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ACT Government

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Tina Procter

Tina Procter studied a Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications) at the University of Melbourne and is now a Digital Communications Officer (Social Media) at ACT Government.

6.45 AM

This is when my first alarm goes off in the morning. Normally I hit snooze a couple times until I force myself to get out of bed.

7.00 AM

I start getting ready for work now while I have the news playing on TV, watching a YouTube video, or listening to a podcast. I try and have a quick breakfast as well, but I usually end up taking this on the go with me.

8.00 AM

I aim to be out the door by 8.00am – this gives me enough time to drive to work and find parking. Lucky for me, I live relatively close to the office so the commute by drive only takes around 10 minutes (and this is during peak time!). Otherwise, I can also catch the light rail if I don’t feel like driving.



8.15 AM

Once I’ve made it into the office, I get my desk set up. As we’re currently hotdesking, it always gives me the opportunity to sit next to someone new every time I’m in the office. This is a really good way to meet new people across different teams.

9.00 AM

After having a quick look through my emails, replying to anything urgent, and writing out my to-do list for the day, I decide it’s time to treat my self with a coffee. I’ll usually see if any of my grad friends are around, and we’ll go grab a coffee at Arc together. If not, someone from my team is always happy to accompany me.



9.30 AM

My team usually has a meeting to discuss priorities for the week, as well as looking at the month ahead where appropriate. The team leaders will go through their current projects and will assign tasks to each of us. This gives the wider team a broad understanding of everything that’s going on across the division and a clear idea of their tasks for the week. 


10.30 AM

My day is largely made up of producing content for the ACT Government’s social media channels and the Our Canberra website. I write captions for the posts that we have scheduled for the week, source imagery from different teams across Government, and write content for the ACT Government’s ‘Our Canberra’ publication which is distributed to all residents of the ACT.

12.00 PM

Today I’m interviewing an award winner for one of the Chief Minister’s upcoming awards. I book out one of the private meeting rooms where I can chat to the recipient about their valuable contributions to the Canberra community. One of the best parts of my role is meeting amazing people who have dedicated their lives to supporting Canberra which is truly inspiring!


1.00 PM

By this time, someone would’ve asked me “what are you doing for lunch?” I love going out for a bite to eat, and luckily for us, we work right across the road from the Canberra Centre. I’ll normally grab some sushi or a banh mi for lunch, followed up a quick pitstop at Coles to pick up a protein bar and kombucha for the afternoon. I’m a serial snacker so this is a must for me!

2.00 PM

After lunch, it’s right back into writing articles and social posts. With my job, I get so much creative freedom to write content in a way that I think works best. That includes the use of many puns and pop culture references.

3.00 PM

Another task on my daily to-do list is the social sentiment reporting. This is a report that looks through the comments on our recent posts to gauge the mood of users and gives a good idea of the overall mood of Canberrans on social media. This is a super valuable piece of work we do every day that is shared with lots of important people including the Chief’s office.


4.30 PM

I wrap up for the day by checking through my to-do list for the day and making sure there isn’t anything left pending. After saying bye to my team, it’s time for the short drive home. Coming from Melbourne, I am so thankful for the Canberra traffic on my commute home.

4.45 PM

I like to spend some time recharging when I get home by scrolling through my socials or personal emails and watching Tik Tok or YouTube.

5.30 PM

I try not to spend too much time scrolling – there’s only so many times you can say “just one more video!” I’ll then get ready to head to the gym for a workout.

6.00 PM

Going to the gym after work is a great chance for me to relax and enjoy putting my energy into something other than work. My friends are really important to me so normally, I’ll try and drag one of my friends to join me for a session together.

7.30 PM

After the gym, I’ll go home and cook dinner. While I’m doing this, I’ll Facetime my family and friends back home in Melbourne or watch some Netflix or TV. My Netflix rotations are usually crime docuseries or anything trashy – I’m talking Love Island or The Bachelor!

10.30 PM

I’ll wrap up my night by doing a bit of journaling or reading a few pages of my book. Although, most of the time I’m just scrolling through my socials which is something I’m working at doing less before bed.