Updating Results

Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Graduate Stories

  • Graduate stories
The thing I love most about ATO is that the work we do has real-world implications and impact on the community. I had the opportunity to speak to the employees and hear their stories firsthand and achieve meaningful results for them.

Zoe Penson

  • Graduate stories
Meeting new people and thinking outside the box to find the most innovative and effective approach is a daily occurrence in my role.

Liam Bangay

  • Graduate stories
I created an automated solution to solve an existing business problem, and it certainly didn't go unnoticed. I got to present my idea to our Senior Executive.

Jake Keenan

  • Graduate stories
Working with people who have the wealth of knowledge that is around you. The people you interact with daily give you an insight into a lot of topics that could interest you.

Michael Hu

  • Graduate stories
This environment allowed me the try things and get feedback on them, achieving my goals of designing assessable content.

Andrea Stewart

  • Graduate stories
The coolest part of my job is the level of responsibility and autonomy I have in completing my work. A lot of the work I have undertaken has a direct effect on taxpayers, and my decisions are trusted and enforced.

Abbie Moriarty

  • Graduate stories
We have team training sessions weekly to cover new topics or refresh relevant areas of knowledge. In an area where there is constant change and development, you need to be willing to keep learning and developing.

Jasmin Puvogel

  • Graduate stories
Without my indigenous heritage, I would not have had the opportunity to partake in the indigenous cadetship program, which I believe gave me a good foundation for my career.

Jessica Butler

  • Graduate stories
If comfortable, make sure people you connect with are aware of your disability. It helps if you trust a good colleague/friend that understands disability and can help you out when you need.

Jessica Kartawihardja

  • Graduate stories
Most of the challenge in my work lies in understanding the system, what needs to be done, and how best to implement it.

Connor Hart

  • Graduate stories
Within the office I am responsible for working on a project that leverages statistical techniques paired with technology, to aid in taxpayer compliance.

Ananias Iliadis

  • Graduate stories
My current area of work, Review and Dispute Resolution (‘RDR’) engages early with clients to try to resolve disputes without the need for costly litigation.

Amelya Pittas