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Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Salary at Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

7.0 rating for Salary, based on 76 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
It's fairly good as a graduate (It pays higher than the big 4 banks as a grad) however seems to taper off pretty quickly as you move up.
Graduate, Sydney - 15 Aug 2024
I feel like I am paid quite fairly with chances to work overtime
Graduate, Brisbane - 30 Jul 2024
No bonuses because they try and spend tax payers money with the idea that it's not an endless resource. The pay is okay but I know it would be better if I went for a private sector job in the industry but it wouldn't be as fulfilling.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Jul 2024
I am satisfied with my pay. I think it is reflective of industry standard
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Jul 2024
Pay/bonuses are appropriate for the work we do and the amount of flexibility staff members have. Doesn't seem right though that different teams with different levels of technical knowledge and scrutiny are paid the same though
Statistical Analyst (2 1/2 years), Brisbane - 25 Jul 2024
Pay is ok, perks are good
Graduate, Sydney - 25 Jul 2024
No bonuses, Pay's fine I guess. I could make more money elsewhere
Other (Please specify) -, Sydney - 24 Jul 2024
Aps standard
4 years at the organisation, was a grad in 2020, Hobart - 23 Jul 2024
Pay is lower than the private sector, and doesn't really keep up with inflation. This is common knowledge and you expect it going to government jobs. At the APS5/6 level you pass the median salaries paid to Australians so you can certainly make a career out of it. However I think for the government to retain its best staff, pay scales need to be higher. There are no bonuses.
APS5 for 1 year, Melbourne - 23 Jul 2024
No bonus, Base pay is good especially at the start. As you progress you will however be payed significantly below the private sector for your level of responsibility, however we do receive 15% super.
Graduate, Perth - 22 Jul 2024
Pay is average with good super. No bonuses as far as I'm aware.
Graduate, Perth - 22 Jul 2024
Compared to data analysts in the private sector, public is much lower but this might be a larger issue beyond the ABS. The pay rate and lack of advancement opportunities is driving me to find employment elsewhere.
APS5, Sydney - 22 Jul 2024
Pay is good. no bonuses
Graduate, Adelaide - 22 Jul 2024
Competitive pay and bonuses
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Jul 2024
My company pays quite well and because of this I have been able to save up a decent deposit for a house while working at the ABS. There are not any bonuses at the ABS as it's a government department but I think the benefits make up for this.
Graduate, Adelaide - 22 Jul 2024
Very poor remuneration. I could bee earning ~ 50% more in the private sector with my skill set. Wanting to work in an ethical workplace and for our country are big motivators for me to stay here.
Graduate, Canberra - 22 Jul 2024
Pay is above average for APS. Not many bonuses.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Jul 2024
ABS4 pay is okay but could be a lot better. I suspect this is an APS wide problem as we are underpaid compared to the private sector. On a financial level I am able to cope because I am pretty frugal with my spending decisions.
Graduate, Brisbane - 22 Jul 2024
Salary is generous for an entry-level position, and pay point increases are also very generous.
Graduate, Brisbane - 22 Jul 2024
Pay is reasonable given flexibility of work hours and how interesting the role is.
Graduate, Canberra - 22 Jul 2024
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
Flexible working is amazing, as long as you work your required monthly hours you essentially just set your own hours. Any excess you can take as leave, so if you work really hard on a project you can get that time back. There are 18 days of sick leave per year, which feels very generous. Finally, If you are not at the top of your pay bracket, you will generally move closer to the top every 6 months. After one year you should be at the top of the bracket.
Graduate, Sydney - 15 Aug 2024
WFH arrangements and WHS more generally are generous
Graduate, Perth - 14 Aug 2024
Flexible work hours/arrangements
Graduate, Hobart - 31 Jul 2024
We have access to cheap things through the superannuation, nothing through the company directly.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Jul 2024
I think the best perk for me is the flexibility. I love being able to work from home when I need to, to stay late or finish early and make up the time at a later stage. It is never an issue and I am never made to feel like I am asking too much.
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Jul 2024
Flexible working times and ability to work longer hours on some days and take the balance of time as a "Flex Day"
Statistical Analyst (2 1/2 years), Brisbane - 25 Jul 2024
Flex leave is pretty good I guess
Graduate, Sydney - 25 Jul 2024
I'm pretty sure the Christmas party last year was paid for by the executives cos the company refuses to give any perks to staff.
Other (Please specify) -, Sydney - 24 Jul 2024
5 weeks annual leave.
4 years at the organisation, was a grad in 2020, Hobart - 23 Jul 2024
Working from home and flex time are the best perks for me and my personal situation. Can't comment on unusual perks as I don't use anything available in the office but I do know there is a cheaper gym membership option.
APS5 for 1 year, Melbourne - 23 Jul 2024
Over time is discourage so you benefit from great work life balance. Capability to work from home and have leave as required. They have generous leave scheme for cultural days, participating in sport and parental leave arrangements.
Graduate, Perth - 22 Jul 2024
I think the leave policies and superannuation employer contributions are generous but I haven't really compared them to other workplaces. The biggest perk for me is the flexible work arrangements - my friends in other graduate positions seem so surprised that I can work from home regularly.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Jul 2024
Super, flextime, wfh.
Graduate, Perth - 22 Jul 2024
Generous personal leave without documentary evidence. Knowing I have this makes me feel less stressed, and more motivated to work harder when I am in the office/working from home.
APS5, Sydney - 22 Jul 2024
Paid travel with travel allowance was good. Flex time is also good.
APS5, Geelong - 22 Jul 2024
No perks
Graduate, Adelaide - 22 Jul 2024
Flexible work time, company wide Christmas shut down
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Jul 2024
Good leave policies, the regular 4 weeks of annual leave as well as Christmas shutdown which usually gives an extra 3 days of leave (and is not taken out of annual leave). 18 days of sick leave a year and with the recent EBA 18 weeks of leave for secondary parents effective in the next few years.
Graduate, Adelaide - 22 Jul 2024
Cheep gym membership organised through the social club is excellent but only if you use the gym. Flex time is good but becoming the norm in most tech-focused workplaces
Graduate, Canberra - 22 Jul 2024
No unusual perks.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Jul 2024