about reasons for applying (e.g. why do you want to work at TAL?)
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
What is IBNR and why is it important? How would you make the underwriting process easier for customers?
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
The basic questions about who you are, why the company and why the role. As well, questions about your personality, conflict and time management, weaknesses etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
about life insurance, why I want to work at TAL, challenges I can forsee moving forward, etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
Technical questions + Time management & futuristic questions+ Tell me about yourself
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
Mainly personality-based questions with a technical question thrown in.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
What was important to me for a Grad Program, what I'd like to get out of a 2 year program, why I want to work for a "Life Insurance" company, any customer related experience, that sort of thing ..
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Aug 2023
Motives, what I expect to achieve from the role.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Aug 2023
General questions about experiences and times where I have used problem solving skills, learnt new skills, encountered obstacles, working in teams etc. there was no technical interview
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Aug 2023
Greatest weakness, how do I relate to TAL's mission, etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Aug 2023
A lot of questions about experiences and thoughts relating to technical experience. Questions about how I can describe something technical to someone who knows nothing about it and questions about how a certain projects I've done could be useful in working at TAL.
Graduate, Sydney - 25 Jul 2023
Why do you want to work at TAL?
Graduate, Sydney - 24 Jul 2023
Behavioral questions asking "When was a time when you demonstrated a certain characteristic..."
Graduate, Sydney - 19 Jul 2023
Asked about my background and past work/experience Why I chose to become an actuary, and what work I see myself doing in 5-10 yrs. What appealed to me about TAL and life insurance? What does IBNR stand for, and what is it?
Graduate, Sydney - 19 Jul 2023
Recent projects worked on, life insurance industry challenges and opportunities
Graduate, Sydney - 19 Jul 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Research TAL's Spirit Values. Have passion in your field.
Graduate, Sydney - 16 Aug 2024
Understand the company, the role and have prepared some examples for behavioural questions.
Graduate, Sydney - 15 Aug 2024
Research what TAL does for it's business, understand some of the recent achievements of the company, be passionate about what you're interested in and how that interest can be applied to the company, and how the values resonate/align with your own.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Aug 2024
Learn about the company and the industry. Get clear on your why; why do you want to work at the company, why would this help in your career development etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Aug 2024
Research is key and have some understanding of how life insurance works
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Aug 2024
Be yourself!
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Aug 2024
Really understand your experience and align the values you and skills you achieve with how it can be relevant for TAL.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
Do some background research into the company and the industry. Don't be too nervous for the interviews - treat them as a conversation, not a test.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
Be sociable and outgoing, research what life insurers are and what products they sell, know a bit about the history of the company and the direction it is currently taking
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
Prepare general questions that every interviewer would ask and research about the company.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
definitely research why TAL, why life insurance, and if you are an actuarial graduate, then research technical actuarial questions they may ask in an interview.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
Do research on the company and what TAL stands for. Showing your passion and willigness to learn
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
Be confident in yourself, research the company and industry and be yourself as well.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
Be themselves, and be confident in your answers.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
Dont just recite the website back to the interviewers, have some ideas about what interests you about working for TAL. It doesn't necessarily have to be an interest in Life Insurance, but it could about working for a company that has such a great purpose, or ones that helps the community
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Aug 2023
Understand the company and it's different streams.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Aug 2023
Be open and come ready with some previous experiences which displays the breadth of your skillset, both technical and teamworking skills. It does not have to be experience from another professional job, however internship experience definitely gives you an advantage. Additionally, be passionate about the area that you want to work in,
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Aug 2023
Be honest, be yourself, and prepare some good questions for your interviewer.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Aug 2023
Just be yourself, answer questions honestly and don't be afraid to mess up. In tech, prepare projects you may have worked on and your overall technical experience and just brush up on basic life insurance knowledge to show to the interviewees you are prepared and care about the role.
Graduate, Sydney - 25 Jul 2023
Understand what TAL does at a high level. Do a bit of research about life insurance in Australia. Understand why you want to work at TAL vs any other corporate or financial institution.
Graduate, Sydney - 24 Jul 2023