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Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

7.4 rating for Recruitment, based on 48 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Various assessment centres, written applications, and interviews, followed by an offer of employment.
APS6 Career Development Manager, Adelaide - 21 Aug 2024
It is a very long process and can be mentally draining. In some cases, a four-page resume and 700 STAR word example followed by an interview seems excessive.
Graduate, Adelaide - 21 Aug 2024
interview process was conducted through a recruitment agency alongside the ATO for the graduate program. Interview process was generally smooth, there were multiple different stages.
Started as a graduate in 2022, now working as a Career Development Manager, Melbourne - 21 Aug 2024
I remember there were several steps in the interview process, from memory, it started with initial submission of application, followed by a case study to answer a client's email enquiry, online assessment centre, merit pool, initial conditional offer. I was also offered the options of either join the mid year intake or the 2024 Feb intake. A LinkedIn group facilitated by the ATOPeople was set up for all the grad in the same intake so we can get to know each other, ask questions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 12 Aug 2024
We had an assignment to submit, an interview and group exercise. It was well structured, and timeline communicated well to us from the start of the process.
Graduate, Canberra - 30 Jul 2024
One online assessment, one group interview followed by one-to-one interview same day.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Jul 2024
The interviews are unpredictable (not necessarily a bad thing, but they're challenging) and, generally, the recruitment process is very, very slow.
APS4, Brisbane - 26 Jul 2024
The recruitment process can be quite lengthy although, this is understandable due to the sensitive nature of the work involved.
Graduate, Melbourne - 18 Jul 2024
It was smooth though the recruitment agency had some system glitches
Graduate, Perth - 11 Jul 2024
The hiring process is pretty quickly comparing to other federal government departments.
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Jul 2024
It had written and in person interview. Also, need to pass a few security clearances.
Graduate, Adelaide - 09 Jul 2024
Firstly, the applicant is required to submit his or her resume to the Company. Then the Company will issue a letter to confirm and also advise the applicant to finish an assessment. Secondly, the applicant must pass this assessment, then will receive the letter for the further interview. Thirdly, the applicant is required to book a online virtual room for the interview for individual and group. Lastly, the Company will issue a letter/email to notify the result of the interview
Graduate, Adelaide - 09 Jul 2024
It takes too long to get a response. but overall, the interview process was good.
Graduate, Adelaide - 09 Jul 2024
It is a very extensive process that does take a long period of time but it feels good when you get through
APS 6, Brisbane - 04 Jul 2024
The recruitment process was a bit long and there were stretches of period of time when no communication had been received. However, I was overall very pleased with the process and the tasks required. There was a good mix of tasks and it felt very realistic. After having submitted my application, I was required to undergo 2 online tasks. One was a numerical task - data was provided in a table format and I had to provide some comments on it. The other was a multiple-choice assessment with both numerical and non-numerical questions, based on a scenario provided. The interview itself was done online and contained 2 parts - a Group interview and a 1-on-1 interview. The Group interview had a number of applicants in a room discussing a question provided on the day, with 2 ATO employees observing how the group worked. The 1-on-1 interview was between myself, an ATO employee and an employee from a recruiting agency, who asked me questions. I found the interview process to be very good, and the employees involved during my hiring were very relaxed and ensured that I was comfortable during the process.
Junior staff (APS4), Sydney - 03 Jul 2024
Two stage interview - one which involves group discussion which is mnitored by an innterview panelist. The other involves a behaviour interview conducted with two interviewers. Both interviews were conducted virtually.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Jul 2024
You need to submit your application through ATO careers, and they will send you a link to do the assessments.
Graduate, Adelaide - 15 Nov 2022
Following submitting the initial application there were some cognitive assessments to complete. I found these incredibly challenging and didn't actually come away from them feeling like I had done very well. Next there was an online interview and group activity assessment centre. This was a good experience, I was interviewed by two very nice people who put me at ease and made me feel less nervous.
Graduate, Perth - 07 Nov 2022
Application to the Grad Program is a 5 step process that spanned a 7 month period from first applying to receiving letter of offer. Steps included the application, an online interview, an online assessment, virtual interviews and then an integrity check.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Nov 2022
The graduate program as a lengthy hiring process. There is multiple assessments and a group/individual interview.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Nov 2022
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Behavioural questions relevant to previous experience and role applied for.
APS6 Career Development Manager, Adelaide - 21 Aug 2024
Always in line with the candidate selection criteria.
Graduate, Adelaide - 21 Aug 2024
questions relating to the core capabilities - change fit, collaboration, communication, problem solving, innovation, client service, planning/delivery question relating to motivational alignment to the ATO and why I would like to work here
Started as a graduate in 2022, now working as a Career Development Manager, Melbourne - 21 Aug 2024
I can't remember exactly what the questions were, but they were related to some transferrable skills and my experiences. The assessment center activity was for a group of 4-5 grads to work on a project under a given budget. We were to prioritise the tasks based on the budget and importance of each items, make a group decision and present to the board.
Graduate, Melbourne - 12 Aug 2024
About my experience to date and a project/task that I implemented in my past work (I am not a fresh graduate per se).
Graduate, Canberra - 30 Jul 2024
Basic taxation, IT and searching skills and online safety from cyber-attacks.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Jul 2024
"Why do you want to be a and what makes you think you'd be a good ?"
APS4, Brisbane - 26 Jul 2024
I can't recall anything specific however, like any organisation the ATO endeavour to recruit talented individuals that also make a good fit with the culture.
Graduate, Melbourne - 18 Jul 2024
Behavioural questions
Graduate, Perth - 11 Jul 2024
Interviews target about real experience. Interviewers are friendly and welcome.
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Jul 2024
Some questions about our data and English literacy. Also, we had a general interview as well with some questions like what my experience, why I needed to work in the organisation, telling about a good work experience and adapting to the change and teamwork.
Graduate, Adelaide - 09 Jul 2024
Do you know what role of the Company is? How do you prioritize your tasks when you are allocated with multitaks. how could you adapt the technology?
Graduate, Adelaide - 09 Jul 2024
Provide STAR examples.
Graduate, Adelaide - 09 Jul 2024
Classic interview questions - how to you deal with xyz situations, what would you do in this situation, can you work in a group, tell us a time where you had to overcome a challenge, etc etc
APS 6, Brisbane - 04 Jul 2024
Questions regarding my educational background, why I wanted to work at the ATO and my prior experiences. The interviewer was very good at picking up details from my response and asked a lot of follow-up questions that really gave me a chance to give a very detailed answer.
Junior staff (APS4), Sydney - 03 Jul 2024
For group interview - was required to discuss topic of recommending changes to ATO's website for user access and to display information to taxpayers. For individual interview, was required to answer behaviour based questions and how can technology be used to help you better perform your duties.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Jul 2024
Give me an example where you have been innovative in solving an issue. Give me an example on how you manage stakeholder relationship. Where do you see yourselves in 5 years time?
Graduate, Adelaide - 15 Nov 2022
To provide STAR examples of times you showed various good work traits (teamwork, initiative, problem solving etc.).
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Nov 2022
Provide an example of you collaborating within a team.
Graduate, Townsville - 08 Nov 2022
I was asked about my experience and knowledge and how I would apply this to a task by using the STAR model.
Graduate, Perth - 07 Nov 2022
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Understanding and utilising the STAR methodology.
APS6 Career Development Manager, Adelaide - 21 Aug 2024
Read the candidate selection criteria and have examples for each one. Use the STAR format.
Graduate, Adelaide - 21 Aug 2024
Prepare STAR examples of work/university tasks they have completed which demonstrate how they have developed certain skills which would be critical for a professional job.
Started as a graduate in 2022, now working as a Career Development Manager, Melbourne - 21 Aug 2024
I feel it is better to be yourself and have a few specific ATAR examples to demonstrate your transferrable skills. Also be prepared to ask questions as this will help you to learn about the organisation.
Graduate, Melbourne - 12 Aug 2024
Be themselves, read in advance something about the organisation and to just relax on the day of the interview.
Graduate, Canberra - 30 Jul 2024
Basic questions related to Taxation, IT and good team skills.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Jul 2024
Brace yourself for a long recruitment process, but if you get in, it'll be one of the best jobs ever.
APS4, Brisbane - 26 Jul 2024
Be yourself, the ATO are seeking unique individuals from various works of life and education.
Graduate, Melbourne - 18 Jul 2024
Have confidence, be yourself and use STAR examples
Graduate, Perth - 11 Jul 2024
The best to prepare for applying to ATO is just be yourself. ATO respects who you are. A smile and friendliness would go long way.
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Jul 2024
They need to practice some interview questions in regard to teamwork and adapting to the change.
Graduate, Adelaide - 09 Jul 2024
I will recommend them to practice behaviour questions and grab basic information about the Company. Conduct the web search to find any news in respect of the Company or its business.
Graduate, Adelaide - 09 Jul 2024
Prepare STAR examples
Graduate, Adelaide - 09 Jul 2024
Don't be too outspoken in the group interviews but also make sure you answer the questions confidently.
APS 6, Brisbane - 04 Jul 2024
I recommend that they prepare by reflecting on what they have learnt and experienced, not just in a formal university setting but any other areas as well. I also recommend that they have a strong understanding of why they would want to work at the ATO. I would also recommend that they not be nervous or scared and engage with the process.
Junior staff (APS4), Sydney - 03 Jul 2024
Practice articulating how has your previous experience/ studies have helped you to solve problems. Practice behaviour style questions by researching online and use the STAR method in your responses. Stay calm and if you need time to think about a response during an interview, let the interviewer know and take your time.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Jul 2024
Keep calm and do your best.
Graduate, Adelaide - 15 Nov 2022
Get use to the STAR model as that is how interviewers structure the interview. Understand transferable skills and align them with the ATO and its values.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Nov 2022
Look at the criteria in the pack and have a few star examples prepared for each skill.
Graduate, Newcastle - 07 Nov 2022
I would suggest that candidates do their research prior to applying and interviewing for a role. Learn about the values (both the APS Values and the agency values), the role or work type you're interested in. Come prepared with some quality questions to ask of your interviewer at the end of the interview (e.g. Could you tell my why you enjoy working at the ATO?; How long have you been with the ATO and what has your career journey looked like during this time?; etc.). Be honest, authentic and genuine with your answers! Don't try to give an answer you think the interviewer wants to hear, speak from your experience instead.
Graduate, Newcastle - 07 Nov 2022