Updating Results

Viva Energy Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Angus Watt

Focus on ensuring all immediate issues are under control by the end of the day, whilst checking in and gathering information from team members that may affect how I go about actioning various tasks. This will help me put together a monthly presentation of how the team has performed in optimising import cargoes into the country and issues that may have been faced.

6.45 AM

Woken nice and early by a couple dogs jumping onto my bed and running over me, now I am wide awake. After 15 minutes of pats and checking what messages came through after I fell asleep, time to hit the shower. Grab some breakfast and hastily rush to make the regular express train at 8.11 (always late) to optimise my morning.

8.30 AM

Begin the short walk from Southern Cross station to the office to kick-start the day. Get stuck into a muesli bar in the case I missed breakfast making the train and begin checking through all emails and import vessel updates from overnight. Ensure all emails are checked by 9am and then make a morning coffee.


9.15 AM

Team huddle, everyone from the team gets together to share updates from their respective patches and specific issues that may need to be resolved throughout the day and down the line. Here I communicate any changes to my immediate and longer term focus areas.

9.45 AM

Begin closing out the immediate operational issues and prepare for Singapore to begin their working hours, where I will be communicating to various personnel throughout the day. Chuck a podcast on to listen to market moves and supply chain situations in the global economy.


11.00 AM

Singapore are awake, a flood of emails come in regarding future vessels Viva may charter in the future, being actioning these with time of the essence. Engaging various parties across the business to ensure this gets done.

12.00 PM

Lunchtime, stroll down to the regular Banh Mi café, first name basis, “Chicken banh mi for you Angus?” Don’t mind if I do. Meet up with friends from within or outside of the company and refresh my mind for the afternoon.

1.00 PM

Begin the afternoon, time to close out any outstanding items that need resolving and various costs that need evaluating and analysing. Continue to do this whilst keeping an eye out for any operational vessel emails coming in that need actioning. Daily freight prices come in, stare in disbelief at the volatility in the current market conditions. Afternoon coffee is a pre-requisite for this time slot.


3.00 PM

Focus on ensuring all immediate issues are under control by the end of the day, whilst checking in and gathering information from team members that may affect how I go about actioning various tasks. This will help me put together a monthly presentation of how the team has performed in optimising import cargoes into the country and issues that may have been faced.

4.30 PM

Ensure the following day is planned for and there will be minimal risk of being caught out by any urgent changes.


5.00 PM

Begin commute home, unless “Beers?” hmmm. 

6.00 PM

Get home and walk the dogs, watch some YouTube and spend some time doing some personal hobbies or meeting up with friends, to enter the next day with a fresh mindset.