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Datacom Australia & New Zealand

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Madhvi Laxman

6.00 AM

Thanks to finally having a chance to meet some colleagues at the office today as part of a team activity and break our normal routine. Woke up, start the rush of getting ready for work and catch the train after a while.

8.30 AM

Busy day ahead. Just before the 9am meeting managed to sneak in a morning coffee from my favourite city coffee shop before heading to the office. Have my desk tidied up, ready to complete a few pending emails before the team activity.


9.00 AM

Time for the team activity, meeting everyone face to face after a while, lots of chit chat and just at 9.15am (thanks to our facilitator for being generous enough for some additional time) we finally start. Team values activity has been a great way to understand our companies’ values and how we would apply them on a our day to day basis. I check the clock and perfect timing, its 10.30am, just on time for my project stand up.

10.30 AM

I join the call and it is a catch-up call for our interstate project work that I am currently working for. Just finished the call and there we go, that’s time for a second coffee round with some colleagues.

11.00 AM

Time for some focus work, grabbed a quite spot around the office and started working on the same interstate project to complete some business process flows that are due for review by the end of the week. As part of the current discovery phase,we are engaged to drive the workshops, document & refine business requirements, perform a fit gap analysis and solutioning a future state for the project. It is quite a big project and a good opportunity to see how their business will transform as part of this engagement.

1.15 PM

Oh great, Its lunch time, work mates looking for options for lunch and as per our usual we chose the nearby food court, walking distance and has a great variety of options for lunch and some snacks. We head out to get lunch from one of our 'usual’ places.

2.00 PM

Just on time for my next teams meeting, to review the business process flows with a colleague. This is more of an iterative process and I need collaborate with the internal team members(who is also based interstate) to discuss multiple integration points, and solutioning options before discussing this further with our Solution Architects.  

3.30 PM

Finished our review and just before my 4pm call with the Architects, decided to get some fresh air and go around the block with a colleague. 

4.00 PM

Back to the office, and ready for the call with the Solution architects, luckily had a meeting room booked in for some team discussion and collaborate further about the same project. A full day of workshops tomorrow, so had to close off the flows by EOD.

5.30 PM

Time to pack up and catch the train back home.

7.00 PM

Back home, cooked some dinner and went for a short walk around the house. Time to relax thereafter, and be ready for a full day of workshop tomorrow 😊