Updating Results

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Gracie Doherty

The coolest thing about my role has been the opportunities I've had to get out in the field and work with critically endangered species, such as the Helmeted Honeyeaters.

What’s your job about?

I am the Graduate Environment & Sustainability Officer for the Port Phillip Region, which has three quite varied roles attached across the areas of climate change adaptation, strategic planning for major projects, and land management.
During my first role in climate change adaptation, I was able to work across a range of community-led projects to help the Greater Melbourne region (and beyond!) adapt to our changing climate and associated risks. This role involved extensive community and stakeholder engagement to ensure that the projects addressed real risks being felt in the region and allowed me to develop my engagement skills and gain a better understanding of the importance of empowering and collaborating with our communities. I was additionally able to expand my professional network, develop project management skills, and get help achieving better outcomes for some high-risk members of our community.

What is your background?

I completed my undergraduate degree in Environmental Geography and am about to finish off my postgraduate degree in Environmental Management & Science! My working background before the graduate program primarily consists of retail and hospitality work, although I did do some work in natural resource management and regularly volunteered at an animal sanctuary. It was through my work at the sanctuary that I realized a job in the public service might be for me; I find immense joy in my work through the outcomes I can help achieve for others!

Could someone from a different academic/skills background do your job?

It would probably depend on what field they come from, but generally speaking, I believe so! If you've got the drive, the program will support you to develop the skills and knowledge for where you want to go. The graduate Learning & Development budget is particularly handy for filling in any gaps in your knowledge or skill set! 

What is the coolest thing about your job? 

The coolest thing about my role has been the opportunities I've had to get out in the field and work with critically endangered species, such as the Helmeted Honeyeaters. I've seen parts of the landscape I don't think I would have the opportunity to see otherwise and met some amazing people doing it!

What are the limitations of your job? 

I don't feel like my role has been limiting to any part of my life, it has great flexibility and balance and has provided me with challenges (both in the field and in the office), that I feel supported to overcome! 

Three pieces of advice for yourself when you were a student. 

  • Don’t stress out so much about getting a job that you let it put a dampener on your university experience.
  •  Take more opportunities for extracurriculars, internships, and even exchanges if you can! Diversify your experiences and take the initiative to get involved in the things you want. 
  • You'll actually miss attending (most!) lectures one day, so enjoy them while you can!