Updating Results

Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Jasmin Puvogel

We have team training sessions weekly to cover new topics or refresh relevant areas of knowledge. In an area where there is constant change and development, you need to be willing to keep learning and developing.

What's your job about?

As an ATO graduate in the Information Technology (IT) Stream, I have had the opportunity to experience different areas within the business.

My current rotation is working in the Security Advice team in Human-Based Cyber Defence. I’m still new to this team but working in cybersecurity has been an amazing experience so far! It’s an area that is constantly changing, so this means I’m continuously learning

My previous rotation was in IT Portfolio Change and Support. This team works with areas in EST to help improve the IT Portfolio performance. I got to work on and be involved in many exciting projects. One is creating a dashboard to track and monitor consistency across teams in EST and how they use our project management and collaboration software. The purpose of this was to contribute towards our data uplift goals to make sure we have accurate tracking over the IT Portfolio and help increase our visibility.

What's your background?

I grew up in Adelaide. I was very lucky to travel a lot as a kid, including spending 2 months in Europe and experiencing many cultures throughout the world. After high school, I ended up attending the University of South Australia, where I studied a Bachelor of IT (Cyber Security and Networking).

My initial plan was to travel after graduating, but because of Covid, I was unable to. Instead, I got a job working in a private company where my role was primarily cyber security related. This experience was amazing, and I enjoyed the job a lot. The reason I left was to join the ATO Graduate Program! When I was looking for graduate programs, I wanted to find an organisation that had a good work-life balance and encouraged learning and growth. I found these at the ATO.

My current role is as a Cyber Security Advisor. I requested to be in a cyber-related role/team as I have had previous experience and studied in this area.

Could someone with a different background do your job?

Yes, ATO is a diverse place to work. People come from all sorts of backgrounds and many different life journeys. If you are motivated, adaptable, and innovative, ATO is a great workplace for you. For the graduate program, however, you will need a relevant degree to qualify.

What's the coolest thing about your job?

The coolest part of my job is working in cyber security, as there is always something new to learn. Learning is strongly encouraged and part of the job. We have team training sessions weekly to cover new topics or refresh relevant areas of knowledge. In an area where there is constant change and development, you need to be willing to keep learning and developing.

What are the limitations of your job?

A scary part of my job is the responsibility of a lot of the work. Whether it is in an interaction with a client or approving a request internally, the work you do will often be associated with your name. So, if you don’t do your due diligence or follow the procedures, you could be responsible if something is reviewed in a year or ten years. For example, if you interact with a client who is being audited and give them wrong advice, that could have serious consequences later as your work can be traced back to you.

3 pieces of advice for yourself when you were a student...

  1. Not to stress when applying for jobs or where you will end up. Even if you don’t end up at the place you want, it will all be a learning opportunity and a chance for you to develop.
  2. Take all the interviews, testing, and group panels you will do during your job applications to develop yourself professionally and personally.
  3. Put 100% effort into everything you do.