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ACT Government

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Rahul Kadam

6.00 AM

My alarm goes on but most of the time my baby wakes me up and that’s how my day starts. I hug “Rajveer” and quickly put him back to sleep and have a glass of warm water from the kitchen, so I will be awake.

7.00 AM

After having a bath, I quickly make breakfast and tea ready for me and my wife. Mostly, Avo and poached eggs go well, give it a try sometime.

7.30 AM

I get ready for the office. Oh sorry, I am working from home for the last six months. I make my desk ready, plugging in a laptop, switching on desktops, and some snacks floating around my table. Logged in, opened emails, and started going through my personal emails. Once done with that, I will check all my task emails such as a request that I have sent for approval has been granted so it's time to act on them. I flag those emails, and action one by one according to the priority.

9.00 AM

Most of my colleagues will log on so time to say “Morning” to all and check with them about other tasks. I go through my meeting schedule as well, so I don’t miss any.

10.00 AM

It's Tuesday today and have to attend a quick stand-up with the team to report what I am up to, Everyone will have their turn, on my turn I just explained still learning new modules in Service Now (We call it as SNOW) platform and currently dealing with three ongoing change request. Waiting for a reply from two clients for confirmation. (FYI: I must go through heaps of communication channels and follow the business process to make a single change in our production environment).

12.00 PM

Lunchtime! Most of the time I take lunch around 1:30 but today I am feeling hungry so asked one of my work buddies to manage the portal till I come back from lunch. After a quick lunch, I put my baby in a pram and go for a walk.

12.30 PM

Back to the work desk. There are more tasks in the queue to be actioned, some of them are incidents that need to be resolved as a priority. As I am new to the team, I call one of my mentor on teams and share a screen to show the task. My mentor is very helpful, and she guides me very well and helps me to understand the root cause of the issues if I am not clear. After discussion, we do troubleshooting on issues. I try to resolve incidents till end of the day and if not possible, I will keep it as priority for the next day.

4.00 PM

It's time to go offline, I have done with all my work for the day. I take a quick nap after that till 5:30pm as have to go for Kickboxing classes.

8.00 PM

I come back from class, took a quick shower and head to the dining table for dinner. While having food I give call to my family back in India to check on them. Calling them gives me a satisfaction of fulfilling their dreams, I am so missing them that I have to plan trip to my hometown soon but due to COVID-19 I think it's not possible for next couple of months.

9.00 PM

My wife gives an oil massage to Rajveer and once done that we give him a bath, feed him, and put him back to the sleep in his bed.

10.00 PM

Finally! Have got some free time in a busy day. I settle down in bed and watch some comedy serials and go to sleep whenever my eyes start closing automatically.