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Energy Queensland

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Here's a day in your life as a fresh grad at Energex 🥳

Energy Queensland

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Justin [00:00:00] Can you walk me through a little bit of day in your life at the role? Like, what do you do? Kind of like logistically throughout the day? What does that look like? 

Tyler [00:00:06] I guess it's going to change every six months in the graduate programme as we change teams every six months. But at the moment being in the mobile team, we're agile, so we have a stand-up every morning where we'll kind of go through what we did yesterday, pardon me, what we're doing today, and if we have any blockers, if there's anything that's stopping us from doing the work that we have assigned to us for that sprint. So I guess the start of my day I'll get into work, I'll grab a coffee, I'll sit down at my desk, I'll check my emails, just get across anything that's happened since I've been there. And daily stand-up will start at 9:30 in the morning with the whole team. So we'll go one by one. Just talk about what we did yesterday, what we're doing today, if there's anything stopping us. And I think that's the daily stand-ups are awesome because you're completely across what everybody in the team is doing. So if anybody asks you questions like, for example, if you ask me some questions about, you know, what Devin and the team is doing, I'll be able to tell you what he did last week and what he did this week. And I think it's really helpful to just be across everything in the team. So yeah, after the daily stand up I'll get straight into my work, which might be at the moment I'm developing a hazard identification and management app for the field crews. So before every job, the field crews will have to fill out this "haz-chart," which includes things like the situation, the mission, how they're going to execute it, if there's any hazards, how are they going to control those hazards? So yeah, we're creating or improving on an existing app that they have already previously released and we're just adding new features. So just doing that whole sort of app development process and that one is entirely Swift UI which is the Apple development framework for iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch and other Apple products.