Updating Results

AngloGold Ashanti Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Culture at AngloGold Ashanti Australia

7.3 rating for Culture, based on 14 reviews
Please describe your company's culture both in the office and after hours. Let us know about the structure and hierarchy, cooperation and teamwork, and socialising amongst colleagues.
Excellent - strong sense of teamwork.
Graduate, Remote - 22 Aug 2024
People are friendly and easy to talk to. People in other departments are good to work with. Lack of support with this department structure-wise.
Graduate, Perth - 16 Aug 2024
There is some good culture here.
Graduate, Perth - 09 Jul 2024
Immediate team is good to work with high collaboration - feels a bit disconnected senior and above.
Graduate, Perth - 26 Jun 2024
Overall, I am very satisfied with the culture at the company. I have integrated well with many of the team members and formed some meaningful connections through my work. Although it varies from crew to crew, there is a feeling of comradery when working and "keeping the place operating". After hours, the social aspect is slightly lacking, but when an activity occurs it is pleasant. There are a select few in management that are a detriment to the company culture. However, this is something that is present in every workplace. Overall, the culture is very positive.
Graduate, Sunrise Dam Gold Mine - 26 Jun 2024
The company culture is very supportive and inclusive. A lot of valuable learning in the office from mentors. We work well as a team by dividing the workload amongst ourselves. Found this makes us very efficient and most of the time ahead of schedule. Occasionally play soccer and volleyball with peers on-site.
Graduate, Tropicana - 19 Jul 2022
Incredibly supportive work culture. Everyone I've spoken with in my team and in other departments are incredibly interesting - listening to their day to day roles and their personal lives. I've always felt included in day to day tasks and after hour recreational activities.
Graduate, Perth - 07 Jun 2022
The culture at AGAA is very supportive and fun. The seniors are always here to help with our learning and work. All of the co-workers I bump into in the corridor or after hours are always up for a laugh or a chat. There is a hierarchy and clear delineation of roles, however it is very streamlined, and all employees are encouraged (and expected) to show initiative and drive projects.
Graduate, Perth - 07 May 2022
The company is very welcoming of new colleagues and becoming part of the team is easy and natural. There are plenty of social activities available after hours and no pressure to participate or not.
Graduate, Perth - 07 Apr 2022