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Management at Ventia

8.0 rating for Management, based on 35 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
My managers have been the best. I am able to look at them as mentors/friends as opposed to only looking at them as my managers. I can go to them for advice at any time and not only work related but even for personal matters. They are excellent mentors who want to see me and grads grow and become better daily so that we are able to excel at what we do. Performance feedback, credit, praise and recognition is something I do not have to worry about as when I do a good job, I always get recognition, praise and the credit for completing that specific task or even coming up with different ideas on how we can handle various challenges. Managers have always been approachable as opposed to it being difficult to reach out to them, they have always prioritized a weekly or fortnightly check in meeting to ensure that I am well, how I am finding work during that time and if I have any complaints or want to raise red flags if necessary. Knowing that they are very easily accessible has definitely created a strong relationship among us all.
Graduate, Auckland - 04 Sep 2024
I have had 6(ish) managers during the program, 1 I would describe as okay and 1 great manager. The rest were not open to helping me through challenges and would find it difficult to communicate with them. Alot of them haven't had a graduate before (or in quite some time), and didn't seem prepared towards dedicating time to help me learn and develop my abilities.
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Sep 2024
I am in consistent contact with my managers. They do make good mentors and are approachable and give feedback and praise.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Sep 2024
All the managers I have had have been great and lovely; they make great mentors. It varies the approach for internal communication performance feedback depends on the work you have completed and the level you out yourself at
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Sep 2024
Managers are good communicators who understand your needs and pitfalls. They train you to enhance your skills
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Sep 2024
They have all been accessible, very keen to mentor graduates and good at providing feedback.
Graduate, Sydney - 19 Aug 2024
Managers have been accessible and helpful.
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Aug 2024
Overall, the managers that I've worked it have been pretty easy to talk to. They're always open to answering questions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Aug 2024
Depended on the sector but overall the managers were a good experience where they were happy to support and help when needed
Graduate, Perth - 13 Aug 2024
I have been lucky and had really good managers over my two rotations so far. However nice they were, sometimes it was very hard to get into contact with them as they are super busy all the time. I think they would make good mentors. Internal communication switches between teams chat and email for more professional info or when given tasks. For performance feedback we have a set up system called #greatconversations where we set up both developmental and performance goals for the year. We check in very regularly to make sure these are on track. Praise and recognition is normally in abundance, depending on the task and how busy the manager is.
Graduate, Perth - 13 Aug 2024
They are easily accessible
Graduate, Hobart - 04 Dec 2023
My one year experience with my work colleagues from Adelaide, Wollongong and Palmerston North (New Zealand) have been very positive. Work colleagues are helpful and willing to mentor graduates and newcomers. The colleagues are very keen in getting involved in mentoring Graduate's career. The company work culture can be professional and casual depending on the situation. Colleagues can sometimes go out for coffee or lunch, just to develop positive mentoring and work culture. Some managers and mentors does organise monthly performance feedback, praise and recognition. They will ask the graduate in what ways they can support the Graduate career development and journey.
Graduate, Palmerston North - 04 Dec 2023
Very satisfied with my managers. Each one is approachable and easy to talk to about career and other aspects even outside of work.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Dec 2023
Yes, they are very accessible and great mentors... Alex Cockerton is the best when in dealing with and supporting grad. Nomusa Ngwenya is the best in teaching and preparing grad for work. Richard Kennedy is the best at both, teaching, helps grad in building knowledge and supporting grad to grow and improve. All of them are great managers.
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Apr 2023
Most managers are good mentors. They are open to feedback and give you recognition.
Graduate, Melbourne - 18 Apr 2023
My manager has been very accessible and positive in my experience so far, and I have also had good access to other managers outside of my team to speak about mentoring as well
Graduate, Sydney - 14 Apr 2023
they are awesome mentors, very knowledgeable and supportive
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Mar 2023
Managers are supportive and accessible.
Graduate, Adelaide - 30 Mar 2023
Yes. They are excellent mentors.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Mar 2023
They seem happy to talk if you say hello.
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Mar 2023