Updating Results

Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Jake Keenan

I created an automated solution to solve an existing business problem, and it certainly didn't go unnoticed. I got to present my idea to our Senior Executive.

What's your job about?

The ATO is modernising its existing architecture, moving to a cloud-based solution, and it's my job to leverage these services to identify fraud using data science.

In my current rotation as a Data Graduate, I’m currently using Python and Structured Query Language (SQL) to analyse fraudulent patterns in various datasets. This process involves applying data cleaning, wrangling, and visualisation techniques to gain better insights into the data. I’m also using techniques such as feature engineering and deriving new variables to improve model performance to detect fraud through machine learning.

It’s quite interesting to see how data science fairs in terms of expectation vs reality. Coming from university, the majority of the work was done independently. However, now I'm working at the ATO, its more situated around a team environment. Also, you may have to consult with other teams and business lines to understand the data better. For example, in my first rotation, the data I dealt with came from front-end systems, meaning I had to make contact and organise meetings with individuals from service delivery to gain more insight.

What's your background?

I grew up in a beachside suburb of the Central Coast, which lies between Sydney and Newcastle.

During my time at school, I was always unsure about the career path I wanted to pursue. It wasn't until I reached year 11 that I came across a real passion for Mathematics, thanks to my teacher. This led me to pursue a degree at UNSW, where I was first enrolled in a Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Science (Advanced Maths). After a year, I switched to Actuarial Studies but soon found out that wasn't for me. A few changes later (yes, I was indecisive!) I ended up sticking to and graduating with a Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) and Bachelor of Science (Maths & Stats). During this period, I also worked as a Customer Service Representative at a local supermarket.

After working at a few jobs, I knew I wanted to go back to university to undertake further study. However, it wasn't until covid struck that I enrolled back at UNSW to pursue a Master of Data Science. I successfully graduated, achieving my long-desired goal!

I applied for a position as an ATO Data Graduate and was so pleased when I found out my application was successful. I've been at the ATO for about seven months now and enjoyed every moment.

Could someone with a different background do your job?

While this job is technically made for people with an IT or Mathematics background, it is certainly not limited there. If you come from a business background, then you would have an understanding of how to interpret data, which is vital.  However, you would need to have experience in programming languages such as Python and SQL as well as skills in maths, such as machine learning and statistical modelling. But there are many courses that can teach you these skills, which are easily accessible online or by attending university.

What's the coolest thing about your job?

Two things come to mind instantly. One is the flexibility the ATO provides in terms of when you start and finish.

For many people, the standard 9-5 doesn't work, so having that extra flexibility to adjust your start time is great.

Secondly, you really get noticed for the hard work you do. For example, during my first rotation, I created an automated solution to solve an existing business problem, and it certainly didn't go unnoticed. I got to present my idea to our Senior Executive, who was in charge of the broader team I was placed in, which was an awesome experience.

What are the limitations of your job?

I think the worst limitation of the job is its rotation based. Basically, you complete approximately two six-month rotations with a contact centre experience in between but that does give you some good experiences. If you’re person that prefers alternating between different teams and learning how they function, operate, and work, this job is ideal, and I'd highly encourage you to apply.

3 pieces of advice for yourself when you were a student...

  1. Strive for success and never give up.
  2. Remember to have a day's break here and there.
  3. Lay off the chocolates and exercise more.