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ACT Government

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Diversity at ACT Government

8.4 rating for Diversity, based on 43 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
ongoing support, community building and events. there are also fairly unique leave arrangements to account for specific issues such as cultural load, allowances for not celebrating holidays that aren't apart of one's culture etc, as well as gender affirming leave.
Graduate, Canberra - 12 Sep 2024
I am unfortunately misgendered on a daily basis. There is minimal understanding of gender diversity in the workplace, but is great in other ways.
Graduate, Canberra - 06 Sep 2024
Diversity is visible and discussed comfortably in my workplace with respect to women, ethnic minorities and the LGBTIQA+ community. There is a Women's network and a Pride network for employees which meet regularly and organises events. Women, ethnic minorities and LGBTIQA+ people are visible in managerial and executive roles, showing that there is retention and promotion of such staff (although the makeup depends on the directorate and branch). The recruitment process and questions also showed me that the ACT Government values the diversity that its employees bring. Child care is facilitated by flexible working hours and maternity leave is generous and celebrated.
Graduate, Canberra - 06 Sep 2024
ACTPS has a negative gender pay gap (i.e. females on average are paid more than men).
Graduate, Canberra - 06 Sep 2024
My impression is that it is quite good. There is quite a diverse grad cohort. and the range of people I work with seem quite diverse. There are often events promoting and celebrating diversity.
Graduate, Canberra - 05 Sep 2024
Policies are in place for diversity. ACT Government workforce, including in ACT Health has good representation of women. ACT Health has many women in leadership positions. Unable to comment on other groups.
Graduate, Canberra - 03 Sep 2024
I don't think I've seen any active racism or discrimination at ACT Health, and I have been very happy discussing my LGBTQ+ and mixed race status. I wish there were more racial diversity visibly present in the grad cohort and of the 40 or so people I've worked with at the government, there has only been 1 non-white Australian, but again, only so much people can reasonably do. I think I've worked with a representative group of people who were women, openly LGBTQ+ or both.
Graduate, Canberra - 03 Sep 2024
By default, inclusive, respectful, and flexible. Couldn't ask for much more. Good leave conditions include child care/parental leave etc.
Graduate, Canberra - 02 Sep 2024
There are so many different leave options (disability leave, maternity leave, parental leave, grandparental leave, gender affirmation leave, etc) which encourage diversity in the workplace and support employees. The retention and promotion is absolutely amazing.
Graduate, Canberra - 02 Sep 2024
I see the attempt to hire diversity into the organisation, although the inclusivity of that diversity is very low from my experience. I have watched and waited and have been disappointed. I can see people think they are being diverse, but they are not. This diversity is not only culturally but lived experience and areas subject expertise as well. In the directorates that have a higher percentage of women, I see women are far more supported than in the directorates with lower percentages of women. For LGBTIQA+, I have been to numerous events organised within the ACTPS and the turnout of people who attend is minimal to say the least.
Graduate, Canberra - 06 Nov 2023
It's better than other comparative agencies.
Graduate, Canberra - 31 Oct 2023
Leave is the most progressive in the government sectors in the whole of Australia. A lot of CALD, LGBTQI+, ATSI, disability networks. Big group of advisory councils of diverse groups (disability, aging, multiculturalism). Good diversity training. Great acknowledgement of diverse cultural festivities / holidays.
Graduate, Canberra - 30 Oct 2023
The company seems to have a solid commitment to diversity, and it is obvious that the company does not discriminate with its employee workforce.
Graduate, Canberra - 30 Oct 2023
ACTPS is great. MPC has a far way to go. Little to no support for LGBTIQ community. I was lucky enough to be in a great team, and it's Canberra so people are good and knowledgeable to some extent. But organisationally, there are some teams and people who certainly have outdated views on the LGBTIQ community and need educating. There is no appetite at an executive level to change this holistically.
Graduate, Canberra - 27 Oct 2023
This varies a lot in different areas of the ACTPS. Overall there is a very strong commitment to diversity, in particular gender equity and LGBT inclusion. However in some teams, and at senior levels, there appears to be much less diversity.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Oct 2023
ACT government is very generous and welcome all diversity.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Oct 2023
There are targets for employee quota diversity, as well as diversity groups. Recruitment seems okay.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Oct 2023
good environment for female in engineering
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Oct 2023
The above mentioned are well taken care. ACT government prioritizes on diversity inclusion.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Oct 2023
The ACT PS prides itself on diversity and has one of the most accepting workplaces I've ever worked in.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Oct 2023
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?