Updating Results

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Diversity at Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

8.4 rating for Diversity, based on 76 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
ABS is very generous with allowing WFH and flexible work arrangements.
Graduate, Melbourne - 27 Aug 2024
There are multiple groups that cater to minorities, and many of their yearly days are celebrated.
Graduate, Sydney - 15 Aug 2024
I feel like the ABS has good diversity and strong programs/networks that celebrate and work to ensure people with disability, different ethnicities or religions or the LGBTIQA+ community are getting the support they need. Certain considerations regarding this are included in the enterprise agreement also
Graduate, Brisbane - 30 Jul 2024
Not being a minority I'm not really capable of a big comment besides that they give the air of diversity and I see plenty of people who could be women, ethnic minorities and LGBTIQA+.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Jul 2024
The ABS has a very strong focus on diversity and inclusion. I believe the majority of senior executives are women. There is an Inclusion and Diversity representative and a lot of information about working with a disability, LGBTIQA+ days, information of neuro diversity. I have never known an organisation to genuinely embrace diversity better than the ABS.
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Jul 2024
Often talked about and promoted at the company
Statistical Analyst (2 1/2 years), Brisbane - 25 Jul 2024
Supportive in that very flexible for childcare, public holidays can be swapped for religious holidays etc
4 years at the organisation, was a grad in 2020, Hobart - 23 Jul 2024
There seems to be at least a 50/50 ratio of men to women in the ABS, if not more women. There are plenty of women at all levels. There are also plenty of ethic minorities, some who clearly don't speak English as a first language and have multiple language skills. There are lots of events and presentations around culture, especially Indigenous and every large gathering starts off with an acknowledgement of country. There is a presence for LGBTIQA+ as well, although it doesn't seem quite as fully represented.
APS5 for 1 year, Melbourne - 23 Jul 2024
Great opportunities are provided to all, and workshops are run to help raise awareness and celebrate cultural and social differences for all employees.
Graduate, Perth - 22 Jul 2024
From what I can see, the ABS is committed to diversity (e.g. formal networks for various communities, culture of acceptance and emphasis on a safe workplace for everyone), but I don't know enough to comment in detail
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Jul 2024
Fairly diverse, intentions to make more diverse at all levels.
Graduate, Perth - 22 Jul 2024
The ABS encourages diversity, though I can't speak strongly on anyone else's experiences (as I'm a CALD cis female). As a woman I've always felt supported, and I am aware of several networks within the ABS for LBTIQA+, neurodivergent employees, and I think there's an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander network too.
APS5, Sydney - 22 Jul 2024
Very committed.
APS5, Geelong - 22 Jul 2024
Contains diversity networks which create a tangible difference and are centred in discussions
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Jul 2024
ABS regularly encourages a diverse workforce.
Graduate, Adelaide - 22 Jul 2024
There are several working groups dedicated to supporting diversity, including culturally and linguistically diverse, neurodiversity and LGBTIQA+.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Jul 2024
Great corporate policies. Implementation needs some effort. More gender neutral toilets and nursing/pumping rooms accessible to staff (eg. not just hidden on one floor at the back)
Graduate, Canberra - 22 Jul 2024
We have networks for many different communities that have monthly meetings and organise events on national days. Our SES staff often champion these networks and speak on live broadcasts on those national events. I am uncertain about child care and maternity leave, but I think it is generous.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Jul 2024
As somebody who identifies as neurodivergent, I like that the ABS provides lots of opportunities and support for people such as myself. I openly tell people in my office that I am neurodivergent and tend not to be judged for it. In terms of other forms of diversity, I do note that there is a lot of gender and ethnic diversity in my office.
Graduate, Brisbane - 22 Jul 2024
The ABS provides diversity support for a multitude of groups, although I have not been personally involved in these.
Graduate, Canberra - 22 Jul 2024
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?
I have limit knowledge in this area but I know Aboriginal people are encourage to apply for certain jobs.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Jun 2021
Providing job positions for which only some people can apply e.g. only Indigenous or Torres Strait Islanders can apply for
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Jun 2021
There is an Indigenous Graduate Pathway
Midlevel, Sydney - 31 May 2021
As part of the recruitment process, there was space to nominate social disadvantages that would be taken into consideration.
Graduate, Perth - 28 May 2021
Runs recruitment processes specifically targeting certain groups of people.
Graduate, Canberra - 27 May 2021
Affirmative action measures are available
Midlevel, Perth - 27 May 2021
Always have been inclusive, has a good reputation already , people can see it
Midlevel, Melbourne - 27 May 2021
The ABS recruits/promotes with a merit based system, with oversight preventing any unfair recruitment processes.
Graduate, Canberra - 27 May 2021